Mark Jones

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Don't Open Till Christmas
Quelques jours avant Noël, d'étranges meurtres ont lieu à Londres. En effet, un psychopathe s'en prend à tous ceux qui ont l'imprudence d'usurper l'identité du Père Noël !
4D Special Agents

4D Special Agents

Jan 01, 1981
A group of children in the East End of London belong to a police sponsored scheme called '4D Special Agents'.
Meet Sexton Blake

Meet Sexton Blake

Feb 05, 1945
The famous detective and his trusty side-kick, Tinker, are called in by the War Office to find some important papers that were stolen from a man killed during an air raid.
Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom
When scientists in the Antarctic uncover a mysterious seed pod, the Doctor is called in to investigate. He soon realises it is extraterrestrial and extremely dangerous. At the same time, however, ruthless millionaire plant-lover Harrison Chase has learned of the find and decides he must have the pod for his collection of rare and beautiful flora. Meanwhile the pod itself harbours intelligent life with sinister plans of its own...
Science Fiction


Apr 07, 1973
Roger Empson builds a house for his disabled wife Jean that is completed automated and monitored by a computer called A.D.A.M. (Automated Domestic Appliance Monitor). But things take a nasty turn when A.D.A.M. starts to develop feelings towards Jean...
The Crying Game

The Crying Game

May 05, 1992
Roy Brush has aspirations to be a great footballer and this seems likely when he scores for England in the European Cup Final. To add to this he becomes a national hero, having seemingly saved a young lad from drowning. But Roy has a secret - he is gay - and the editor of the scurrilous 'Scum' tabloid is making it his business to out him. However, with the help of his manager, Roy can triumph at an inspirational climactic football match, where his tears touch the heart of the nation - and pundit Jimmy Twizzle gets very high on mushroom tea.
L'Empire contre-attaque
Malgré la destruction de l’Étoile Noire, l'Empire maintient son emprise sur la galaxie, et poursuit sans relâche sa lutte contre l'Alliance rebelle. Basés sur la planète glacée de Hoth, les rebelles essuient un assaut des troupes impériales. Parvenus à s'échapper, la princesse Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca et C-3P0 se dirigent vers Bespin, la cité des nuages gouvernée par Lando Calrissian, ancien compagnon de Han. Suivant les instructions d'Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker se rend quant à lui vers le système de Dagobah, planète marécageuse où il doit recevoir l'enseignement du dernier maître Jedi, Yoda. Apprenant l'arrestation de ses compagnons par les stormtroopers de Dark Vador après la trahison de Lando, Luke décide d'interrompre son entraînement pour porter secours à ses amis et affronter le sombre seigneur Sith...
Secrets of a Superstud
In this silly soft-core sex comedy, Tony Kenyon is Custer Firkeshaw, the owner of a girlie magazine. He stands to inherit a fortune… If he can get married and have a baby within a year. When he (and his relatives) find out from his doctor that he only has 13 more…uh, attempts-at-procreating left in him, the relatives set out to ensure that he uses them all up, so that they can inherit the property.
La Grande Menace

La Grande Menace

Apr 13, 1978
Morlar est un être étrange, apparemment immortel. Tous ceux qui lui causent du tort meurent mystérieusement. Il prétend également détenir des pouvoirs paranormaux et devant l'incrédulité des médecins et de la police, décide de le prouver en provoquant une catastrophe aérienne.
Tell Me Lies

Tell Me Lies

Feb 02, 1968
Trois jeunes Anglais, horrifiés par la photo d’un enfant vietnamien blessé, essaient de comprendre la spirale de la violence dans cette guerre et de surmonter leur sentiment d’impuissance. Avec des acteurs de la Royal Shakespeare Company, à travers chansons, témoignages et manifestations publiques, Peter Brook explore le rapport entre la guerre du Vietnam et la jeunesse protestataire de Londres nourrie de contre-culture pop. Entre fiction et documentaire, un regard original et ironique sur l'époque, toujours d'actualité sur les questions d'engagement et sur notre rapport moral aux images de la guerre.
Can I Come Too?

Can I Come Too?

Dec 12, 1978
Management and staff at Brixton's Savoy Cinema prepare for the premiere of the new sex film "Love In The Undergrowth", which is to be reluctantly attended by the star Gloria Overtones. At a party at a local restaurant following the showing Gloria is about to find out more about her parentage, and cinema usherette Sylvie discovers she has a new career ahead of her.
The Knowledge

The Knowledge

Jan 01, 1979
Four men attempt "The Knowledge" examination to qualify as London taxi drivers.
Under Milk Wood

Under Milk Wood

Jan 27, 1972
The delightful if peculiar story of a day in the life of a small, Welsh fishing village called "Llareggub" in which we meet a host of curious characters (and ghosts) through the 'eyes' of Blind Captain Cat.


