Russell Gomer

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Dec 05, 2019
La vie de Herb est au point mort. Ses droits au chômage ont expiré, il n’est pas fichu de garder un boulot, ne sait pas s’y prendre avec son fils et ne se nourrit que de bière bon marché et de purée de petits pois. Ce n’est pas une vie, et il s’en rend bien compte ! Quand il apprend au journal télé que, au Danemark, les détenus se la coulent douce, il fait ses valises et se rend clandestinement dans ce pays idyllique. Son paradis n’est plus qu’à un braquage de banque près...


Sep 17, 1989
Britain in the mid-1990s: a divided, violent nation where civil disorder and urban terrorism are on the increase. Scotland Yard detective Commander Jack Bentham is seconded to Wales to look into a series of shootings by police officers, and uncovers a complex web of deceit and corruption
Milwr Bychan

Milwr Bychan

Jan 30, 1987
A young Welsh soldier on duty in Northern Ireland finds himself used as a political pawn, following a tragic incident during a violent clash with some of the local agitators. The Guardian proposed that "if Spielberg's ET, in the immortal words of Pauline Kael, was a bliss out, Karl Francis' 'Boy Soldier' is a bleed out for sheer fist shaking emotionalism, it would be hard to find another British film of recent years to beat it."
Journey's End

Journey's End

Jan 01, 1988
A British Company in the WWI trenches await an inevitable German attack in this 1988 adaptation of R.C. Sherriff's play.
Le Don du roi

Le Don du roi

Dec 29, 1995
En Angleterre, l'année 1660 voit la fin de l'austère dictature de Cromwell et le retour au pouvoir de la famille royale en la personne de Charles II, souverain spirituel, éclaire et libertin. C'est dans ce contexte que nous allons suivre les aventures de Robert Merivel, jeune médecin obscur, appelé à la cour pour soigner la chienne favorite du roi.
A Relative Stranger

A Relative Stranger

Jul 31, 1996
Twenty year-old student Peter Fraiman falls asleep in 1975 a happy man, having asked his girlfriend to marry him. But when he wakes up, it's 1995; he has a wife he doesn't recognise and two children. Unable to remember anything of the intervening twenty years, he feels he has jumped forward in time. He goes in search of his former girlfriend and is forced to face the fact that he has become a person he never expected to be.
High Hopes

High Hopes

Dec 16, 2008
High Hopes is a sitcom made in Wales, produced and directed by Gareth Gwenlan for BBC Wales and is set in a fictional area of the South Wales Valleys called Cwm-Pen-Ôl. It stars Margaret John as widow Elsie Hepplewhite, Robert Blythe as her son Richard Hepplewhite, Steven Meo as Hoffman and Oliver Wood as Charlie. It revolves around Elsie's son Richard and his dodgy business ventures, assisted by the two boys, who attempted to rob the Hepplewhites' house in the first episode. The pilot was shown on BBC all over the UK in 1999, with slight differences to future cast and plot. The series started in 2002. The sixth and final series, consisting of six episodes, was first shown on BBC1 Wales weekly from Tuesday 11 November 2008. But, before it aired a report in the South Wales Echo, titled 'Welsh sitcom set to be axed', confirmed that: A three part 'Best Bits' special was shown on BBC1 Wales, starting 20 September, the third episode was on Sun 4 October 2009.
A Mind to Kill

A Mind to Kill

Feb 15, 2004
A Mind to Kill is a police detective series set in Wales, UK. It was developed from a 1991 pilot which starred Philip Madoc as DCI Bain, and Hywel Bennett. The series ran from 1994 to 2004 and first aired as Yr Heliwr on S4C, the Welsh language TV channel, before being broadcast on the UK Network channel, Channel 5. The series was filmed in English and in Welsh, with each scene being shot first in one language and then in the other. It has since been dubbed into more than a dozen languages and shown all over the world. The 21 episodes have been divided into 3 series which are now available on DVD. The pilot episode is also available on DVD.
Being Human : La Confrérie de l'étrange
Le beau Mitchell est un homme de ménage dans un hôpital, où son timide ami geek George y est quant à lui brancardier. Tous deux aimeraient aller en ville et traîner avec d'autres personnes, mais un petit problème s'oppose à leurs désirs : Mitchell est un vampire, et George un loup-garou ! Les deux jeunes hommes se rapprochent de leurs rêves lorsqu'ils emménagent ensemble et passent leurs soirées devant la télévision, dans leur canapé, bière à la main, comme les autres hommes de leur âge. Malheureusement, ils n'avait pas compté sur la présence d'Annie, le fantôme de la locataire précédente ! Ce trio surnaturel a une chose en commun : un désir désespéré d'être humain.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy