Eric Mun

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A bittersweet life

A bittersweet life

Apr 01, 2005
Un chef de gang suspecte sa petite amie Hee Su d'avoir une liaison avec un autre homme. Il demande à son bras droit, Sun Woo, de suivre Hee Su et de l'éliminer s'il la surprend en galante compagnie.
Diary of June

Diary of June

Dec 01, 2005
Les inspecteurs Chu Ja-young et Kim Dong-wook se voient confiés la tâche de classer le cas d'un suicide de lycéen. Mais d'autres morts de lycéens de la même classe surviennent et les enquêteurs détectent vite le travail d'un tueur en série qui semble au premier abord être un lycéen, Jinmo, décédé depuis un mois ! Les morts s'enchaînent selon ce que Jinmo a écrit dans son journal intime du mois de juin, alors que la police découvre peu à peu une sombre histoire...
긴급조치 19호

긴급조치 19호

Jul 19, 2002
All around the world, musicians and rock stars are being elected to their respective countries' highest offices. Paul McCartney is running for Prime Minister of England; Madonna's being tapped as the VP in the United States. The current prime minister and head of the army in Korea are disturbed by this trend, and concoct Emergency Order 19 to deal with the problem: ban all music. The film is famous for the many pop music celebrity cameos it features.
Super Rookie

Super Rookie

May 26, 2005
Kang Ho est réputé pour être aussi paresseux que bon à rien, ce qui lui vaut moqueries en tout genre. Pour y mettre fin, il a l'idée d'entrer dans une prestigieuse compagnie. Commence alors une suite de hasards et de chances qui le propulse au sommet. Il y fera la connaissance de Mi-ok et devra faire face à Bong-sam, un vieux camarade de classe mais rival impitoyable qui n'aura de cesse de le rabaisser.
Que Sera, Sera

Que Sera, Sera

May 13, 2007
Kang Tae Joo est employé dans une entreprise spécialisée dans l'organisation d'événements. Véritable play-boy, il soigne son look à fond et passe son temps à tenir compagnie aux riches jeunes femmes qu'il rencontre. Sa devise : ne pas s'attacher. Mais quand Han Eun Soo, sa nouvelle voisine lui avoue être amoureuse de lui, Tae Joo hésite. A vrai dire, Eun Soo n'est pas sexy, n'est pas riche, en gros elle est plutôt simplette. Il finit par accepter mais, au bout de deux rendez-vous, il la laisse tomber pour se fiancer à Cha Hye Lin, une riche héritière issue d'une famille très aisée. Cette dernière souhaitant se mariée avec Tae Joo juste pour rendre jaloux Shin Joon Hyuk, son frère adoptif qu'elle aime et qui ne cesse de la rejeter. Shin Joon Hyuk, quant à lui, fait la connaissance de Eun Soo et en tombe amoureux. Ils décident de sortir ensemble mais, Tae Joo se rend compte qu'il éprouve lui aussi des sentiments pour elle... Pour compliquer le tout, Hye Lin commence à apprécier Tae Joo... Problème ! Se forme alors une sorte de "carré" amoureux entre les 4 personnages... Que sera sera ?
나는 달린다

나는 달린다

Dec 11, 2003
A young man here is dreaming his future. He needs to do whatever task lying in front of him as to earn his living, yet he is running fast to dream and to love. Whenever he is sprinting, he is so full of energy that he forgets about his poverty and his dark family background. The world might jeer at him but he does not care. She is rather special. She is very well aware of her charms and is highly self defiant. The most unfamiliar word to her is "failure" because she has never faced failure in her life since the world was always on her side. She conquered whatever she intended and she dumped whatever she thought unnecessary. However, she just cannot deny the love that is to determine her destiny. She is like an open hearted prairie, young and gleaming. They love each other and the love changes both of their lives; they run towards the uneasy future.
Strongest Chil Woo

