Marian Pabón

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San Juan Story

San Juan Story

Apr 30, 1990
A professional rum-taster must negotiate the paths of love, superstition, and magic to regain his lost powers.
Chona 2: La puerca asesina
At the end of the 80's, an experiment revolutionized Puerto Rican television with the creation of Chona, the killer pig. Doctor Hector Tura was the creator of a formula that made a pig grow, to start exporting sausages around the world. the experiment failed when they lost control, and it became a threat... killing everything that was confronting it. 20 years later, his son Facundo Tura, inherited the only thing his father left him; the experiment that made Chona become the terror of the caribbean. Chona II will be a movie for the whole family full of horror, comedy, and, many special performances, and of course... the Puerto Rican version of King Kong.
Manuela y Manuel

Manuela y Manuel

Mar 26, 2007
Deep inside, Manuel has always been Manuela. Amidst her worst love crisis, Manuela reinvents herself as Manuel in order to pass as the fiancé of her best friend Coca - who is pregnant from a one-night stand and must face her conservative family. Hidden identities, misunderstandings, and the tension between two friends pretending to be what they are not, stage a colorful and up-beat story.
Una boda en Castañer

Una boda en Castañer

Sep 03, 2015
Shortly before graduating from medical school, Mariana returns home to fulfill her father's promise to celebrate the greatest wedding ever in the history of Castañer. Complications arise when the bride's and the groom's families come together for the wedding preparations and festivities.
Mi día de suerte

Mi día de suerte

Apr 24, 1998
An urban comedy about a day in the life of Falopio Piomonte, a humble filing clerk in San Juan, Puerto Rico. After going to the local bank to deposit his paycheck, Falopio gets accidentally involved in a major bank robbery. A series of terrible mishaps follow, which threaten to drive him completely mad.
Pepo Pa'l Senado

Pepo Pa'l Senado

Sep 01, 2016
Politics is the Puerto Rican national sport, and in this sport anything is possible. Fate brings Pepo González, an ordinary, unemployed citizen, before an unscrupulous former political adviser. Her plan: to select a total stranger, without qualities or political lineage, and take the Capitol during one of the most important elections in the history of Puerto Rico. Will she be able to get Pepo a seat in the Senate?
Casi casi

Casi casi

Mar 18, 2006
Emilio is a normal teenager who somehow finds himself being sent to the principal's office every other week. He has a crush on Jacklynne, the most popular girl in school, so he decides to run for Student Council President in order to impress her. To his horror, Emilio discovers after announcing his candidacy that Jacklynne will be running for office against him.
Desvío al paraíso

Desvío al paraíso

Aug 14, 1994
Quinn shows up at an apartment building in Paradise, a small backwoods community in Puerto Rico, purporting to be the new caretaker the owner has been expecting. He gets right to work, making a good impression on everybody, except Gus, the reclusive teenage gas station attendant. Soon, sinister things come to pass
El último caso del detective Prado
After a long career as a detective in the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Police of Puerto Rico, José Rafael Prado takes office work before retiring. The murder of a coworker creates a vacancy Prado quickly wants to fill in order to "retire with honor".
La guagua aérea

La guagua aérea

Mar 01, 1993
A comedy narrating the adventures of ten Puerto Ricans looking for a better life. The film centers on an airplane trip to New York during 1960's. It relates in a comical, yet poignant manner, the array of reasons each of the passengers has for leaving Puerto Rico and the challenges they face as suggested by the interactions of the Anglo crew and the passengers.
Le Messager

Le Messager

Sep 15, 2016
Dix ans après un tsunami qui a détruit une école primaire de petite ville avec tous les enfants à l'intérieur, un jeune homme construit une structure mystérieuse à partir des restes de l'école, mettant la ville en flammes avec des passions longtemps oubliées.
Chona, la puerca asesina
A mad scientist invents a formula to control Puerto Rico. A little pig named Chona drinks water from a pond contaminated with the formula and grows to gigantic proportions, chasing and killing people.


Jan 02, 1989
Based on Miguel Meléndez Muñoz's novel.
Las infieles

Las infieles

Jul 25, 2007
A drama showing infidelity from the unique perspective of women. The one who was betrayed, the one who does it for fun, the obsessed, and the one on the verge of committing an infidelity, all presented without judgment about what is right and what is wrong.
Hay hombres para todas
A few women arrive at an escort agency to choose the men who will accompany them at their events. They aren’t all there for the same reason. One of them mistakes the office for that of a gynaecologist, while two prostitutes seeking a change in profession want to learn how to be more refined and respectable. Others are indeed looking for an escort for events, where they must portray an image of personal success despite being single.


Aug 16, 2007
The film follows the actions of a corrupt police captain, the title-character Ángel Lugo. Lugo is responsible for the wrongful imprisonment of Mariano Farías and the murder of his pregnant wife. After 15 years in a federal prison, Farías is still determined to prove his innocence.
Broche de Oro

Broche de Oro

Sep 13, 2012
Rafael, Elmo, and Pablo run away from the strict Catholic retirement home where they live with Carlos, Rafael's grandson, to embark on an adventure and prove life does not stop because of age.
Weekend War

Weekend War

Feb 01, 1988
A group of reservists ("weekend warriors") are sent to Honduras to build a runway. Shortly after arriving an engineering group is sent to a small village to repair a bridge as a favor for the US Ambassador; at this point Captain John Deason begins to question who he is really building the bridge for...
La sagrada familia

La sagrada familia

Mar 15, 2018
Two rival families, (one conservative, another liberal), meet in the office of a "new age" psychiatrist and his multiple personality assistant, in order to resolve a "little problem" with their children. They are missing. The only lead they have is a note which only the psychiatrist can decipher. The doctor, his assistant and both families embark in a search of adventure, that will not only discover the children's whereabouts, but also the prejudice, the fears and the hypocrisy with which we liv as adults.
The Baker and the Beauty
Daniel Garcia travaille dans la pâtisserie familiale et fait tout ce que sa famille attend de lui. Cependant, sa vie prend une tournure inattendue lorsqu'il rencontre Noa Hollander à un restaurant luxueux lors d'une nuit folle à Miami. Noa est une vedette internationale, la fille d'un magnat oeuvrant dans le domaine de l'immobilier et un mannequin qui connaît un grand succès, et elle sort tout juste d'une relation hollywoodienne très prolifique. Des étincelles s'allument entre les deux et le couple improbable doit décider s'ils veulent mettre leur vie sens dessus dessous pour être ensemble, attirant inévitablement leurs familles vers un choc de culture.
El Condominio

El Condominio

Mar 12, 2000
El Condominio was a Puerto Rican television show produced by Sunshine Logrono for Televicentro Puerto Rico and Currently airs on reruns on Telemundo Puerto Rico.
The Oath

The Oath

Feb 21, 2019
Pour survivre face à leurs ennemis et aux menaces qui sévissent dans leurs propres rangs, des policiers, ayant basculé dans le monde de la corruption, sont contraints de penser à leurs propres intérêts... et de moins en moins à leur mission première, qui était de protéger et servir les citoyens