Im Ji-kyu

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The Pulley by Steven Kwang
A man suffering from writer's block thinks he needs to commit murder to get inspiration. Then he realizes that murdering people who are madly in love each other is never easy at all.
저수지에서 건진 치타
There are five lonely souls: Je-hwi, who hides himself from the world. Jang-hui, who is obsessed with certificates of qualification; Byeong-cheol, who believes that he has a fatal disease; and the lovers, Pyo and Romi. One day, a woman who committed suicide suddenly appears before them.
즐거운 나의 집

즐거운 나의 집

Oct 16, 2016
Genius scientist Sejeong lives with her cyborg husband Sungmin. She erased Sungmin’s memories and inputted new customized memories and information of her choosing, so she is able to enjoy a blissful marriage. Then someone Sejeong and Sungmin knew before he became a cyborg starts coming to their home. This person tries to correct Sungmin’s distorted memories while Sejeong tries to stop her. Sungmin, in the meantime, starts lying like a human being. What happened before Sungmin was turned into a cyborg?


Feb 07, 2024
After a surprise visit from her friend Geum-sun, Eun-sim is headed to her hometown with Geum-sun. There, she catches up with Tae-ho who had feelings for her when they were teenagers. Her long-lost memories come to life one by one.


Oct 31, 2012
A young couple, who have wanted a baby for a long time, are happily blesses with a twin pregnancy. However they get driven to despair by the fact that their twins are conjoined. Treated as monsters by their mother, the brothers, Sang-hyeon and Dong-hyeon, meet a beautiful girl one day.
Milky Way Liberation Front
Yeong-jae est un jeune réalisateur en herbe. Plein de bonnes intentions, il n'arrive pourtant à faire aboutir son projet d'un long-métrage, car son scénario n'avance pas, aucun producteur ne semble croire en son talent et l'acteur principal fait des siennes. Son rêve devient un véritable cauchemar...


Jun 24, 2010
Dans une école de musique, Jeong-woo est considéré comme un virtuose et Myeong-jin comme un maladroit. Mais les circonstances vont mettre les deux garçons en concurrence pour obtenir les faveurs de Ji-eun, autant sur le plan sentimental que pour l’avoir comme pianiste accompagnatrice…
Car Crash

Car Crash

Jun 15, 2017
Médecin de renommée mondiale, le Docteur Kim voit sa vie basculer lorsqu’il est témoin d’un accident de la route coûtant la vie à sa fille. En état de choc, il se réveille inexplicablement 6h plus tôt, et comprend rapidement qu'il va devoir revivre en boucle ces quelques heures fatidiques. L’homme se lance alors dans une course effrénée contre le temps pour sauver sa fille. Lorsqu'il réalise que l'accident n’a rien d'un hasard, le Docteur Kim se retrouve seul face à sa culpabilité : qu'a-t-il bien pu faire pour que sa fille soit prise pour cible ?
Scandal Makers

Scandal Makers

Dec 03, 2008
Une ancienne star reconvertit en animateur radio fait intervenir dans son émission une jeune femme, mère d’un enfant, qui se languit de retrouver son père. L’émission fait un véritable carton pour le plus grand plaisir de l’animateur, jusqu’au jour où la jeune femme avoue qu’il est son père.
완전 소중한 사랑
On-yoo is an adult childhood cancer survivor. When he's not practicing with his boy band, Oh-yoo often volunteers at the hospital's pediatric cancer ward. One day, he recognizes the familiar face of an overdose patient.
백야행: 하얀 어둠 속을 걷다
A pawnbroker is found murdered in a remote town in a derelict building. Three people come under suspicion but all of them have perfect alibis and the investigation comes to a standstill. Almost fifteen years pass and the lead inspector decides to re-investigate.
바다 쪽으로, 한 뼘 더
Loner Won-woo is a girl who suffers from Narcolepsy. Although Jun-seo always makes fun of her, Won-woo is about to fall for him. Won-woo’s mother Yeon-hee feels compassionate for her daughter who falls asleep whenever, wherever, without even realizing, and Sun-jae who secretly is in love with Yeon-hee touches Yeon-hee’s heart.
봄, 눈

봄, 눈

Apr 26, 2012
A devoted wife and mother, Soon-ok suddenly learns that she has a terminal illness and is given less than a year to live. She pauses to think about the family she will leave behind: a completely helpless husband, a kind son who cares about nothing except his mother, and a daughter too busy to attend to anything but her own affairs. Soon-ok begins to prepare a gift for her family -- the opportunity to bring them together for a final farewell. Once fractured and separated, the family comes to learn that death does not have to be the antithesis of life, but can be its affirmation and awakening.


Mar 08, 2012
Moon-ho et Soon-yeong s’apprêtent à se marier. Alors qu’ils partent rendre visite aux parents de celui-ci, ils s’arrêtent prendre un café sur une aire d’autoroute. Mais lorsque Moon-ho revient dans la voiture, Soon-yeong a disparu. Incapable de la joindre sur son portable et mis de côté par la police qui je juge pas cette affaire bien intéressante, il part à sa recherche en se faisant aider par son cousin et ancien détective Kim Jong-geun. Ensemble, ils font aller de découvertes en découvertes toutes plus étonnantes et sordides les unes que les autres et Moon-ho ne va pas tarder à découvrir que Soon-yeong n’est pas celle qu’il croyait connaître.
마지막 후뢰시맨
Bok-Nam (Park Yoo-Sun) is an elementary school student who feels like she just doesn't fit in. She lives with her family that consists of her grandmother (Kim Ji-Young) with Alzheimer's disease, mother (Lee Mi-Young) who runs a chicken restaurant, unemployed father (Lee Sung-Min) and bully older sister (Nam Bo-Ra). Bok-Nam is not happy with her family. One day, she begins to think that she is Flashman, who came from outer space, and she wants to return to her place of origin.
KBS 드라마 스페셜
Forget the existing one-act dramas! Short but impactive! KBS Drama Special presents high quality single episode dramas. Dramas are the broadcast content with the widest public appeal. KBS Drama Special will produce short dramas of far-reaching impact involving at times a serious social message, unique emotions or perspectives. It will stay abreast of modern viewership.


