Mark Musashi

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Le Collecteur de dettes
Un maître en arts martiaux traditionnels se voit contraint d'accepter de travailler dans le recouvrement de dettes afin de sauver son école. Le travail semble assez facile, jusqu’à ce qu’un client l’entraîne dans une situation plus compliquée qu’il n’aurait pu s’y attendre...
牙狼〈GARO〉スペシャル 白夜の魔獣
In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jabi as they are hindered by supernatural and Makai forces alike. Meanwhile somewhere in Japan the dark Horror lord Legules was resurrected and plots a means to alter a supernatural event called White Night within Kantai to plunge the world into darkness with his "family." It's the final chapter of GARO as Kouga puts his life on the line to save Jabi and defeat Legules before the world is ruined.
King of Iron Fist Tournament
Heihachi Mishima, head of the powerful Mishima Zaibatsu and respected martial artist, announces The King of Iron Fist Tournament in which contestants from around the world are forced to fight for the ultimate prize. Some seek to use the tournament for fame and fortune. Others seek the opportunity to test their abilities while others enter in order to gather intel about the tournament and the motives of those behind it. One seeks vengeance.


Oct 09, 2004
Suite à une expérience ratée, des humains commencent à se transformer en créatures monstrueuses dotées de pouvoirs surnaturels. En pleine guerre des clans, Devilman fait alors son apparition. Mi-homme mi-démon, il est le dernier espoir de l'humanité face à l'armée maléfique dont le leader se fait appeler Satan...


May 25, 2018
Six étudiants partent en randonnée lors d'un week-end, dès la première nuit, ils sont attaqués par ce qu'ils pensent être un animal sauvage...
Good Satan

Good Satan

Mar 20, 2012
A camera crew has the unique opportunity to record Satan in his natural habitat and it looks like he's quite happy with it. He has the perfect job, he is for the most part feared and respected, and his minions jump to his every whim. After 6,000 years he is invited back to heaven, and he goes - expecting to return to his place beside God as Lucifer, the Angel of Light. But when it turns out the invitation is not for the expected welcome home, but is rather for Christ's Second Coming-out party, things quickly go to hell. Worse, his former girlfriend is now partnering with the biggest douche-bag in Heaven. Satan decides he misses the place anyway, and wants back in. So he decides he needs to find a way to re-earn God's respect in order to be welcomed back. We learn that the Devil does for once care - kind of.


May 20, 2017
A group of erotic party attendees wake up naked in the snow the next day. In the nearby cabin they find a dead girl and a message: In order to survive, they must decide who is responsible for the girl's death and murder that person accordingly.
Le Dernier Chasseur de sorcières
A group of erotic party attendees wake up naked in the snow the next day. In the nearby cabin they find a dead girl and a message: In order to survive, they must decide who is responsible for the girl's death and murder that person accordingly.
Le Collecteur de dettes
A group of erotic party attendees wake up naked in the snow the next day. In the nearby cabin they find a dead girl and a message: In order to survive, they must decide who is responsible for the girl's death and murder that person accordingly.


Nov 23, 2015
After the death of his half-brother, a young boy struggles with his guilt and new position in the family.


Jun 19, 2015
Maria, a competitive woman in her late 30's orders a clone from North Korea under the pretense of getting some help around the house so she can spend more time with her husband and two kids, but mostly to compete with her flawless friend Ari.
Section 8

Section 8

Sep 23, 2022
Maria, a competitive woman in her late 30's orders a clone from North Korea under the pretense of getting some help around the house so she can spend more time with her husband and two kids, but mostly to compete with her flawless friend Ari.
Vigilante Diaries

Vigilante Diaries

Sep 01, 2016
Maria, a competitive woman in her late 30's orders a clone from North Korea under the pretense of getting some help around the house so she can spend more time with her husband and two kids, but mostly to compete with her flawless friend Ari.


May 25, 2018
Maria, a competitive woman in her late 30's orders a clone from North Korea under the pretense of getting some help around the house so she can spend more time with her husband and two kids, but mostly to compete with her flawless friend Ari.


Sep 13, 2021
Zelda, a Jewish partisan, seduces a Nazi solider into the woods. Neither of them gets what they expected.


Jun 25, 2020
Kouga est une sorte de samouraï des temps modernes. Son travail est tenu secret aux yeux des humains "normaux". Il doit chasser les "horrors" des démons qui se servent des humains pour subsister. Mais un jour, Kaoru une jeune artiste peintre se fait toucher par le sang d'un horror. C'est là que les ennuis commencent pour elle...
Action & Adventure
Les Experts : Manhattan
À New York, Mack Taylor dirige une brigade d'experts en chimie, biologie, physique, mécanique et médecine. Ces experts mettent leur savoir au service de la justice. Le bras droit de Mac Taylor, Stella Bonasera, le seconde avec toute la passion qu'elle met dans son travail. Leur équipe se compose de Danny Messer, né à Brooklyn, d'un médecin légiste, un ancien chirurgien qui s'est reconverti après les décès de deux de ses patients, de Don Flack, impatient et fougueux, et d'Aiden Burn, jolie jeune femme capable de s'adapter à toutes les situations.


Mar 28, 2005
Set in a virtual simulation of Shibuya, Tokyo which is regulated by an entity named Piece which does not allow inhabitants to live, the series focuses on a fifteen-year-old boy named Tsuyoshi who seeks to find both his lost memories and a way to escape Shibuya. To maintain control, Piece locks "kills" those who do not operate within the proper confines of the world, which results in their being reset and inserted back into the city with a new name and identity and without their previous memories.
Action & Adventure
キューティーハニー THE LIVE
The Panther Claw organization is driven by a relentless pursuit of wealth, using any means necessary to achieve their goals. However, their plans start to unravel thanks to the unexpected interference of a seemingly ordinary girl. This girl, who initially encounters Panther Claw by chance, turns out to be Kisaragi Honey, the ‘daughter’ of the brilliant cyberneticist Dr. Kisaragi Koshirou. Recognizing her value, Panther Claw’s four members race to capture Cutie Honey. Kisaragi Honey, also known as Cutie Honey, is not alone in her fight. She is joined by two allies, Saotome Miki (Sister Miki) and Kenmochi Yuki (Sister Yuki). Together, they work to thwart Panther Claw’s schemes and protect Honey from being exploited.
Action & Adventure