Eric Reiman

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Forty Thousand Horsemen
Charles Chauvel's 1940 cinematic tribute to the mounted troops of the Australian Light Horse regiments is a rousing call to arms, giving life to the heroic tales of mateship during the Great War.
No Strangers Here

No Strangers Here

Nov 30, 1950
No Strangers Here is a fictionalised account of a family of "new Australians" arriving in their new home town. The family (mum, dad, girl and boy) are displaced persons from Northern and Eastern Europe. Produced for the Department of Immigration during the migrant boom that followed World War Two, the film's essential message is "We want them. We need them". It presents an idealised Australia, "a happy, smiling land" where people are generally friendly and accepting despite some xenophobia, and echoes the government policies of decentralisation and assimilation.
Le Pirate des mers du Sud
Au XVIIIème siècle, à Port d'Espagne, une île des Caraïbes, le pirate Long John Silver est à la recherche de l'emplacement d'un trésor, décrit sur le médaillon que le défunt capitaine Flint a donné avant de mourir au jeune Jim Hawkins. Ce dernier a été enlevé par Mendoza, un pirate ennemi. Silver délivre Jim ainsi qu'Elisabeth Strong, la fille du Gouverneur. Ensemble, ils atteignent l'île au trésormais Jim retombe entre les mains de Mendoza. Silver le libère à nouveau et tue Mendoza en duel. Puis tous deux s'emparent du trésor...
Age of Consent

Age of Consent

May 13, 1969
A New York, Bradley Morahan est un peintre âgé qui pense être désormais dépassé. Son agent lui conseille alors de s'installer sur une île aux larges des côtes australiennes afin de retrouver l'inspiration proche de sa terre natale. Là, Bradley rencontre un vieux couple dont la petite fille, Cora, devient sa muse. Mais cette relation ne ravit pas la grand-mère : Cora est mineure et lorsqu'elle se met à poser nue, elle dénonce Morahan aux autorités.
The Adventures Of Long John Silver
A TV series about the Long John Silver character from Treasure Island. It was made in 1954 in colour in Australia for the American and British markets before the development of Australian television. Long John Silver is the proud captain of his own ship and his own crew. He and his buccaneer cruise around the Caribbean and often stay on the side of the English and fight the French and Spanish. After the long and dangerous adventures, he and his crew rest in the tavern of Miss Purity. This series aired in the United States first on Syndicated basis in 1956, but not on a regular basis and completely random as part of another show. Several episodes were edited together and shown as movies in the cinemas under the titles: Under The Black Flag and South Sea Pirates. After that it was sold to the ITV Network in the UK, and aired in 1957. In 1958 Australian ABC screened the series as part of Children's TV Club show.
Action & Adventure
Skippy, le kangourou

Skippy, le kangourou

Mar 16, 1970
Dans le parc national de Waratah, en Australie, Matt Hammond est garde forestier. Il élève seul ses deux enfants, Mark l’adolescent et Sonny son petit frère. Vivant au cœur de la nature, cette famille partage son quotidien avec Skippy, un kangourou astucieux. Le fidèle compagnon est de toutes les aventures aux côtés des Hammond.