Oct 22, 2016
It tells the story of a successful drama writer whose life turns upside down after she discovers that she has a terminal illness and a famous actor who can't act.


Feb 26, 2023
Un drame de bureau mettant en scène une femme qui est devenue la première femme cadre de son groupe à faire carrière au-delà de son premier poste au plus haut poste. En arrière-plan d'une agence de publicité, il contient des histoires réalistes de la vie quotidienne de ceux qui vivent une vie comme la guerre et les coulisses de l'industrie.


Sep 17, 2015
Jin Sang Pil is elected as a member of the national assembly. Prior to becoming a national assembly member, he worked as a welder in a shipyard. He is simple, brave and righteous, but his work as a national assembly member is poor. With the help of his aid Choi In Kyung, Jin Sang Pil is able to become a honorable national assembly member.


Aug 09, 2012
Cette série policière s'attaque aux crimes et aux indices dans le cybermonde, tissant un énorme mystère plein de rebondissements, de meurtres, de changements d'identité, de corruption et de conspiration.
역전의 여왕

역전의 여왕

Feb 01, 2011
Hwang Tae Hee leads a charmed life, and after growing up in a wealthy family, she easily attains a coveted job. Too much of a workaholic to make time for romance, she is taken aback when she falls hard for Bong Joon Soo. She pursues him and they soon get married, but when the honeymoon is over, Tae Hee finds that her rival at work and husband's ex, Baek Yeo Jin, has taken over her job. As she struggles with her job and marriage, she must also cope with the attention of her arrogant, immature boss, Goo Yong Shik, who falls for her as her life falls to pieces. Queen of Reversals is an empowering tale of a woman who manages to regain everything she's lost through sheer willpower and determination.
Demon Catchers

Demon Catchers

Sep 03, 2023
Ils travaillent dans un restaurant de nouilles le jour et chassent les démons la nuit, en utilisant leurs capacités très spéciales pour protéger les humains des esprits.
The Greatest Love

The Greatest Love

Jun 23, 2011
Ku Ae-Jung, ancienne membre détestée d'un girls band, essaye tant bien que mal de survivre dans le milieu. Elle croise un jour la route de Dok Ko-Jin, un acteur très populaire, et obtient un rôle dans une émission de télé-réalité.


Aug 13, 2009
"Partner" centers around two law firms as they struggle to defend the accused and those around them. Kang Eun-ho, a widowed single mother & attorney, tangles with the charismatic and ruthless attorney Lee Tae-jo. In the first two episodes the attorneys work on cases involving a step-brother chraged with murdering of his step-sister and a lawsuit between a wealthy mother-in-law and her divorced daughter-in-law. Each successive episode will cover provocative cases like these, while also bringing to light the charms of the attorneys and their daily lives.
Radio Romance

Radio Romance

Mar 20, 2018
Assistante-scénariste pour une émission radio, elle n'a aucun talent d'écriture mais parvient à embaucher un acteur connu. Le problème : il ne peut rien dire sans script.
Go Back Couple

Go Back Couple

Nov 18, 2017
Choi Ban Do et Ma Jin Joo ont 38 ans et forment un couple marié. Choi Ban Do a l’accablante responsabilité de s’occuper des finances de la famille et Ma Jin Joo est une femme au foyer avec une faible estime d’elle-même. Alors qu’ils s’aimaient profondément au début de leur mariage, aujourd’hui ils se détestent. Ils regrettent de s’être mariés à un si jeune âge. Un jour, ils voyagent dans le temps et retournent à l'époque de leurs 20 ans, à l’université, où ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois.
Kiss Sixth Sense

Kiss Sixth Sense

Jun 29, 2022
Hong Ye-sul, chargée de compte compétente dans une agence de publicité, a un secret : elle peut voir l'avenir lorsque ses lèvres entrent en contact avec une autre personne. Lorsque Ye-sul embrasse accidentellement son sévère chef d'équipe Cha Min-hu, elle voit l'impossible : elle-même au lit avec lui dans le futur. Pour ajouter à sa confusion et à sa frustration, son ex-petit ami Lee Pil-yo tente de reconquérir son cœur, bouleversant encore plus sa vie.
당신의 하우스헬퍼
Kim Ji-Woon was born to a lawmaker father and doctor mother. He then went on to work at a big company, but he quit his job and stopped talking to his parents. Kim Ji-Woon meets a woman and begins to work as a housekeeper at her home. While doing his job, he listens to his customer's worries and gives advice to help them solve their problems.
Her Private Life

Her Private Life

May 30, 2019
La vie d'une conservatrice d'art se déroule alors qu'elle essaie de cacher son passe-temps de fan inconditionnel de K-pop au nouveau directeur de sa galerie.