Viv van Dingenen

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La Petite

La Petite

Sep 20, 2023
Joseph apprend que son fils et le compagnon de celui-ci viennent de périr dans un accident. Ils attendaient un enfant via une mère porteuse en Belgique. Que va devenir leur futur bébé ? Joseph en est-il le grand-père légitime ? Porté par la promesse de cette naissance qui va prolonger l’existence de son fils, le sexagénaire part à la rencontre de la jeune flamande farouche et indomptable…


Oct 26, 2022
En 1997, le petit génie de l’informatique Frank Verstraeten a à peine 30 ans lorsqu’il brasse déjà des millions. Fasciné par les mirages de la vie nocturne, le geek à lunettes décide de collaborer avec un roi du porno local, Dennis Black Magic : à Anvers, ils ouvrent le Zillion, qui fut en son temps la plus grande boîte de nuit d’Europe et une parfaite couverture pour les activités frauduleuses de leurs propriétaires. Superficie géante, piste de danse tournante, spectacles laser, feux d’artifice : ZILLION en met plein la vue. Le cocktail sexe, drogue et musique techno est imparable ! Mais le succès attise la jalousie, et Frank ne tarde pas à se faire des ennemis aussi bien parmi ses employés que ses concurrents...


Dec 06, 2021
'Daughters' tells the story of the nine-year-old Nadine who meets her foster sister Romy for the first time. Nadine needs to get used to her new role as a big sister and all the changes that come with it.
Danni Lowinski

Danni Lowinski

May 23, 2013
A former hairdresser graduates from law school and starts working as a cheap legal consultant. Her ambition, her spontaneous and unique way to investigate cases, her big heart and her first successes as a lawyer soon deliver her many clients.
De Bunker

De Bunker

Feb 22, 2023
A specialized team is responsible for the country's State Security. This Antwerp cell operates from the bunker, a secret and underground headquarters
Action & Adventure


Dec 18, 2016
Witse is a Dutch language crime drama produced by Belgian broadcaster VRT and broadcast on their één channel. It is also shown on BVN. First broadcast in 2004, as of 2010 the programme comprises eight series with a ninth and final series planned for 2012. It stars Hubert Damen as the eponymous Witse, a driven inspector in the Belgian federal police based in Halle. It is one of the most popular Flemish television programmes with some 1.6 million viewers. There are also Witse books. The first three were based on the last two episodes of each season, but since 2010 every six months a brand new story is published, written and invented by established Belgian writers, as Bob Van Laerhoven and Bart Van Lierde. The music for Witse is composed by Steve Willaert.
Action & Adventure


Sep 04, 2023


Nov 06, 2017
Two brothers, one shared dream - that of becoming a professional football player. When one is selected to play for a top football club, he discovers the glamourous yet deceitful world of top class football. The other brother's football dream is shattered, and he must find another way to make something of his life. Both the brothers and their family will find out that there's a price to be paid for success. Will their love for each other turn out to be stronger than the call of money and fame?
Deadline 14/10

Deadline 14/10

Oct 11, 2012
A young journalist starts working for the local Antwerp newspaper and has to deal with the disappearance of a young girl. What was first regarded as another silly story, soon appears to be a suspicious case with linkages to the political world. Just when the election campaign in the city of Antwerp is fully erupted.


Apr 19, 2009
Flikken was a popular Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Ghent. The show started in 1999 and ended recently on 19 April 2009. In the series, a team of six police officers solved various crimes, petty crimes as well as organised crime. The series always aimed at showing the policework in a realistic way - though a little personal drama was never far off. Of all the actors that came along during the ten seasons, only Mark Tijsmans and Ludo Hellinx appeared throughout the entire series. Flikken was produced by the VRT and broadcast on Belgian public channel Eén and TROS in the Netherlands. Flikken is very popular in Belgium and the Netherlands. The show has had very high ratings of up to 1.8 million viewers during the last season. Every year the VRT organises the Flikkendag, a family day where the public can meet the actors of the show. There are many games, demonstrations of the real police and other safety organisations and performances of singers. On 18 April 2009, a special farewell party was organised in Ghent, in which the actors and crew said goodbye to their fans - thousands had assembled to watch the show on stage.
Stille Waters

Stille Waters

Mar 03, 2002
Stan Moereels is found dead. Was it suicide, or was he killed? Stan's foster-child Jana Meyer decides to investigate. Alexander Vorlat doesn't make it easy for her. He has his own reasons to make it difficult for everyone around him.
Au Champ d'Honneur

Au Champ d'Honneur

Mar 16, 2014
The story of the Boesman family's attempt to survive in the city of Ghent during the first world war focusing on each of the five family member's different experiences
The Twelve

The Twelve

Oct 22, 2023
Douze citoyens ordinaires sont appelés à former un jury d'assises dans une affaire de meurtre aussi traumatisante que controversée : Fri Palmers, une directrice d'école respectée, est accusée de deux assassinats, dont celui de son propre enfant.


Dec 18, 2016
Witse is a Dutch language crime drama produced by Belgian broadcaster VRT and broadcast on their één channel. It is also shown on BVN. First broadcast in 2004, as of 2010 the programme comprises eight series with a ninth and final series planned for 2012. It stars Hubert Damen as the eponymous Witse, a driven inspector in the Belgian federal police based in Halle. It is one of the most popular Flemish television programmes with some 1.6 million viewers. There are also Witse books. The first three were based on the last two episodes of each season, but since 2010 every six months a brand new story is published, written and invented by established Belgian writers, as Bob Van Laerhoven and Bart Van Lierde. The music for Witse is composed by Steve Willaert.
Action & Adventure
Urgence disparitions

Urgence disparitions

Apr 07, 2016
Chaque épisode de la série raconte un suivi de dossier d'une personne disparue par la Cellule des personnes disparues de la Police fédérale belge , qui s'occupe des disparitions, de l'identification de personnes et de restes humains.
Alter Ego

Alter Ego

Dec 01, 2023
Suspense, mort et amour. Alter Ego est une série dramatique et mystérieuse qui se déroule dans un monde unique où la mort se déplace parmi la population pour accomplir sa tâche : toucher ceux dont la "dernière heure" a sonné. Dans son repaire, la banque internationale Salvator, les nombreux clones de la Mort n'ont qu'une seule apparence. Celle d'une jeune femme élégante aux cheveux roux. Une fois que les clones se déplacent parmi nous, ils prennent l'apparence de leur alter ego, qui est différent pour chaque clone. La Mort est impitoyable, séduisante et inarrêtable.
Glad IJs

Glad IJs

Jun 16, 2021
In this bittersweet satire about what life has in store for those who pursue only their own happiness, self-made ice cream boss Phil 'Frisco' Druyts values his employees more than his family. When he discovers his family’s plan to sell his business, he takes matters into his own hands, creating turmoil for them and unleashing a nationwide manhunt.
GR5 : into the wilderness
De jeunes gens et un quinquagénaire parcourent ensemble le GR5 en mémoire de leur amie et fille, Lysa, mystérieusement disparue cinq ans auparavant lors d’une randonnée en solitaire sur cette même route. À l’issue d’un voyage éprouvant, la vérité sur la disparition de Lisa finira par éclater…
Chaussée d'Amour

Chaussée d'Amour

May 10, 2016
When her marriage fails Sylvia is forced to move with her children into a brothel on the Chaussée d'Amour. Out of financial necessity she decides to exploit the bar. Meanwhile a detective tries to solve an old murder case.


Feb 28, 2025
The Bomans, Bastiaens, Verbeeck, and de Grote families must navigate personal and romantic relationships while dealing with the challenges of their daily lives.