Bob Fosko

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Sep 12, 2013
Ce film de bien-être merveilleusement romantique tourne autour des enchevêtrements romantiques dans la vie mouvementée de quatre femmes à La Haye. La fille adolescente Eva, sa mère chaotique Judith, sa bonne tante Barbara et l'ambitieuse grande soeur Anna s'amusent ensemble sous le même toit de La Haye. Ils sont beaux, courageux et sensés, mais parfois ils ne savent plus quoi faire dans un monde plein d'amour précoce, de rencontres en série, de luxure rapide, d'affaires, de souhaits d'enfance et de vieilles amours indestructibles.
Aventures en pleine nature
Meral, 8 ans, vient juste d'emménager dans une nouvelle ville. Elle se rend vite compte qu'il est difficile de se faire des amis dans sa nouvelle école. Cependant, à la maison, elle découvre une petite souris, qu'elle apprivoise et baptise Pipip. De crainte que ses parents ne s'en débarrassent en son absence, Meral emporte en secret le rongeur avec elle en camp de vacances. Mais tout bascule quand un hibou emporte avec lui la pauvre Pipip.
De Mike & Thomas Show

De Mike & Thomas Show

Feb 27, 2009
The Mike and Thomas Show is a Dutch television comedy panel game broadcast on Nederland 3. It is created and presented by the cabaret performers Mike Boddé and Thomas van Luyn. The television program looks like the BBC show Shooting Stars; it is also a parody of the game show format and the setting of the show is the same. A difference is that the show is presented from behind two grand pianos. The first series was broadcast in 2005, the second in 2006 and the third in 2007. It is still uncertain if a fourth series will be broadcast. The first three series were broadcast on Dutch television.
Inspecteur de Cock

Inspecteur de Cock

Dec 01, 2006
Les enquêtes et aventures du très acariâtre mais passionné inspecteur De Cock et de son dévoué assistant Vledder, pas toujours très efficace.
Meiden van de Wit

Meiden van de Wit

May 22, 2005
After the CEO of a milkfactory dies a violent death, his three daughters Roos, Floor and Frédérique take over the company.


Apr 03, 1998
The misadventures of the anti-social Flodder family living in a upscale suburban neighborhood.
Dokter Tinus

Dokter Tinus

Nov 13, 2017
A successful vascular surgeon is suddenly confronted with a blood phobia, making it impossible for him to exercise his job in the hospital. He moves from the capital to the countryside to work as the GP of a village where he only knows his aunt. His predecessor was well liked, so his new community is less than welcoming. The empathic capabilities of the doctor leaves much to be desired, making it even harder for him to win his place in the close-knit community.
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Mar 07, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.