Bamber Gascoigne

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The Man Behind the Masquerade
A documentary about the painter, clockmaker and author Kit Williams, and his 1979 book Masquerade. A treasure hunt in book form, Masquerade became a national obsession as Britons tried to decode its mystery and find the golden rabbit Williams had buried in a location which would be revealed upon solving the book's enigma.
Jonathan Creek

Jonathan Creek

Mar 14, 2014
Working from his home in a converted windmill, Jonathan Creek is a magician with a natural ability for solving puzzles. He soon puts this ability to the use of solving impossible crimes and mysterious murders.
The Christians

The Christians

Oct 25, 1977
Bamber Gascoigne charts the history and evolution of Christianity in this 13-part series covering over two thousand years of history. Filmed in 1977 in more than 30 countries, THE CHRISTIANS describes the experiences and actions of Christians from the birth of Christ, through the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, Lutheran reform and subsequent developments to modern times. The series also considers the spread of Christianity, whether by violence - as in the Crusades against Islam - or through world-wide travels of missionaries.
Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf

Nov 16, 2017
Red Dwarf est un vaisseau terrien minier de 8kms de long, qui circule en orbite autour de Saturne. A bord, officiers et miniers cohabitent tant bien que mal. Dave Lister vit à bord et possède un chat bien que cela soit strictement interdit. Découvert, il est enfermé dans un caisson cryogénique pour faute... A son réveil, le vaisseau est totalement vide. L'ordinateur de bord, prénommé Holly, lui explique que tout le monde est mort il y a trois millions d'années à cause d'une fuite radioactive. Pour lui tenir compagnie, Holly ressuscite Arnold Rimmer sous la forme d'un hologramme. Ce dernier, ex-compagnon de chambre de Dave n'est autre que son supérieur direct mais aussi son pire ennemi. Par la suite, Dave découvre Cat, un humanoïde qui est également le descendant direct de son chat. Sa race a évolué en fondant au passage une religion dont les dogmes sont issus de ce que Dave avait autrefois dit à son chat ! Dave, Cat, Arnold et Holly font alors route en direction de la Terre afin de savoir ce qu'elle est devenue pendant tout ce temps.
How TV Changed Britain
Bamber Gascoigne charts the history and evolution of Christianity in this 13-part series covering over two thousand years of history. Filmed in 1977 in more than 30 countries, THE CHRISTIANS describes the experiences and actions of Christians from the birth of Christ, through the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, Lutheran reform and subsequent developments to modern times. The series also considers the spread of Christianity, whether by violence - as in the Crusades against Islam - or through world-wide travels of missionaries.