The series tells the story of the family lives of the police officers working in a special team of the Istanbul Police Department's Public Security Department and their adventures on the streets of Istanbul. The team encounters different and diverse human stories during their missions. The Istanbul Police Chief Rıza Soylu (Zafer Ergin), with his years of experience and fatherhood, approaches these stories, which at times make them smile and at other times are heartbreaking, and guides the other young members of the team.
Set in the 1960s, the story of the Akarsu family includes Ali, Cemile and their four children: Berrin, a law student, Aylin and Mete, high school students, and 5 year old Osman. Ali begins an affair with Caroline, a Dutch woman, which leads to the disintegration of the family.
Deniz is a small boy who lives in a town with her father and is loved by all. But he feels bad that he grew up without a mother. Deniz's father, Hakan, had a love affair with Zeynep, but life somehow parted them. Therefore, Deniz was left without mother. One day Zeynep comes to this town with her husband Semih and becomes happy when she meets Deniz. After this encounter, nothing's going to be the same.