Leslie Uggams

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Dotty and Soul

Dotty and Soul

May 19, 2023
Ethan Cox is poised to sell his self-driving car company when his problematic Halloween costume goes viral, nearly ending his career. Desperate to figure out a way forward, he hires a 71-year-old woman to pose as his company's figurehead.
Violence et viol chez les Rednecks
Ayant décidé de faire un break, Elizabeth Wetherly, jeune chanteuse de jazz, tombe en panne après un concert et se retrouve coincée dans un lieu reculé du Sud profond des Etats-Unis. Elle échoue donc au Bertha’s Oasis, faisant la connaissance d’Eddie Collins, jeune sosie d’Elvis Presley rêvant de gloire, et de sa maîtresse, Bertha, starlette fanée. Tombé sous le charme d’Elizabeth, Eddie la viole et tente par tous les moyens de la retenir. Croyant pouvoir trouver la protection de la police locale, la jeune femme oublie qu’elle a la peau noire et qu’elle se trouve en pays redneck. Ses nerfs mis à rude épreuve, sa vengeance n’en sera que plus terrible.
Sugar Hill

Sugar Hill

Feb 25, 1994
Sugar Hill est un quartier de Harlem ou regnent la pauvrete et la drogue. Roemello dirige intelligemment ce milieu sanglant mais desire en sortir. Comment faire quand on a la responsabilite d'un pere sous l'emprise de l'heroine et d'un frere qui n'en fait qu'a sa guise?


Nov 23, 2022
Aisha, une nounou sans papiers, s'occupe d'un enfant privilégié dans l'Upper East Side de New York. Alors qu'elle se prépare à l'arrivée du fils qu'elle a laissé derrière elle en Afrique de l'ouest, une présence surnaturelle envahit son quotidien, menaçant le rêve américain qu'elle a laborieusement construit.
Black Girl

Black Girl

Nov 09, 1972
An aspiring dancer and her two wicked sisters resent their mother's love for a foster daughter.
Alerte à la bombe

Alerte à la bombe

May 24, 1972
Un pirate de l'air s'est glissé dans le vol 502 à destination de Minneapolis. Très vite, celui-ci, armé d'un explosif, prend en otage le pilote et ses co-équipiers. Une nouvelle destination est imposée à l'avion : direction Moscou...
Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There
Broadway: The Golden Age is the most important, ambitious and comprehensive film ever made about America's most celebrated indigenous art form. Award-winning filmmaker Rick McKay filmed over 100 of the greatest stars ever to work on Broadway or in Hollywood. He soon learned that great films can be restored, fine literature can be kept in print - but historic Broadway performances of the past are the most endangered. They leave only memories that, while more vivid, are more difficult to preserve. In their own words — and not a moment too soon — Broadway: The Golden Age tells the stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they created this legendary century in American theatre. This is the largest cast of legends ever in one film.
King : De Montgomery à Memphis
Depuis le boycott des bus de Montgomery en 1955, l’une des premières actions inspirées par Martin Luther King, jusqu’à son assassinat, le 4 avril 1968 à Memphis, ce documentaire retrace les étapes cruciales de la vie du leader non violent, prix Nobel de la paix en 1964, qui prononça devant plus de 250 000 personnes un discours resté célèbre, commençant par ces mots : « I Have a Dream ».
Fiction à l'américaine
Monk est un romancier frustré qui en a assez de l'establishment qui profite du divertissement noir qui s'appuie sur des tropes fatigués et offensants. Pour prouver son point de vue, il utilise un pseudonyme pour écrire son propre livre noir extravagant, un livre qui le propulse au cœur de l'hypocrisie et de la folie qu'il prétend dédaigner.


Feb 09, 2016
Deadpool, est l'anti-héros le plus atypique de l'univers Marvel. À l'origine, il s'appelle Wade Wilson : un ancien militaire des Forces Spéciales devenu mercenaire. Après avoir subi une expérimentation hors norme qui va accélérer ses pouvoirs de guérison, il va devenir Deadpool. Armé de ses nouvelles capacités et d'un humour noir survolté, Deadpool va traquer l'homme qui a bien failli anéantir sa vie.
Quinze jours ailleurs

Quinze jours ailleurs

Aug 17, 1962
Après divers déboires, sentimentaux et professionnels, suivis de six ans en clinique psychiatrique, Jack Andrus est rappelé à Rome pour un tournage durant quinze jours. Jack remplace à la hâte le metteur en scène tombé malade, qui voit là une véritable trahison. Sur le plateau, Jack retrouve son ex-femme, Carlotta, qui lui fera des avances pour ensuite le bafouer. Mais il tombera amoureux de Véronica, la maîtresse d'un jeune premier, qui jaloux, veut le tuer.
Night of 100 Stars II

Night of 100 Stars II

Mar 10, 1985
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine

Jul 24, 2024
Un Wade Wilson désabusé s'abrutit de travail dans le civil. Sa vie de mercenaire moralement flexible, Deadpool, est derrière lui. Mais quand son monde est menacé d'anéantissement, il accepte à contrecœur de reprendre le flambeau, et de convaincre un Wolverine non moins contre-cœureux... contre-cordial ? Contre-cardiaque ? Il doit le convaincre de... ah, laisse tomber, va voir le film. Un synopsis, c'est débile. Mais entends l'avertissement : des flashs lumineux dans l'image pourraient affecter les spectateurs photosensibles.
Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2

May 10, 2018
Deadpool se voit contraint de rejoindre les X-Men : après une tentative ratée de sauver un jeune mutant au pouvoir destructeur, il est jeté en prison anti-mutants. Arrive Cable, un soldat venant du futur et ayant pour cible le jeune mutant, en quête de vengeance. Deadpool décide de le combattre. Peu convaincu par les règles des X-Men, il crée sa propre équipe, la « X-Force ». Mais cette mission lui réservera de grosses surprises, des ennemis de taille et des alliés indispensables.
Words and Music by Jerry Herman
WORDS AND MUSIC is the story of one of Broadway's iconic figures: the composer/lyricist of Hello, Dolly!, Mame and La Cage aux Folles. Jerry Herman and an all-star cast, chart his rise from 1950s off-Broadway through all of his smash hits. Featuring never-before-seen footage of original stage performances, and a score full of classic show tunes.
Jerry Herman's Broadway at the Hollywood Bowl
He hasn't had a new Broadway show since 1983's La Cage Aux Folles, but composer Jerry Herman has become ubiquitous on the concert, tribute and benefit scene, as evidenced by a video release of "Jerry Herman's Broadway - at the Hollywood Bowl." The star-studded event celebrating Herman's 30-plus-year career includes performances by Carol Channing, Leslie Uggams, Lorna Luft and Lee Roy Reams all together on "Hello, Dolly!"; George Hearn singing "Movies Were Movies" (Mack And Mabel); Davis Gaines crooning "Song On The Sand" and "I Am What I Am" (La Cage Aux Folles); Rita Moreno advising "Tap Your Troubles Away" (Mack And Mabel); and Beatrice Arthur pointing out "The Man In The Moon" (also from Mame). There is also special taped greetings from Angela Lansbury and Paul & Linda McCartney.
Il était une fois Deadpool
Remodelage du film Deadpool 2 avec la classification PG-13 (accompagnement fortement recommandé – certaines images peuvent ne pas convenir à des enfants de moins de 13 ans) c'est-à-dire une réduction des séquences violentes et grossières. De plus, huit scènes ont été filmées pour une séquence bonus.


Apr 24, 2019
Roger Ross Williams revit l’histoire de l’Apollo Theater, symbole de l’excellence des Noirs américains, avec des images de concerts et des interviews.