Feb 22, 1967
À l'asile de Charenton, le marquis de Sade met en scène une pièce sur la mort de Jean Paul Marat, en utilisant les patients comme acteurs.
Chambres communicantes
Les relations compliquées des résidents d'une pension de famille miteuse de Londres. Parmi eux, la chanteuse Wanda Fleming, flattée par l’attention de Mickey Hollister, prétendu auteur-compositeur pop, et l’ancien maître d’école James Wallraven, accusé de pédophilie et réduit à travailler comme concierge dans une galerie d’art .
Le Secret de la banquise
Sous le prétexte d'une expédition scientifique, un groupe de savants de l'OTAN accoste sur une petite ile de l'Arctique pour y récupérer un fabuleux trésor de guerre, gardé par deux jeunes nazis...
Keep It Up, Jack!

Keep It Up, Jack!

Jun 27, 1974
Failed music hall performer Jack James inherits a brothel when his ancient Aunt dies. He takes over the running of the business and falls in love with its star attraction, beautiful prostitute Virginia.
A Most Public Affair

A Most Public Affair

Mar 08, 1978
A re-creation of some of the confrontations and sketches in the remarkable background of the Windscale Enquiry. The dialogue is taken from the Official Verbatim Transcript of Proceedings. It was filmed on location in the Lake District and at Whitehaven Civic Hall where the Enquiry took place.


Sep 20, 1978
Z-Cars or Z Cars is a British television drama series centred on the work of mobile uniformed police in the fictional town of Newtown, based on Kirkby, Merseyside. Produced by the BBC, it debuted in January 1962 and ran until September 1978.
Bizarre, bizarre

Bizarre, bizarre

May 13, 1988
Cette série est une anthologie d'histoires horrifiques et fantastiques inspirées de l'oeuvre de Roald Dahl.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Nov 01, 1986
Véritable tête brûlée de la police de New York, le lieutenant James Dempsey voit son coéquipier Joey mourir lors d'une opération contre des trafiquants de drogue et découvre que sa hiérarchie est complètement corrompue. En danger, il décide de partir en Angleterre et intègre une unité spéciale de la police britannique. Sa collaboration avec sa nouvelle partenaire, la très noble et un peu snob Harriet Makepeace, fait très vite des étincelles...
Action & Adventure
Secret Army

Secret Army

Dec 22, 1979
World War II drama about covert organisation Lifeline helping allied airmen escape after being shot down in occupied Europe, working with the Resistance and hiding from the Gestapo.
Poigne de fer et séduction
Cette série met en scène les aventures de trois détectives internationaux (un Anglais, une Italienne et un Français) appartenant à une organisation appelée The Protectors. Leur mission : traquer le crime aux quatre coins du monde...
Action & Adventure


Jul 20, 1980
Buccaneer is a short-lived television series, made by the BBC in 1979–80, and broadcast over 13 weeks in April–July 1980. The series, dealing with a developing air freight business, starred Bryan Marshall, Pamela Salem and Clifford Rose, and was produced by Gerard Glaister. The 13 episodes were: ⁕"Reluctant Hero" ⁕"Albatross" ⁕"Grounded" ⁕"A Kind of Cuckoo" ⁕"Let's Make a Killing" ⁕"The Thin End" ⁕"Somebody's Telling Lies" ⁕"Private Arrangements" ⁕"Intruders" ⁕"Feet of Clay" ⁕"Eldorado" ⁕"A No Go Item" ⁕"Emergency" The aircraft that "starred" in the series was a Bristol Britannia of Redcoat Air Cargo, registration G-BRAC, which wore the markings of "Redair", the name of the fictional airline in the series. One reason for there being only one series of this drama was that the fact that Bristol Britannia G-BRAC was destroyed in a crash near Boston, Mass., on 16 February 1980, shortly after the completion of filming, but just before transmission of the series. Of the eight people on board, seven were killed, and only one survived, albeit seriously injured.
Van der Valk

Van der Valk

Feb 19, 1992
Le cynique commissaire-détective néerlandais "Piet" Van der Valk et ses collègues enquêtent sur les meurtres, les enlèvements et la corruption politique.
Lady Killers

Lady Killers

Aug 21, 1981
Compelling crime anthology looks at some of Britain's most notorious murder trials, in which both male and female defendants stood accused of the murder of women. Introduced by Robert Morley, seven hour-long dramas reconstruct sensational trials which shocked Britain, offering in-depth analyses of individuals' motives and methods.


Oct 17, 1980
Escape is an American anthology series that aired on the NBC network from February 11 to April 1, 1973. The show was a production of Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited for Universal Television. It aired on Sunday evenings at 10 p.m. Eastern, following the NBC Mystery Movie.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
Secret Army

Secret Army

Dec 22, 1979
World War II drama about covert organisation Lifeline helping allied airmen escape after being shot down in occupied Europe, working with the Resistance and hiding from the Gestapo.


Feb 22, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
The Comic Strip Presents...
The Comic Strip is a group of British comedians, who came to prominence in the 1980s. They are known for their television series The Comic Strip Presents... which was labelled as an example of alternative comedy. The core members are Adrian Edmondson, Dawn French, Rik Mayall, Nigel Planer, Peter Richardson, Jennifer Saunders and Alexei Sayle with frequent appearances by Keith Allen, Robbie Coltrane and others.