Diane Warren

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Killing Me Softly with His Songs
A musical documentary about the life and work of composer Charles Fox, known for pop hits such as 'Killing Me Softly with His Song', 'I Got a Name', 'Ready to Take a Chance Again', and iconic television show themes for Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, The Love Boat and Wonder Woman.
Eurovision: Jade's Story
Earlier this year Andrew Lloyd Webber was a man with a mission - to put the UK back on the Eurovision map. On the BBC's Your Country Needs You he set out to find this year's Eurovision act and wrote the song, It's My Time, with the award-winning Diane Warren. The public chose Jade Ewen, and Eurovision: Jade's Story follows her from the moment she won through to her final preparations and her first rehearsals in the vast Olympiyski Stadium in Moscow.
Milli Vanilli

Milli Vanilli

Jun 10, 2023
L'histoire de Robert Pilatus et Fabrice Morvan, qui se sont rapidement liés d'amitié pendant leur jeunesse en Allemagne. Rob étant issu d'un foyer brisé et Fabrice ayant quitté une famille abusive, ils ont partagé une éducation similaire, ainsi qu'un objectif futur : devenir des superstars célèbres. En quelques années, leurs rêves sont devenus réalité. Rob et Fab, plus connus sous le nom de Milli Vanilli, sont devenus le duo pop le plus populaire au monde en 1990 et ont remporté le GRAMMY du meilleur nouvel artiste. Cependant, leur ascension vers le succès s'est accompagnée d'un prix dévastateur qui les a finalement menés à leur infâme perte.
Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives
Entrecoupée de nombreux extraits musicaux, une évocation de la vie du producteur de musique américain Clive Davis, depuis ses débuts remarqués chez Columbia Records jusqu'à son travail de défricheur chez Arista Records et J Records. Plus qu'une simple biographie mise en images, ce documentaire est une visite guidée à travers l'histoire de la musique, depuis la révolution culturelle des années 1960 jusqu'à l'avènement du hip-hop, menée par un homme qui découvrit – et fit découvrir – avant tout le monde de nombreux artistes. Janis Joplin, Bruce Springsteen, Simon & Garfunkel, Santana, Miles Davis, Billy Joel, Barry Manilow, Patti Smith, The Grateful Dead, Kenny G, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Sean Combs, Alicia Keys : une telle liste n'est qu'un aperçu non exhaustif des multiples artistes et interprètes découverts, conseillés, maternés et choyés par Clive Davis tout au long de sa prolifique carrière.
The Mustangs: America's Wild Horses
"The Mustangs: An American Story" takes audiences on an odyssey throughout America to places few people have seen or even know about. There are more than 80,000 wild horses on our federal lands and more than 50,000 in holding facilities. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Philipps says, "The wild horse is so ingrained in the American imagination that even for those who have never seen one know what it stands for: fierce independence, unbridled freedom, the bedrock ideals of the nation. From car ads to high school mascots, the wild horse - popularly known as the mustang - is the enduring icon of America. But in modern times it has become entangled in controversy and bureaucracy, and now its future is in question." Whether you are a horse person or not, this film will make you fall in love with America all over again.
Flamin' Hot

Flamin' Hot

Mar 11, 2023
"The Mustangs: An American Story" takes audiences on an odyssey throughout America to places few people have seen or even know about. There are more than 80,000 wild horses on our federal lands and more than 50,000 in holding facilities. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Philipps says, "The wild horse is so ingrained in the American imagination that even for those who have never seen one know what it stands for: fierce independence, unbridled freedom, the bedrock ideals of the nation. From car ads to high school mascots, the wild horse - popularly known as the mustang - is the enduring icon of America. But in modern times it has become entangled in controversy and bureaucracy, and now its future is in question." Whether you are a horse person or not, this film will make you fall in love with America all over again.
The Hunting Ground

The Hunting Ground

Feb 27, 2015
A startling expose of rape crimes on US campuses, their institutional cover-ups, and the devastating toll they take on students and their families. The film follows the lives of several undergraduate assault survivors as they attempt to pursue—despite incredible push back, harassment and traumatic aftermath—both their education and justice.
Finding Jack

Finding Jack

Jan 01, 1970
Based on the existence and abandonment of more than 10,000 military dogs at the end of the Vietnam War.
The Right Girl

The Right Girl

Nov 01, 2020
The story of Eleanor Stark, whose entire life has been leading up to this moment: her first day as Chief Creative Officer of the legendary movie studio, Ambrosia Productions. As Eleanor rises to the top of her game working side by side for years with the industry’s most respected men, we learn that one of them has been abusing women all along. What role does she play in the story of Hollywood’s most fiercely guarded secret?
La Vie devant soi

La Vie devant soi

Nov 03, 2020
The story of Eleanor Stark, whose entire life has been leading up to this moment: her first day as Chief Creative Officer of the legendary movie studio, Ambrosia Productions. As Eleanor rises to the top of her game working side by side for years with the industry’s most respected men, we learn that one of them has been abusing women all along. What role does she play in the story of Hollywood’s most fiercely guarded secret?
American Idol

American Idol

Apr 07, 2016
American Idol, qui était nommée American Idol: The Search for a Superstar dans la première saison, est une émission télévisée américaine dont le premier épisode a été diffusé en juin 2002. Il s'agit de l'adaptation de l'émission britannique Pop Idol, adaptée en France sous le titre Nouvelle Star.
Cérémonie des Oscars
Les Oscars du cinéma (Academy Awards) sont des récompenses cinématographiques américaines décernées chaque année depuis 1929 à Los Angeles et destinées à saluer l'excellence des productions américaines du cinéma. L'attribution de ces distinctions dans les domaines choisis pour représenter les métiers de la création cinématographique (réalisation, interprétation, scénario, technique) est organisée, gérée et dirigée par l'association professionnelle Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.