Paul Wong

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Alone Forever

Alone Forever

Jan 22, 2010
Oliver can't help but wonder if his new tattoo is the cause of his recent spate of romantic bad luck. Gay and single in San Francisco, he spends a lot of time out and about meeting other like individuals. As he fails repeatedly to connect with any eligible bachelors and it seems that the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer, he becomes more and more distraught over what could be the true meaning and power of his tattoo and whether it has doomed him to be alone forever.
Blending Milk and Water
Blending Milk and Water: Sex in the New World is a cross-cultural, intergenerational, documentary about the diverse views of sex from twenty-two people. The recollections, fears and opinions of young people, professionals, healthworkers, educators, artists, community activists, and people living with AIDS are mixed.
X-Files : Aux frontières du réel
Fox Mulder est un agent du FBI. Attiré par les phénomènes paranormaux et les croyances parfois irrationnelles, il s'intéresse aux affaires non classées, certaines relevant du paranormal. On lui adjoint une partenaire, Dana Scully, médecin et beaucoup plus adepte de la logique cartésienne. Mulder, obsédé par la disparition de sa sœur, est persuadé qu'elle a été enlevée par des aliens. Les deux agents vont ainsi entrevoir les grandes lignes de complots et autres théories de la conspiration...