Nov 29, 1981
A sultry nightclub singer, a small-town girl in the big city, sets out to avenge her boyfriend's murder after he is killed while running illegal booze for the mob.
Blithe Spirit

Blithe Spirit

Jun 06, 2020
Researching material for a new novel, Charles engages Madame Arcati, a spiritual medium of uncertain talent, to conduct a séance in his home. Quite by accident, she summons the spirit of Charles's first wife and cannot make the disruptive spirit go away.
Just the Three of Us

Just the Three of Us

Jul 31, 2014
Just The Three Of Us is a short fiction film about an interracial couple in their 70s looking to spice up their marriage.
The Ravine

The Ravine

May 06, 2022
This true story begins on a weekday morning in a peaceful suburb of Akron, Ohio, the town awakens to discover that Rachel Turner and her son, Evan, have been brutally murdered during the night. A short while later, Danny Turner is found in his car at the bottom of a ravine, after having taken his own life.
Show of Titles

Show of Titles

Jun 13, 2021
An evening of celebrated stars performing the titles songs from Broadway’s best.


May 01, 1988
Vétérans de la guerre du Viêt Nam, Thomas Magnum s'occupe de la sécurité du domaine d'Oahu, dans l'archipel d'Hawaii, propriété de l'écrivain Robin Masters. À la suite d'un pari perdu, l'auteur à succès lui laisse la jouissance des lieux ainsi que de sa Ferrari 308 GTS. Il devra partager le domaine avec Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, majordome britannique rigide, ancien soldat de l'armée des Indes, supportant mal la décontraction de Magnum et qui lui rendra la vie difficile avec ses deux dobermans, Zeus et Apollon. C'est un perpétuel choc culturel entre Magnum et lui. Magnum est désormais détective privé avec l'aide de ses deux amis, vétérans également, Terry « T.C » Calvin pilote d'hélicoptère, et Rick Wright, patron du « King Kamehameha Club » situé en bord de mer dont Robin Masters est également le propriétaire.
Action & Adventure
Cosby Show

Cosby Show

Apr 30, 1992
Installée à New York, dans le quartier de Brownstone, la famille Huxtable vit un quotidien pour le moins agité. Au sommet de l’arbre généalogique, Heathcliff et Claire veillent, dans la bonne humeur, à l’éducation de leurs enfants. Le gynécologue-obstétricien et l’avocate en ont eu cinq : Sondra (20 ans), Denise (16 ans), Theodore (14 ans), Vanessa (8 ans) et l’espiègle Rudy (5 ans). Les crises d’adolescents succèdent aux problèmes scolaires, les petits tracas du quotidien aux maux de cœur...


May 05, 1988
Le Saint Gregory est sans nul doute le plus select des palaces de San Francisco. En bon directeur adjoint, Peter McDermott est au petit soin avec ses clients huppés, dont il cerne très vite les personnalités. Il est assisté par la jolie brune Christine, dont il est amoureux. Autour de ce tandem, Mark Danning est responsable des relations publiques, Dave et Megan Kendall occupent, quant à eux, respectivement les postes de groom et hôtesse d’accueil. En haut de la hiérarchie, la vieille Victoria Cabot veille à la bonne conduite de l’affaire de sa belle-sœur, Laura Trent. Et chaque jour, politiciens, princesses, jeunes mariés et vieux couples viennent passer un séjour de rêves, emmenant avec eux leurs petits ennuis et grands tracas...
The Mod Squad

The Mod Squad

Dec 21, 1973
The Mod Squad was the enormously successful groundbreaking "hippie" undercover cop show that ran on ABC from September 24, 1968, until August 23, 1973. It starred Michael Cole as Pete Cochren, Peggy Lipton as Julie Barnes, Clarence Williams III as Linc Hayes, and Tige Andrews as Captain Adam Greer. The executive producers of the series were Aaron Spelling and Danny Thomas. The iconic counter-culture police series earned six Emmy nominations, four Golden Globe nominations plus one win for Peggy Lipton, one Directors Guild of America award, and four Logies. In 1997 the episode "Mother of Sorrow" was ranked #95 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.
Action & Adventure
The Early Show

The Early Show

Sep 05, 2011
The Early Show is an American morning television show which was broadcast by CBS from New York City from 1999 to 2012. The program aired live from 7 to 9 a.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday in the Eastern time zone; most affiliates in the Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones aired the show on tape-delay from 7 to 9 a.m. local time. The Saturday edition aired live from 7 to 9 a.m. Eastern Time as well, but a number of affiliates did not carry it or aired it later on tape-delay. It premiered on November 1, 1999, and was the newest of the major networks' morning shows, although CBS has made several attempts to program in the morning slot since 1954. The show aired as a division of CBS News. The Early Show, like many of its predecessors, traditionally ran last in the ratings to its rivals, NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America. Much like NBC's The Today Show and The Tonight Show, the title The Early Show was analogous to that of CBS's late-night talk show, The Late Show.
Le Muppet Show

