Pat Donahue

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Abby Singer

Abby Singer

Oct 28, 2003
Chronicles the life of Curtis Clemins, who is torn between the love of his life and accomplishing his dream. When hitting rock bottom during the Sundance Film Festival, Clemins' calls upon his old college chum, Kevin Prouse, giving the now drunken acting instructor in the throes of a divorce, the only clue that will salvage Clemins' rapidly deteriorating life.
Redemption: For Robbing the Dead
For Robbing the Dead is a story of compassion - compassion toward those who may seem the least deserving of Christian love. It follows the story of Henry Heath, a law officer in 1862 Salt Lake City. Heath finds himself responsible for the well-being of a prisoner whom he despises - an impoverished French immigrant named Jean Baptiste who is convicted of robbing the graves of the recently deceased. Baptiste is exiled to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. With no one willing to look after this man, Henry Heath becomes Baptiste's sole defense against the hostile isolation of Antelope Island and the contempt of an entire community. Through his somewhat reluctant service, Heath's heart softens and his own sorrows find relief.
The Last Show

The Last Show

Jun 01, 2006
Un samedi soir pluvieux à Saint Paul, la foule se presse au Fitzgerald Theater pour assister au show radiophonique hebdomadaire "A Prairie Home Companion".Depuis 30 ans, ses vedettes, ses joyeuses fausses réclames et ses amuseurs rétro ont atteint la gloire et survivent au règne de la télévision.Les Johnson Sisters, Yolanda et Rhonda, un duo de chanteuses légèrement passées de mode, sont au bord de la crise de nerfs. Dusty et Lefty, héros d'un numéro de cow-boys à l'humour douteux, s'apprêtent à entrer en scène.En coulisses, le chef de la sécurité, Guy Noir, poursuit une jeune femme étrangement apparue... Quant au maître de cérémonie de cette joyeuse petite entreprise, GK, il présente l'émission de ce soir avec plus de détachement que d'habitude.La station de radio vient d'être vendue à un groupe texan. Ce show est peut-être le dernier mais le spectacle doit continuer.
Deep Winter

Deep Winter

Jan 03, 2009
Maverick downhill racer, Tyler Crowe, reunites with best friend and renegade snowboarder, Mark Rider. It doesn't take long for the old friends to take on a new mission. Together they head to Alaska, where led by a veteran guide, the two attempt the most daring descent on snow ever caught on film. But with glory comes risk. And this challenge is no exception.