Alicia Hall

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Life on Mars

Life on Mars

Apr 10, 2007
Sam Tyler se réveille en 1973 après un accident de voiture survenu en 2006 juste après l'enlèvement de sa petite amie. Policier, il va se mettre au service de la police de Manchester et Salford où il va devoir faire face à différents chocs entre sa manière de travailler et celle de l'époque. La série ajoute à cela un côté surréaliste puisque Sam Tyler parle la nuit à une fille à travers sa télévision. La série entretient aussi un mystère sur ce qui est arrivé à Tyler : a-t-il réellement voyagé dans le temps ? Est-il dans le comas en 2006 et ceci n'est que le fruit de son imagination ? Ou encore, vit-il en 1973 et est-il mentalement instable avec en plus des visions du futur ? Des questions auxquelles les réponses seront apportées au fur et à mesure.
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search is a reality TV show produced by NBC that debuted in January 2005, prior to the launch of that year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The purpose of the show was to document twelve previously unknown fashion models as they competed against one another for a grand prize. In this case, it was a pictorial in the 2005 edition of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and a modeling contract with NEXT Model Management worth one million US dollars. The twelve contestants were chosen after NBC and Sports Illustrated launched a nation-wide search, processing around 3,000 potential women. The three-judge panel consisted of Roshumba Williams, Joel Wilkenfeld and Jule Campbell. Competitions would include how well the contestants did on their photo shoots and their rigorous fitness tests. Based on these, the aforementioned judges would choose who "made the cut" and who would be let go from the competition, until there were two finalists. The show's tagline was "The business of being beautiful is about to get ugly."