Le Muppet Show

Mar 15, 1981
Que le spectacle commence ! Kermit la grenouille, Miss Peggy, Fozzie l'ours, et Gonzo, les marionnettes du Muppet Show, s'animent pour nous offrir un show haut en couleurs. En coulisses, alors que chacun prépare son numéro, la tension monte. Les Muppets se mettent en quatre pour recevoir leur invité d'honneur, la personnalité du moment ! Cerise sur gâteau, Statler et Waldorf, confortablement installés dans la loge-balcon, ne manque jamais une occasion de se moquer de leurs compères...
The Hollywood Palace

The Hollywood Palace

Feb 07, 1970
The Hollywood Palace is an hour-long American television variety show that was broadcast weekly on ABC from January 4, 1964 to February 7, 1970. Originally titled The Saturday Night Hollywood Palace, it began as a mid-season replacement for The Jerry Lewis Show, another variety show which had lasted only three months. It was staged in Hollywood at the former Hollywood Playhouse on Vine Street, which was renamed The Hollywood Palace during the show's duration and is today known as Avalon Hollywood. A little-known starlet named Raquel Welch was cast during the first season as the "Billboard Girl", who placed the names of the acts on a placard.
The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour
The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour is an American network television music and comedy variety show hosted by singer Glen Campbell from January 1969 through June 1972 on CBS. He was offered the show after he hosted a 1968 summer replacement for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Campbell used "Gentle on My Mind" as the theme song of the show. The show was one of the few rural-oriented shows to survive CBS's rural purge of 1971.


Apr 11, 1966
Hullabaloo is an American musical variety series that ran on NBC from January 12, 1965 through August 29, 1966. Similar to Shindig! it ran in prime time in contrast to ABC's American Bandstand.
The Dean Martin Show

The Dean Martin Show

Apr 05, 1974
The Dean Martin Show, also known as The Dean Martin Variety Show, is a TV variety-comedy series that ran from 1965 to 1974 for 264 episodes. It was broadcast by NBC and hosted by entertainer Dean Martin. The theme song to the series was his 1964 hit "Everybody Loves Somebody."
The Flip Wilson Show

The Flip Wilson Show

Feb 28, 1974
The Flip Wilson Show is an hour long variety show that aired in the U.S. on NBC from September 17, 1970 to June 27, 1974. The show starred American comedian Flip Wilson; the program was one of the first American television programs starring a black person in the title role to become highly successful with a white audience. Specifically, it was the first successful network variety series starring an African American. During its first two seasons, its Nielsen ratings made it the nation's second most watched show. The show consisted of many skits over an hour. It also broke new ground in American television by using a 'Theatre-in-the-Round' stage format, with the audience seated on all sides of a circular performance area. Wilson was most famous for creating the role of Geraldine Jones, a sassy, modern woman who had a boyfriend named Killer. Flip also created the role of Reverend Leroy, who was the minister of the Church of What's Happening Now!. New parishioners were wary of coming to the church as it was hinted that Reverend Leroy was a con artist. Wilson popularized such catchphrases as "What you see is what you get", and "The devil made me do it!".


Jan 30, 1977
Ce feuilleton met en scène l'histoire, sur plusieurs générations, d'une famille d'esclaves afro-américains. Leur quotidien y est dépeint sans concession : travail forcé, viols, vente et séparation des membres d'une même famille, ségrégation...
The Bite