Strongest Chil Woo

Aug 19, 2008
Chil Kang Woo est un humble officier pendant la période Joseon. Chil Woo n'est pas très intelligent et un de ses objectifs à long terme est de devenir un agent de midlevel. Toutefois, lorsque la nuit tombe, il n'est plus que le faible officier mais plutôt un grand assassin dans une organisation d'assassins. Il punit les criminels et rend justice en cas de besoin. So Yoon et Chil Woo ont une histoire d'amour tragique. Yeon Doo est la fille d'un homme qui possède un magasin de textiles. Elle tombe amoureuse de Chil Woo après qu'il l'est sauvé des mains de voyous qui l'a harcelé.
Spy Myung Wol

Spy Myung Wol

Sep 06, 2011
Myung Wol, une belle espionne Nord-Coréenne se rend en Corée du Sud afin de kidnapper Kang Woo, une célébrité masculine Sud-Coréenne très populaire. Choi Ryu, un officier d'élite de l'armée Nord-Coréenne, assiste Myung Wol dans sa mission et l'accompagne en Corée du Sud. Mais rien ne se passera comme prévu car Myung Wol va tomber amoureuse de Kang Woo...
정글의 법칙

정글의 법칙

Jun 05, 2021
Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on their own and experience life with local tribes and people. In each location, the guests are tasked to hunt and prepare their meals and also create shelter for the tribe. They sometimes confronted by many difficult challenges. Where will the tribe visit? And how will they survive on their own? Stay tuned to check out!
Discovery of Love

Discovery of Love

Oct 07, 2014
Han Yeo-reum est une designer de meubles qui possède un atelier qu'elle partage avec d'autres designers. Depuis trois ans, elle sort avec Nam Ha-jin, un chirurgien plasticien à la personnalité douce et douce. Mais l'existence paisible de Yeo-reum est ébranlée lorsque son ex-petit ami Kang Tae-ha réapparaît soudainement dans sa vie. PDG d'une entreprise de design d'intérieur, Tae-ha est un homme intelligent et confiant avec un fort avantage concurrentiel qui obtient toujours ce qu'il veut. Pendant ce temps, l'ami d'enfance de Ha-jin, Ahn Ah-rim, porte secrètement une torche pour lui depuis toutes ces années. Alors qu'elle commence à travailler avec Tae-ha, Yeo-reum est obligée de réévaluer son histoire romantique, ce qui la lance dans une quête du véritable amour.


Jun 29, 2004
Love is timing. Love needs just the "right time". It's not because you loved him or her less that you parted. Heaven brings you your soul mate when the time is just "right". "Phoenix" shows you this heaven's work. There is a young couple who desperately fell in love but who couldn't be together because the time wasn't just right for them. Years pass by and these two meet again. And the trick of fortune switches their situation and environments. A daughter of a millionaire has now become an helper suffering from the grim realities of life. On the other hand, an orphan self-supporting student is now an accomplished wealthy businessman. Now these two people are looking at the world with different eyes. The childlike girl has finally learned the harshness of the world and the guy with once twisted mind has learned to enjoy the latitude of mind. In the end, these two start to understand each other, thus arriving at the "right time".


Jan 19, 2014
Shinhwa Broadcast was a South Korean variety television programme broadcast on jTBC. It was hosted by six-member boy band Shinhwa: Eric Mun, Lee Min-woo, Kim Dong-wan, Shin Hye-sung, Jun Jin and Andy Lee.


Apr 08, 2007
Celebrity guests are split into two teams to compete in various contests. One guest, known only to himself, is designated the "X-Man", and does his best to cause his team to lose the contests. At the end, all guests try to determine the X-Man's identity.
리얼 로망스 연애편지
Male and female contestants compete for "each other" in romance games. For example guests have to dance in order to impress the person they are after. Contestants are artists, actors, models, comedians, and MCs of the South Korean entertainment industry.
Another Miss Oh

Another Miss Oh

Jun 28, 2016
Deux anciennes camarades de lycée partagent le même nom : Oh Hae Yeong. De plus, ces deux femmes travaillent dans la même entreprise, l'une comme chef d'équipe, la seconde en tant qu'assistante manager. Ces similarités vont mêler leurs vies et entraîner des confusions, notamment amoureuse avec Park Do Gyeong, qui était supposé épouser l'une des deux jeunes femmes qui ne s'est jamais présentée. La vie de celui-ci va être chamboulée lorsqu'il apprendra le mariage de la seconde Hae Yeong. De plus, ce dernier est capable de lire l'avenir...
Running Man

