Alexandra Alphenaar

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Brigitte Kaandorp: Lustrum
Registration of the theatre program by the Dutch comedian Brigitte Kaandorp, about the celebration of the centenary of the Mea Culpa College. Rector Cornelis Putman (played by Bert Klunder) presents the festive evening, on which teachers and students perform fun acts, fine dances and beautiful songs. Including the ABC of Madame Manshanden, Wagner's Die Walküre in the adaptation of Brünhilde Putman Braun and a series of chanson classics in the interpretation of Mireille François, the French teacher.
De Sprookjesmusical - Pinokkio
In a beautiful Italian village lives the kind carpenter Geppetto. He's been crafting a large wooden puppet he names Pinocchio for months, secretly dreaming of having his own son. One day, when a fairy brings Pinocchio to life, Geppetto couldn't be happier. Well, at least for a little while. Pinocchio doesn't listen very well. He'd rather go on adventures and experience the craziest things, tricking the whole world. But even Pinocchio harbors a deep desire. This mischievous wooden puppet actually wants most of all to become a real boy.
Black Lotus

Black Lotus

Apr 12, 2023
Après la mort de son meilleur ami lors d'une mission commune, un officier des forces spéciales, Matteo Donner, parcourt le monde. De retour à Amsterdam, Donner n'a qu'un seul but : sauver la fille kidnappée de son ami mort.
Amour et Préjugés

Amour et Préjugés

Oct 27, 2016
Une jeune policière rêvant de trouver l'amour et un propriétaire de bar entre dans un jeu romantique du chat et de la souris alors qu'ils voulaient orienter leurs vies amoureuses dans d'autres directions.
Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden
Goede tijden, slechte tijden, also known as GTST, is the longest-running Dutch soap opera, revolving around the lives of the families Alberts, Sanders, De Jong, Van Houten and Bouwhuis. It all takes place in the fictional town of Meerdijk.
Dirty Lines

Dirty Lines

Apr 08, 2022
Dans l'Amsterdam des années 80, une étudiante ambitieuse s'engage dans une nouvelle carrière au sein d'un service de téléphone rose fondé par deux frères très différents.
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Mar 07, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.