Dr. John E. Mack

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Mar 31, 2004
À travers le monde entier, des hommes, des femmes et des enfants prétendent avoir été enlevés par des extraterrestres. Certains ressortent traumatisés de cette expérience d’abduction. Comment évaluer la véracité de tels propos ? Conscients de l’absurdité de ce qu’ils racontent, ils appellent à l’aide. « Enlevés » est une rencontre avec ces personnes ordinaires, sincères, mais désemparées, qui racontent à l’unisson leur expérience inouïe, et le portrait du psychiatre de Harvard qui les a écoutés : John E. Mack.
Ariel Phenomenon

Ariel Phenomenon

May 20, 2022
Ariel Phenomenon explore une rencontre extraterrestre africaine dont plus de soixante écoliers ont été témoins en 1994. Alors qu'enquêtent un professeur de Harvard, un journaliste de guerre de la BBC et d'anciens étudiants, ils ont du mal à répondre à la question : « Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous vivez quelque chose de si extraordinaire que personne ne vous croit ? ?"
The Phenomenon

The Phenomenon

Oct 06, 2020
Ce documentaire examine les phénomènes aériens non identifiés. Avec le témoinage du haut placé au gouvernement, et des cosmonautes de la NASA, le sénateur Harry Reid a dit : "rendons l'incroyable, croyable".
Moment of Contact

Moment of Contact

Oct 18, 2022
Une exploration des rencontres extraterrestres centrée sur une série d'événements survenus en 1996 lorsque des citoyens de Varginha, au Brésil, ont déclaré avoir vu un crash d'OVNI et une ou plusieurs créatures étranges.
Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order
Is there a connection between UFO's, alien abductions, channeling spirits, demonic possessions, the new age movement, secret societies, and satanism? In Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order, we investigate why the New World Order and the Global Elite are tirelessly working to form a One World Government and who they are getting this instruction from.
Crop Circles: Crossovers from Another Dimension...
Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation. Includes spectacular cinematography of the latest, greatest and most up to date Crop Circles and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, experiencers, and the best known, most credible Crop Circle authorities in the world today. Packed with expert analyses and an exclusive cinematic archive of the latest and greatest Crop Circle formations ever captured on film.


Feb 20, 2003
The alien abduction phenomenon, told by those who experienced it, with the weight of a Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard psychiatrist at their back.
UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied
UFO - Greatest Story Ever Denied presents a provocative review of some of the most important UFO events since Roswell in 1946. Not only do we learn about such events as the Battle of LA and early military coverups, but interesting phenomena like RODs and invisible UFOs only detectable with infra red cameras.


May 20, 1997
Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.
Charlie Rose

Charlie Rose

Mar 18, 2016
Acclaimed interviewer and Emmy-winning journalist Charlie Rose engages a wide range of guests, including philosophers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, artists, business leaders, scientists, educators, and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and round-table discussions.
Unexplained Mysteries

Unexplained Mysteries

Jun 13, 2004
Unexplained Mysteries is an American documentary television show that originally aired in 2003-2004 for a single season and is currently in syndication. The show deals with eyewitness accounts of paranormal activity, especially aliens, UFOs, and ghosts; almost all of them rehashed reports from the series Sightings.


Jan 22, 2025
PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.


May 20, 1997
Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.


May 20, 1997
Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.


May 20, 1997
Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.
Alien Theory

Alien Theory

Sep 13, 2024
La série traite de sujets concernant la théorie des anciens astronautes en examinant des textes vieux de plusieurs siècles, des hiéroglyphes, des ruines et des légendes qui sont présentés comme étant la preuve d'un contact entre l'être humain et des êtres venus d'autres planètes dans le passé. La série expose comment ce supposé contact aurait pu avoir joué un rôle dans la culture humaine et son développement.
Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolved Mysteries

Apr 27, 2010
Série anthologique dont chaque épisode se concentre sur un mystère. La série reconstitue, sous la forme de documentaires, des phénomènes paranormaux, des crimes non résolus, des événements mystérieux, etc. qui ont véritablement eu lieu.


Aug 29, 2021
Une série documentaire en quatre parties de Bad Robot et Glen Zipper de JJ Abrams explorant notre fascination pour les objets volants non identifiés, et quelle influence clandestine le gouvernement américain, les entreprises privées lucratives et l'armée peuvent avoir pour cacher la vérité derrière les phénomènes extraterrestres pour faire avancer leur propres agendas.


May 19, 1992
Lorsque le respecté psychiatre Neil Chase débute le traitement de Lesly Hahn victime de flashbacks paralysants, de pertes de mémoires et d'une paranoïa à tendance maniaco dépressive, des explications rationnelles ne semblent pas suffire. Au même moment, dans le Nebraska, une jeune femme mariée souffre des mêmes symptômes. Quand le docteur Chase la rencontre et se plonge plus profondément dans ces deux cas, les similarités de leurs histoires cauchemardesques le force à mettre de côté son scepticisme naturel et à entrer dans le monde effrayant des viols commis par des extraterrestres...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy