Anna Patrick

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Reckless: The Sequel

Reckless: The Sequel

Oct 11, 1998
One year on in their lives, Owen and Anna plan to marry. But Anna's ex-husband may have an other idea. He schemes to rip the couple apart. Can Anna and Owen survive this emotional trauma to become man and wife?


Dec 15, 1995
Venise 1570. L'orgueilleux Maure Othello, mercenaire au service de la Sérénissime République, enlève Desdemone, fille du noble Brabantino. Une passion dévorante unit les deux amants. Mais Iago, fidèle lieutenant du Maure, voyant le charmant Cassio prendre de plus en plus d'importance auprès d'Othello qui le lui préfère comme bras droit, jure de se venger du couple.
Rachel's Dream

Rachel's Dream

Jan 01, 1992
Fantasy drama Rachel's Dream was set sometime in the future when the world is besieged by technology, young Rachel discovers that through a large bank of video screens in her sister's apartment, her wishes can come true when she brings to life the image on an anti-pollution poster. This new friend helps her to make up her mind about her own future.
TV Movie
Un mari idéal

Un mari idéal

Apr 15, 1999
L'intrigante et séduisante Mme Cheveley met en péril la carrière et le mariage de sir Robert Chiltern avec l'ensorcelante lady Chiltern en menaçant de révéler un secret sur le passe de ce brillant gentleman. Sir Robert se tourne alors vers son ami de toujours, lord Arthur Goring. Réputé dans toute la ville pour ses traits d'esprit et ses écart de conduite, Goring se trouve pris dans un inextricable tissu de mensonges, de tentations et de liaisons secrètes et de plus Mabel Chiltern, la sœur de Robert, menace son célibat tant affectionne.
Top Girls

Top Girls

Nov 02, 1991
Marlene celebrates her new position as MD of Top Girls Appointment Agency by giving a dinner party for five oddly assorted women from centuries past.


Mar 25, 2007
Les destins de deux soldats romains et de leurs familles alors que la République Romaine est en train de s'effondrer en laissant peu à peu la place à un Empire.
Action & Adventure
Inspecteur Morse

Inspecteur Morse

Jan 20, 1993
L'inspecteur Morse est un policier bien particulier de la ville d'Oxford. Amateur de bière et amoureux des mots, il entretient des relations plutôt tendues avec ses supérieurs. Mais avec son adjoint, l'inspecteur Lewis, ils résolvent toutes les enquêtes qui leurs sont confiées.
Sunday-Night Play

Sunday-Night Play

Sep 15, 1963
BBC anthology drama series that ran over four seasons and replaced the previous BBC Sunday Night Theatre series.
Maisie Raine

Maisie Raine

Jul 09, 1999
Maisie Raine was a drama series originally broadcast on BBC1 for 2 series from 28 July 1998 – 9 July 1999. Pauline Quirke took the lead role as DI Maisie Raine, an unorthodox detective whose hands on and down to earth approach was not always appreciated by her superiors. When she took on a case, she did it her way, regardless of whose toes she stepped on and who she offended. Each episode would see the team investigating a crime and often uncovering more about the perpetrators and the victims histories with DI Raine often becoming personally involved or bending the rules to get the results she wanted. Also starring alongside Quirke were Ian McElhinney, Steve John Shepherd, Rakie Ayola and Richard Graham.
Rachel's Dream

Rachel's Dream

Sep 01, 1992
Shown as part of Channel 4's Video Fantasies series, a selection of four innovative dramas deploying state-of-the-art visual and electronic effects. This was the only one of the four that had a futuristic basis. It was set perhaps a couple of decades ahead in a world being slowly drowned by technology, a world in which traffic jams are the norm instead of the exception, and where the people avoid getting caught in the rain for better reasons than simply not wanting to get wet. The Rachel of the title is the younger sister of an up-and-coming marketing executive who has just secured a contract with a wealthy but repulsive millionaire who is into toxic waste, which he stores in secret for large sums of money. Rachel finds that, through a large bank of video screens in her sister's apartment, her wishes can come true when she brings to life the image on an anti-pollution poster. This new friend helps her to make up her mind about her own future. The style of the production was fresh and colourful, the pace slow and moody for the most part, and it made for an interesting half-hour's viewing.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
South Of The Border

South Of The Border

Jun 22, 1990
Drama concerning a pair of female private detectives, Pearl Parker (Buki Armstrong) and Finn Gallagher (Rosie Rowell) operating within the bustling multicultural communities of South London. The series was renowned for affording opportunities to new talent, women and people of colour both in front of and behind the cameras.
She's Out

She's Out

Apr 10, 1995
Dolly Rawlins is free again. She has served the eight year prison sentence for her husband's murder and is now set to collect the six million pounds worth of diamonds that she stashed before she was sent down. The money will enable her to follow her dreams and start a new life. But her former cell mates have their own ideas...


Mar 21, 1998
An anthology series of various plays and dramatic performances.