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A sinister organization launches a wave of audacious attacks in an attempt to gain world domination. Commanded by the evil Professor Gill, masked androids and fearsome DARK Destructoid monsters terrorize innocent victims and wreak havoc throughout Japan. A solitary figure emerges to combat the menace. Whenever DARK attacks, a denim-clad road warrior appears, strumming a haunting refrain on his guitar. His name is Jiro, and a secret lies at the heart of his lonely existence. Jiro is a mechanical man. Vulnerable to Professor Gill's shrill flute wooing him to the DARK side, Jiro battles the evil menace by transforming into the mighty red-and-blue android known as...Kikaida.


May 01, 1996
Two Japanese survivors of the Khmer Rouge massacres in Cambodia vow to find a sanctuary, even if they have to build it themselves. Returning to Japan, they take seemingly opposite paths: one becomes a politician, the other a gangster. As Asami and Houjou work through the linked worlds of politics and crime in modern Japan, they don't hesitate to do anything necessary to secure their own positions and stay true to their vow. Loyal to no one else, they find their friendship increasingly tested as they rise in their chosen fields.
Le Soleil de Kurobe

Le Soleil de Kurobe

Mar 01, 1968
Drame relatant la construction du barrage de Kurobe, le plus grand barrage du Japon dont la construction a coûté la vie à 171 personnes.
Détective Conan : Stratégie en profondeur
À bord d'un luxueux bateau, Conan et toute sa petite troupe au grand complet voguent au grès de cette paisible croisière. Bien évidement, un évènement viendra rapidement briser cette utopique félicité : le meurtre de l'un des passagers. Cet incident déclenchera une réaction en chaîne allant crescendo jusqu'à mettre en péril la vie des 600 passagers.
Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror
Haruka est une fille unique de 16 ans qui a perdu sa mère lorsqu'elle était enfant. Elle continue de vivre avec son père, mais celui-ci est constamment occupé par son travail ce qui crée des conflits entre eux. Quand sa mère était encore en vie, elle a reçu de sa part un miroir comme cadeau et elle y porte beaucoup d'importance. Après la mort de sa mère, elle commença à oublier le miroir jusqu'à finir par le perdre. Un jour, elle décide d'aller sur l'autel de la divinité des objets perdus afin de prier pour le retour de son miroir perdu. C'est à cet instant qu'elle rencontre par hasard une petite créature masquée qu'elle va secrètement suivre jusqu'à l'île des objets perdus.


Dec 26, 1976
Marco est un jeune garçon italien vivant à Gènes, avec son père Pietro. La mère de Marco a quitté la famille un an plus tôt pour chercher du travail en Argentine. Des lettres d'elles arrivent régulièrement jusqu'au jour où elles cessent soudainement. Inquiet pour sa mère, Marco décide d'entreprendre le voyage jusqu'en Argentine pour la retrouver. Pietro est d'abord opposé au projet de Marco mais ému par la détermination de son fils, il l'autorise finalement à partir. Ainsi commence le long périple de Marco. Le garçon fera de nombreuses rencontres et les expériences qu'il vivra le feront gagner en maturité.
忍者戦士 飛影

忍者戦士 飛影

Jul 27, 1986
One day, Joe Maya, who lives on Mars, witnesses a battle between aliens. Those from Planet Zaboom are attacking the princess of Planet Radorio, she has escaped from the emperor of Zaboom who is scheming to conquer the universe and has crash landed on mars. Joe stumbles aboard the princesses ship, this starts a chain reaction of events that will alter their lives. Joe and his friends wield three powerful mecha beasts against the emperor of Zaboom and his forces, but the odds are stacked heavily against them. When all hope seems to be lost a mysterious ninja robot named Tobikage appears as if from nowhere to provide assitance, able to combine with the 3 mechanical beasts provides Tobikage with unmatched power, with his aide Joe fights the forces of Zaboom...
There once existed a planet named Beal, until it was wiped out by the mysterious entity known as Gaizok. The few remaining survivors escaped to Earth and split into three families, named Jin, Kamie, and Kamikita respectively. While attempting to start a new life, the collectively known "Jin Family" prepared for the inevitable Gaizok invasion on Earth and its giant mechanical beasts known as "Mecha Boosts". In order to defend their new home, they have built three vehicles which when combined form the mighty Zambot 3. The Jin Family must not only defend against Gaizok attacks, but also harsh criticisms from the very people they protect, who blame the Jin Family for the invasion in the first place.


Mar 31, 1973
Fuun Lion-Maru, translated as Storm Cloud Lion Maru, was a tokusatsu series that aired in Japan in 1973. It was the second series in the Lion-Maru trilogy, and featured a third Maru-like character named Black Jaguar. This Lion-Maru is deemed "the Rolling Tempest Ninja Warrior." This series was popularized in Brazil as Lion Man in 1989, the only other country besides Japan to show the 25 episodes of this series.
Action & Adventure