Attila Nagy

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A Kőszívű Ember Fiai
Based on the novel of Mór Jókai. During the Hungarian independence war 1848-49 mother and her three sons trying to leave the road precisely designated by their conservative, stone-hearted father. The way-seeking and rivalry of brothers, Jókai's masterpiece, the cast, delightful scenes give an unforgettable experience.
Le Mariage du siècle

Le Mariage du siècle

Oct 08, 1985
A la suite d'un pari avec des copains, Paul, dragueur invétéré, se met en tête de séduire la princesse Charlotte dont le mariage avec un duc est imminent...
Fotó Háber

Fotó Háber

Oct 23, 1963
A priest who has been set free from prison recently joins a spy organization.
Hintónjáró szerelem
The top management of the co-operative in the rural community at Lake Balaton goes on coaches everywhere to irritate Mrs. Peczöli, the snobbish wife of the only individual farmer. Peczöli would readily join the co-operative, should it not oppose his apple improving experiments.
Fény a redőny mögött
Torday Géza, a new engineer arrives at the ammunition factory disguised as if manufacturing camping gears. His appearance upsets existing patterns. The director sells the products at a low price in the West. In the meantime diversionaries attempt to destroy the plant. It turns out that Torday is a man of the intelligence built in among the reconnaissance people, as is his childhood lover, Magda. Agents and policemen play the game.
Les Sans-espoir

Les Sans-espoir

Jan 06, 1966
Au lendemain du Compromis austro-hongrois de 1867, les Sans Espoir, des bandits d'honneur, vivent parmi les paysans. Le gouvernement veut les arrêter, surtout leur chef Sandor. Pour cela, la police propose aux paysans de s'engager dans l'armée. Ainsi, les Sans Espoir seront démasqués et abattus.
A szélhámosnő

A szélhámosnő

Sep 19, 1963
Éva, the pretty housekeeper is preparing to take an entrance exam at the Faculty of Law. In addition to this, she also has energy to arrange the day-to-day matters of the committee of tenants. Soon, she discovers that her beauty and cocksure behaviour finds its way not only at the exam, but in the mazes of bureaucracy, too. She helps get trade licences, flat allocations, and shop premises for those in need.
Az utolsó előtti ember
Peti, the young parachutist starts concurring with his fellows during the training sessions: who dares to fall free longer? Orodán, his coach decides that if needed, he would use force to make him give up this perilous rowdiness.
Alfa Rómeo és Júlia
A young man has his hepatic duct replaced with a plastic tube after an accident but starts to get worried how this will affect his manliness.


Jan 26, 1967
In a little town named Lombos, suddenly a smelly, sulphonic thermal water gush out. Félix Szombathy, a swindler sees a great business opportunity in this. He founded a fraud company and promised to revive the town.
Volt egyszer egy család
This film describes the narrator's childhood, the years before and after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, in a burlesque and fabulous style and with the humour of a child's fantasy.