The Bite

May 21, 2021
Rachel et Lily sont deux voisines qui font face à une nouvelle souche mortelle du virus. Navigant dans la nouvelle normalité de New York en plein confinement, Rachel travaille à domicile, jonglant avec ses nombreux clients de télémédecine et un mariage fragile avec son mari, le Dr Zach, qui occupe un emploi prestigieux au CDC à quelques kilomètres de Washington. Pendant ce temps, Lily est à l'étage, essayant de convaincre sa clientèle de Wall Street que ses compétences très spécifiques sont toujours aussi précieuses à travers un écran vidéo...
The Leslie Uggams Show
The Leslie Uggams Show is an American variety television series starring actress/singer Leslie Uggams. The series aired on CBS as part of its 1969 fall lineup, and was the second variety series to feature an African American host since 1956's The Nat King Cole Show.
The American Film Institute Salute to ...
In 1973 the American Film Institute initiated its Life Achievement Award, to be presented to a yearly recipient whose talent has fundamentally advanced the film art; whose accomplishments have been acknowledged by scholars, critics, professional peers and the general public; and whose work has stood the test of time.
That's Life

That's Life

May 20, 1969
That's Life is a musical comedy series that appeared on the ABC television network in 1968–69, starring Robert Morse and E. J. Peaker as Bobby and Gloria Dickson. The series focused on the lives of Bobby and Gloria, from their first meeting through their marriage, as their lives progressed, through Gloria's pregnancy and childbirth, as well as Bobby's work experiences at the Miller Chalk Company. Characters often broke into song, in the manner of musical plays and movies. Songs included well-known numbers and original tunes written for the program itself. Well-known stars often guest-starred in one-time roles. Kay Medford had a recurring role as Gloria's mother, Mrs. Quigley, who was often antagonistic to Bobby.


Apr 20, 2023
Huit histoires interconnectées sur une période de 33 ans explorent la manière dont le changement climatique mondial affectera la famille, le travail, la foi et la survie.


May 31, 1960
Startime is an anthology show of drama, comedy, and variety, and was one of the first American television shows broadcast in color. The program was aired Tuesday nights in the United States on the NBC Television network in the 1959-60 television season.
Les Griffin

Les Griffin

Mar 02, 2025
La famille Griffin habite à Quahog, charmante petite bourgade américaine. Peter, le père, a érigé la fainéantise en philosophie de vie. Lois, la mère, est à la fois la femme au foyer bonne à tout faire et le cerveau de la famille. Chris, le fils, a hérité de son père ses formes généreuses et ses préoccupations favorites sont manger, surfer sur le web et manger. Megan, la fille, est l'archétype de l'adolescente en crise : elle ne s'aime pas et, en même temps, attend désespérément son prince. Stewie, le petit dernier, a pour ambition de conquérir le monde. Même Brian, le chien, est complètement fou, ou plutôt très intelligent : il parle, philosophe, débat... Bienvenue chez les Griffin !
New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam

Jan 17, 2023
Un seul hôpital dans le monde est capable de traiter, sous le même toit, des patients souffrant d'Ebola, des prisonniers enfermés au sein de l'établissement de haute sécurité de Rikers, et le président des États-Unis : l'hôpital Bellevue. Un haut lieu médical qui va être bouleversé par l'arrivée à sa tête d'un nouveau directeur, bien décidé à faire bouger les choses au sein de cette institution de Manhattan. Mais ses batailles seront multiples, puisqu'il doit également lutter au quotidien contre le cancer qui le ronge...
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

Nov 10, 2006
Journey to exciting places and build a lasting connection with your favorite books. Each episode centers on a theme from a book, or other children's literature, which is explored through a number of segments or stories.
Campus Show

Campus Show

Jul 09, 1993
Denise Huxtable a quitté sa famille pour intégrer l'université : c'est pour elle le début d'une nouvelle vie où, affranchie de ses parents, elle doit faire face à de nouvelles responsabilités.
What's My Line?

What's My Line?

