Michelle Joseph

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Three Kisses and a Funeral
An examination of the impact that lesbian characters have had on breaking television taboos. Actresses Anna Friel (Beth in BROOKSIDE) and Michelle Joseph (Della in EASTENDERS) add their views and experiences.
Space Odissey - Voyage autour du soleil
Dans un futur proche, le vaisseau Pégasus part pour le plus formidable voyage spatial jamais entrepris par l'homme. Pendant 6 ans, cinq astronautes vont faire le tour du système solaire et nous entraîner à la découverte des beautés et des dangers que recèlent les planètes qui entourent notre soleil. Un docu-fiction d'anticipation validé par l'Agence Spatiale Européenne, qui, sous une forme audacieuse, fait le point sur toutes nos connaissances en matière de voyages spatiaux et d'astronomie...


Dec 18, 2008
Apparitions is a BBC drama about Father Jacob Myers, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, played by Martin Shaw, who examines evidence of miracles to be used in canonisation but also performs exorcisms. As he learns, Jacob's duties run deeper than just sending demons back to Hell; he later must prevent them all from escaping. Unlike most portrayals of exorcism and spirit possession in fiction, Apparitions is more religiously accurate and fact-based, incorporating the nature of demonic possession as described by the Church. It also recounts historical events associated with Christianity and other Abrahamic religions, which may have been caused by Heaven or Hell, indicating that the War described in the Bible may not have fully concluded. The series is written by Joe Ahearne.
Dr Willoughby

Dr Willoughby

Dec 13, 1999
Dr Willoughby is a British sitcom broadcast on ITV from 14 November - 13 December 1999. The show was set on the set of a fictional soap opera, also called Dr Willoughby and followed the often over dramatic storylines and the personal lives of the cast and crew. Joanna Lumley plays Donna Sinclair, who plays the fictional part of Dr Willoughby. Donna is less than popular with her co-stars and her producer and gets less fanmail than anyone else, including new cast member Crystal and long standing co-star Ralph Whatman. Ralph Whatman is the male lead in Dr Willoughby and whenever Donna Sinclair has bad publicity or is heading for a fall he wastes no time in trying to make the show his own. Emma Goodliffe is the shows producer, unable to cope with the stress she is begging to be removed from the show. She is even heard in one episode to be applying for a job in a supermarket only to be told she is over qualified. Crystal is the new girl, she is receiving more fan mail than Donna after just two weeks on the show, something which Donna cannot stand. She demands that producer Emma remove her from the show but her request is rejected leading to Donna to advise Crystal not to wear a bra in order to put off her male fans.
Inspecteur Frost

Inspecteur Frost

Apr 05, 2010
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur William Frost, plus connu sous le nom de Jack, dans la ville imaginaire de Denton. Ce veuf quinquagénaire, brillant policier de l'ancienne école, n'a pas son pareil pour résoudre les affaires les plus complexes. Il a reçu la plus haute distinction civile, la croix de Georges, pour avoir été imprudemment blessé par un homme armé alors qu'il sortait d'un bar et était ivre, le jour où il a appris que sa femme, qu'il comptait quitter, était atteinte d'un cancer en phase terminale. Souvent en conflit avec ses supérieurs, désordonné et allergique à la paperasse, il est réputé pour son fichu caractère. Bourru et prenant parfois quelque liberté avec les règlements ou les procédures, il fait toutefois preuve d'empathie avec les victimes et a bon cœur. Il est assisté dans ses enquêtes par différents sergents détectives qui apportent leur point de vue particulier à la résolution de l'affaire. L'humour anglais et le ressort comique de la série sont inscrits dans les relations entre Frost et le bureaucratique Superintendant Mullett.
As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By

Dec 30, 2005
Two lovers are reunited after decades apart following a mutual misunderstanding.