Peter Miles

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Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Dec 23, 2009
Aucune énigme ne résiste longtemps à Sherlock Holmes… Flanqué de son fidèle ami le Docteur John Watson, l’intrépide et légendaire détective traque sans relâche les criminels de tous poils. Ses armes : un sens aigu de l’observation et de la déduction, une érudition et une curiosité tous azimuts ; accessoirement, une droite redoutable… Mais une menace sans précédent plane aujourd’hui sur Londres – et c’est exactement le genre de défi dont notre homme a besoin pour ne pas sombrer dans l’ennui et la mélancolie. Après qu’une série de meurtres rituels a ensanglanté Londres, Holmes et Watson réussissent à intercepter le coupable : Lord Blackwood. À l’approche de son exécution, ce sinistre adepte de la magie noire annonce qu’il reviendra du royaume des morts pour exercer la plus terrible des vengeances.
Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan
Vue à travers le regard d’une escouade de soldats américains, l’histoire débute le jour du Débarquement au cours de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale, le long des plages de Normandie. Le capitaine John Miller a pour mission de retrouver le soldat James Ryan, dont les trois frères sont morts au combat et il s’expose ainsi à de nombreux risques. Confrontés à une situation périlleuse, les hommes discutent les ordres. Pourquoi huit hommes risqueraient-ils leur vie pour un seul homme ? Rattrapés par la brutalité de la guerre, chacun cherche sa propre réponse ainsi que la force de vaincre un futur incertain avec honneur, décence et courage.
The Stranger: More Than a Messiah
The Stranger and Miss Brown visit Majus 17 a intergalactic tourist paradise. However, they soon discover all is not as it seems - as they find decaying corpses in the woods and bathers are being swallowed by an angry sea.
Science Fiction
Benjamin Gates et le Livre des Secrets
Lorsque réapparaît une page manquante du journal de John Wilkes Booth, l'assassin d'Abraham Lincoln, tout indique que l'arrière-arrière-grand-père de Ben a joué un rôle clé dans la conspiration qui a conduit au meurtre de l'ancien Président américain. Déterminé à prouver l'innocence de son ancêtre, Ben remonte la piste tracée par une série d'indices, qui va le mener à Paris et à Londres avant de le ramener aux États-Unis. Ce périple, marqué par de surprenantes révélations, le conduira vers les secrets les mieux gardés de notre monde.
Help! I'm No Bigger Than a Bug
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .
Help! I'm No Bigger Than a Bug
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .
Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .
Les Fils de l'homme

Les Fils de l'homme

Sep 22, 2006
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .
Sherlock Holmes : Jeu d'ombres
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .


May 04, 2000
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .
Meurs un autre jour

Meurs un autre jour

Nov 17, 2002
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .
Quantum of Solace

Quantum of Solace

Oct 29, 2008
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .


Mar 14, 2008
ITV Naturalist Nigel Marven stars in this drama-documentary in which he explores his own back garden, in all its intricate detail. Shrunk to the size of an ant, he and his two companions - technical assistant Laura Green (Sarah Matravers) and driver Doug Kruger (Robin Lawrence) - embark on a mission to cross Nigel's back garden in just 24 hours. Along the way they meet some of the many thousands of creatures that fight for survival every day in these urban jungles .

Dec 24, 2012

Dans la mythique cité de Camelot, certaines histoires se racontent comme on le fait aujourd'hui, au XXIème siècle. Entre enchantements et mystères, c'est là qu'un jeune homme nommé Merlin se lie d'amitié avec un certain Arthur...
Action & Adventure

Sep 13, 2023

La DI forte, pleine d'esprit et énigmatique Annika Strandhed, alors qu'elle dirige une nouvelle unité spécialisée dans les homicides marins (MHU) chargée d'enquêter sur les meurtres inexpliqués, brutaux et apparemment insondables.