Sep 03, 1967
Four panelists must determine guests' occupations - and, in the case of famous guests, while blindfolded, their identity - by asking only "yes" or "no" questions.
Tonight Starring Jack Paar
Tonight Starring Jack Paar is an American talk show hosted by Jack Paar under The Tonight Show franchise from 1957 to 1962. It originally aired during late-night. During most of its run it was broadcast from Studio 6B inside the RCA Building. The same studio would also host early episodes of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Its theme song was an instrumental version of "Everything's Coming Up Roses", and the closing theme was "So Until I See You" by Al Lerner.
The Ed Sullivan Show

The Ed Sullivan Show

May 30, 1971
The Ed Sullivan Show is an American TV variety show that originally ran on CBS from Sunday June 20, 1948 to Sunday June 6, 1971, and was hosted by New York entertainment columnist Ed Sullivan. It was replaced in September 1971 by the CBS Sunday Night Movie, which ran only one season and was eventually replaced by other shows. In 2002, The Ed Sullivan Show was ranked #15 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
The Carol Burnett Show
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner, and Tim Conway. It originally ran on CBS from September 11, 1967, to March 29, 1978, for 278 episodes and originated from CBS Television City's Studio 33. The series won 25 prime time Emmy Awards, was ranked No. 16 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time in 2002 and in 2007 was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All Time."
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.
Tony Awards

Tony Awards

Jun 16, 2024
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known as a Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live Broadway theatre. The awards are presented by the American Theatre Wing and The Broadway League at an annual ceremony in New York City. The awards are given for Broadway productions and performances, and an award is given for regional theatre.


Apr 11, 1966
Hullabaloo is an American musical variety series that ran on NBC from January 12, 1965 through August 29, 1966. Similar to Shindig! it ran in prime time in contrast to ABC's American Bandstand.
Stars in the House

Stars in the House

Oct 25, 2021
In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic and theatres across the world closing their curtains indefinitely, SiriusXM host Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley have created Stars in the House, a daily live streamed series to support The Actors Fund and its services.


Apr 10, 2024
Une terrible catastrophe nucléaire contraint les survivants "privilégiés" à se réfugier dans des Vaults, des bunkers anti-atomiques construits pour préserver l'humanité en cas d'apocalypse. 200 ans plus tard, une jeune femme quitte l'Abri 33 et s'aventure à la surface, à la recherche de son père, dans un monde dévasté et violent.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Jan 30, 1977
Ce feuilleton met en scène l'histoire, sur plusieurs générations, d'une famille d'esclaves afro-américains. Leur quotidien y est dépeint sans concession : travail forcé, viols, vente et séparation des membres d'une même famille, ségrégation...
La croisière s'amuse

La croisière s'amuse

Feb 27, 1987
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.
La croisière s'amuse

La croisière s'amuse

Feb 27, 1987
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.
The Danny Kaye Show

The Danny Kaye Show

Apr 12, 1967
The Danny Kaye Show is an American variety show hosted by Danny Kaye that aired on CBS from 1963 to 1967 on Wednesday nights. Directed by Robert Scheerer, the show premiered in black-and-white, but later switched to color broadcasts. At the time, Kaye was at the height of his popularity, having starred in a string of successful films in the 1940s and '50's, made successful personal appearances at such venues as the London Palladium, and appeared many times on television. His most recent films had been considered disappointing, but the television specials he starred in were triumphant, leading to this series. Prior to his television and film career, Kaye had made a name for himself with his own radio show, and numerous other guest appearances on other shows.
The Good Wife

The Good Wife

May 08, 2016
L'épouse d'un homme politique voit sa vie bouleversée par l'incarcération de son mari à la suite d'un scandale sexuel et une affaire de corruption largement relayés par les médias. Dépassant la trahison et l'humiliation publique, Alicia Florrick décide reprendre sa carrière d'avocate après une pause de 13 ans loin des tribunaux. Elle rejoint un ami de longue date au sein d'un prestigieux cabinet de Chicago. Très vite, Alicia réalise que la compétition va être rude avec de jeunes recrues ambitieuses et déterminées. Mais au moins pour une fois, elle est prête à prendre en main sa propre destinée et détruire son image d'épouse modèle...
CBS News Sunday Morning
The sparkling notes of a trumpet fanfare and the familiar logo of the sun alert viewers that it's time for CBS's Sunday morning staple. Journalist Jane Pauley helms the show, taking over hosting duties from Charles Osgood, who spent 22 years on the job. A morning talk show, this program airs at a different pace and focuses much of its attention on the performing arts. After a quick update of the day's news and national weather, correspondents offer longer-length segments on a variety of topics, from architecture to ballet to music to pop culture to politics.