Paul Levitz

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Milestone Generations

Milestone Generations

Jul 29, 2022
The electrifying story of Milestone Media, of the challenges they faced in changing the face of superhero storytelling, and of the rebirth of the company – now with entertainment legend Reggie Hudlin helping to steer the ship – just when the world needs the Milestone heroes more than ever.
The New Gods

The New Gods

Sep 28, 2010
Documentary exploring Jack Kirby's Fourth World characters, and the introduction of Darkseid and Apokolips to the DC Universe.
Diagram for Delinquents
In 1950, America was in a state of panic. Juvenile delinquency was destroying the very fabric of society. Ninety percent of all children were reading comic books. In 1954, psychiatrist Dr. Fredric Wertham wrote a scathing indictment of comics called Seduction of the Innocent. Its central premise: Comic books were the leading contributing factor to juvenile delinquency. That same year, Dr. Wertham testified at special hearings on comic books at the Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency in the United States. Comics were on trial. Diagram for Delinquents captures the zeitgeist of late 1940s and early 1950s America and investigates how the funny books found themselves on the fire. Using expert and comic book insider interviews, never seen before historical photographs and films, and animation, DIAGRAM goes further than any previous comic book documentary to explore and understand the controversial figure at the center of this American tale: Fredric Wertham.
Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark Knight
Delve into the world of Batman and the vigilante justice that he brought to the city of Gotham. Batman is a man who, after experiencing great tragedy, devotes his life to an ideal--but what happens when one man takes on the evil underworld alone? Examine why Batman is who he is--and explore how a boy scarred by tragedy becomes a symbol of hope to everyone else.
She Makes Comics

She Makes Comics

Nov 15, 2014
She Makes Comics retrace la fascinante histoire des femmes dans l'industrie de la bande dessinée. Malgré les idées reçues sur le monde de la bande dessinée, les femmes écrivent, dessinent et lisent des bandes dessinées depuis les débuts de ce médium à la fin du XIXe siècle. Et aujourd'hui, il y a des dizaines de femmes qui participent à la bande dessinée et à sa vibrante culture de fans. Avec des dizaines d'entrevues avec des personnalités aussi importantes que Ramona Fradon, Trina Robbins, Joyce Farmer, Karen Berger, Kelly Sue DeConnick et Becky Cloonan, She Makes Comics est le premier film à réunir les femmes les plus influentes du monde de la bande dessinée.
Batman Tech

Batman Tech

Jul 21, 2008
He's caped, cowled and the coolest superhero of them all, because underneath that Batsuit, Batman only has his human strength and intellect to rely on. That and the greatest arsenal of crime fighting weaponry ever devised. But just where does comic book science fiction end and scientific fact begin? What technologies are behind the gadgets in Batman's utility belt? And just how plausible is the Batmobile? Get ready for a real life trip to the Batcave as we reveal the secrets behind Batman Tech.
With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story
A travers les témoignages de proches et de collaborateurs, le document revient sur le parcours du célèbre scénariste de comics, créateur, entre autres, des superhéros Spider-Man, Iron Man et Thor. Avec des interviews de Tobey Maguire, interprète de Spider-Man au cinéma, Bryan Singer, réalisateur des deux premiers X-Men, ou encore Lou Ferrigno, qui a incarné Hulk à la télévision.
Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked
Industry insiders like Stan Lee and Neil Gaiman (The Sandman) reflect on the way their colorful creations reflect society at large. They have spread from the pulpy pages of nickel comics to Saturday morning cartoons, the big screen and beyond. They have evolved from simple, All-American heroes to tortured, complicated characters reflecting the dreams, desires and fears of modern society. From Superman to The Sandman, Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked is a fascinating, feature-length look at the evolution of an art form that has proved remarkably adaptable and enduring. Filled with classic images from DC and Marvel Comics as well as extensive interviews with modern masters of the graphic novel like Neil Gaiman and Frank Miller (The Dark Knight Returns), this documentary, originally aired on the History Channel, goes far beyond the superficial escapist fantasies to probe the forces that shaped the characters who have become legend...
We Are Legion

We Are Legion

Aug 07, 2007
Documentary interviewing the crew of the Legion of Super-Heroes TV show
Ghost Empire: The Forgotten Story of Harvey Comics
For half a century Harvey Comics characters ruled newsstands, television screens, and the imaginations of children across the United States. While the names Casper the Friendly Ghost, Richie Rich, Little Audrey, Dick Tracy, and The Green Hornet live on, Harvey Comics has been largely forgotten. This film will bring together stories from family members, artists, historians, and celebrities to reveal the untold story of a company that changed comic books and pop culture forever.
My Comic Shop Country

My Comic Shop Country

Apr 07, 2020
My Comic Shop Country is a feature-length documentary film exploring the business, fandom, and community of comic book stores across the United States. In 2015, New York's Alternate Realities closed after 23 years in operation, setting filmmaker-and former AR employee-Anthony Desiato on a quest to explore the comics retail industry from coast to coast. Comic book characters are box office gold, but why isn't the same necessarily true for comic stores? See how the 20 shops featured in the film are turning the tide, one customer at a time, seven days a week. Plus: Learn the fate (and future?) of Alternate Realities.
The Fire Rises : The Creation and Impact of The Dark Knight Trilogy
Documentaire qui nous plonge dans la trilogie Batman de Nolan. Il s'ouvre sur l'inspiration et la vision des nouveaux films de Batman et s'achemine vers le final de Rises, qui est l'aboutissement de près d'une décennie de sang créatif, de sueur et de larmes. Candide, réfléchi et exhaustif, et composé de séquences révélatrices en coulisses, d'innombrables entrevues, de cassettes d'audition (avec Christian Bale et Cillian Murphy portant la cape et le capuchon), et d'une prise et d'un élan narratifs qui lui sont propres, il ne laisse rien à désirer.
You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman
A 5-part documentary of the history of Superman in the movies. • Origin - Superman in the media and the challenges the Salkinds faced • Vision - Creating the right script, Choosing the right director and casting the right actors • Ascent - The production and launch of a new kind of fantasy film • Crisis - Complications and conflicts between the creative forces behind Superman II • Redemption - Criticisms and burnout of Superman III and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Christopher Reeve : Le Superman Éternel
À travers une interview inédite que nous avons réalisé juste avant la disparition prématurée de l’acteur, le film éclaire les liens entre deux héros, retrace leur évolution au cours de leurs 9 ans de vie commune et au-delà, jusqu’à la transformation de l’acteur en super-héros lui-même.
Superpowered: The DC Story
Cette série documentaire jette un regard inédit sur l'héritage de DC, permettant aux fans de redécouvrir l'univers des personnages, ainsi que les origines de la société emblématique de bandes dessinées, son évolution et son impact culturel de près de neuf décennies à travers tous les supports artistiques.
Superpowered: The DC Story
Riche mélange de mythologie moderne et de fantastique obscur, "Sandman" lie étroitement fiction contemporaine, drame historique et légendes pour raconter l'histoire de ceux dont le destin a été touché par Morpheus, le Roi des Rêves, tandis que celui-ci tente de racheter les erreurs cosmiques (et humaines) qu'il a commises au cours de sa longue existence.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Superpowered: The DC Story
Jeune expert de la police scientifique de Central City, Barry Allen se retrouve doté d'une vitesse extraordinaire après avoir été frappé par la foudre. Sous le costume de Flash, il utilise ses nouveaux pouvoirs pour combattre le crime.