Running Man

Feb 23, 2025
Les présentateurs de l'émission sont au nombre de 7, ils affrontent seul ou ensemble les invités afin de gagner la « course finale » et de gagner des « Running Ball ». Ces dernières sont utiles pour éviter tout genre de punitions qui varient selon les épisodes. Les présentateurs sont la plupart du temps mélangés avec les invités pour rendre les défis plus équitables étant donné que les présentateurs connaissent déjà à l'avance certains jeux contrairement aux invités.
현지에서 먹힐까?
4 Wheeled Restaurant is a South Korean reality cooking show. The show presents various Korean chefs cooking in the country their cuisine originated from. The aim is to see if their cooking is accepted in the origin country as if it was in Korea.
SNL 코리아

SNL 코리아

Nov 18, 2017
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members.


Feb 11, 2020
Find out all about your favorite K-pop idol groups! Hosted by the “idol experts”, Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn!
세빌리아의 이발사
The best barber and hairdresser in Korea visit Seville in Spain, the stage of great opera, 'The Barber of Seville.' The brisk sounds of scissors and gentle blow from blowers fill the air. Divided into two teams, a barbershop team, and a hair salon team, they strive to capture the Spanish people's hearts. The barbershop team consists of Eric Mun, Andy, Kim Kwang Kyu, and the Master Barber Lee Nam Yeol with 53 years of career. This team aims to attract local customers with their friendly care and the artisan spirit. The hair salon team is composed of Actress Lee Min Jung, Singer Jung Chae Yeon, and the most sought-after hairdresser Su Hyeon in Cheongdam area who is in charge of a large number of Korean stars' hairstyles. The hair salon team tries to gain the hearts of the locals by providing systematic service and trendy hairdos. Come visit their special barbershop and hair salon where you can take comfort in their kindness and your every day is filled with sparkling moments.
유별나! 문셰프

유별나! 문셰프

May 16, 2020
Moon Seung Mo is a popular chef. Due to the sudden deaths of his parents by fire, he moves to Seoha Village. His peaceful daily life suddenly changes there with the sudden appearance of Yoo Yoo Jin. Meanwhile, Yoo Yoo Jin is a world-famous fashion designer. She works under the name of Yoo Bella. One day, she has a car accident. The car accident causes her to lose her memory completely and she ends up in Seoha Village. She acts very eccentric there and becomes a troublemaker. Due to her behavior, she picks up the nickname "Yoobyeolna" ("What an eccentric").


Mar 31, 2018
Infinite Challenge has been reported as the first "Real-Variety" show in Korean television history. The program is largely unscripted, and follows a similar format of challenge-based Reality Television programs, familiar to the audiences in the West, but the challenges are often silly, absurd, or impossible to achieve, so the program takes on the aspect of a satirical comedy variety show, rather than a more standard reality or contest program. In order to achieve its comedic purposes its 6 hosts and staff continuously proclaim, the elements of this show are the 3-Ds, Dirty, Dangerous, and Difficult.
나를 사랑한 스파이
Is a suspenseful romantic comedy about a woman who inadvertently gets caught up in the world of espionage. Kang Ah Reum, a wedding dress designer who gets married twice, to two husbands who both harbor many secrets. Kang Ah Reum’s first husband Jun Ji Hoon is a charming and unpredictable secret agent who works for Interpol. Meanwhile, her second husband Derek Hyun is a highly intelligent corporate spy with a competitive streak.
백종원의 골목식당
Baek Jong-won, whose sharp business acumen and cooking mastery earned him a nickname 'the chef with golden hand,' is here to revive failing restaurants. Owners who bear Master Baek’s harsh criticism and take his advice will make their business fail proof!
Here, dazzling teenagers from all over the world gather to receive professional training at Starlight Academy, crossing the boundaries of language and culture and igniting the stage with their talent and passion. Through fierce competition and teamwork, they will compete for the opportunity to become a globally recognized super idol. Let’s witness how they are born from the starlight and become trendsetting stars!