Carl Rice

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Sep 06, 1993
Trouble flares in a Liverpool terraced street when one man refuses to join in and paint his house in the local football teams colours. A tale of victimization and mob rule.


May 26, 2021
Londres, années 70, en plein mouvement punk rock. Escroc pleine de talent, Estella est résolue à se faire un nom dans le milieu de la mode. Elle se lie d’amitié avec deux jeunes vauriens qui apprécient ses compétences d’arnaqueuse et mène avec eux une existence criminelle dans les rues de Londres. Un jour, ses créations se font remarquer par la baronne von Hellman, une grande figure de la mode, terriblement chic et horriblement snob. Mais leur relation va déclencher une série de révélations qui amèneront Estella à se laisser envahir par sa part sombre, au point de donner naissance à l’impitoyable Cruella, une brillante jeune femme assoiffée de mode et de vengeance…
Papadopoulos & Sons

Papadopoulos & Sons

Dec 20, 2012
Harry Papadopoulos, un homme d'affaires anglais d'origine grecque, mène une vie de millionnaire. Mais alors qu'il est sur le point de signer un juteux contrat, la crise financière éclate et le met sur la paille. Il ne lui reste plus qu'une petite gargote de fish & chips située dans un coin miteux de Londres. Pour ne rien arranger, le restaurant appartient pour moitié à son fantasque frère Spiros. Flanqué de ses enfants, Harry se résout à emménager chez Spiros. Ensemble, pour le meilleur et pour le pire, ils décident de retaper le restaurant en ruine et d'en faire un business florissant. Sous l'œil méfiant de Hassan, le rival de toujours qui tient un kebab, et avec le soutien de la merveilleuse Sophie, la famille Papadopoulos va tenter l'impossible...


Mar 30, 2010
Scallywagga is a British comedy sketch show, written by Stuart Kenworthy, who has worked on Green Wing and Smack the Pony. The executive producer of series one was Kenton Allen, and the producer was Jon Montague. The pilot episode aired on 21 March 2007 when the show was known as Spacehopper. Sally Lindsey confirmed on The Paul O'Grady Show that there would be a second series which was also filmed in and around Manchester, bringing on board a new Director and new Producer and several cast changes. The first series was broadcast on TV in 2008 and the DVD was released in early 2010 along with series 1. Series 2 began broadcasting on Tuesday 23 February 2010.


Oct 12, 2008
Massive is a sitcom broadcast on digital channel BBC Three. It is set in Manchester and stars Ralf Little and Carl Rice as Danny and Shay, who leave their office jobs to set up a record label when Danny inherits £10,000 following the death of his grandmother. The series began airing on BBC Three on 14 September 2008.
Children's Ward

Children's Ward

May 04, 2000
Children's Ward is a British children's television drama series produced by Granada Television and broadcast on the ITV network as part of its Children's ITV strand on weekday afternoons. The programme was set – as the title suggests – in Ward B1, the children's ward of the fictitious South Park Hospital, and told the stories of the young patients and the staff present there. Aimed at older children and teenagers, Children's Ward was a long-lived series for a children's drama, starting life in 1988 as a contribution to the Dramarama anthology strand, "Blackbird Singing In The Dead of Night", then first broadcast as a series 1989 and running from then until 2000. The series was conceived by Granada staff writers Paul Abbott and Kay Mellor, both of whom went on to enjoy successful careers as award-winning writers of adult television drama. At the time, they were both working on the soap opera Coronation Street, and had recently collaborated on a script for Dramarama. Abbott, who had been through a troubled childhood himself, had initially wanted to set the series in a children's care home rather than a hospital, but this was vetoed by Granada executives. During the course of its run, however, Children's Ward won many plaudits for covering difficult issues such as cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction and child abuse in a sensitive manner. The programme won many awards, including in 1996 a BAFTA Children's Award for Best Drama, won by an episode in which a serial killer lures children to him via the internet and is – highly unusually for children's television – not eventually caught.


Jan 04, 2019
Une jeune femme tombe sous le charme d'un homme aussi fainéant que particulièrement givré...


Feb 20, 2018
Set in Valco, a fictional budget supermarket in the north west of England, Trollied finds the funny in one of our most familiar surroundings and focuses on the types of characters we all recognise: bored checkout staff, ineffectual managers and a range of customers, from the irate to the downright bizarre.


Mar 01, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
Holby City

Holby City

Mar 29, 2022
Le quotidien professionnel et personnel des médecins, infirmières et patients qui se retrouvent, pour diverses raisons, dans les couloirs du Holby City General Hospital.


Nov 03, 1991
Bread is a British television sitcom, written by Carla Lane, produced by the BBC and screened on BBC1 from 1 May 1986 to 3 November 1991. The series focused on the devoutly-Catholic and extended Boswell family of Liverpool, in the district of Dingle, led by its matriarch Nellie through a number of ups and downs as they tried to make their way through life in Thatcher's Britain with no visible means of support. The street shown at the start of each programme is Elswick Street. A family called Boswell had also featured in Lane's earlier sitcom The Liver Birds and Lane admitted in interviews that the two families were probably related. Nellie's feckless and estranged husband, Freddie, left her for another woman known as 'Lilo Lill'. Her children Joey, Jack, Adrian, Aveline and Billy continued to live in the family home in Kelsall Street and contributed money to the central family fund, largely through benefit fraud and the sale of stolen goods.


Nov 07, 2024
Dans le Lancashire, en Angleterre, une bande d'amis déjantés tente de trouver de l'argent facile et se retrouve toujours dans des situations périlleuses.