Sacide Taşaner

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May 09, 2016
Aaahh Belinda

Aaahh Belinda

Apr 07, 2023
Indépendante et célèbre, elle mène une vie parfaite… jusqu'à ce qu'un rôle de mère de famille dans une publicité pour un shampooing vienne tout bouleverser.
Neden Tarkovski Olamıyorum...
Bahadır, an aspiring 35-year-old director, spends his life making cheap television films inspired by the stories of folk songs. On the other hand, he has a great ambition to make films like his idol, Tarkovsky. He stands between his dreams and the real, tragicomic conditions.
Dedemin İnsanları

Dedemin İnsanları

Nov 25, 2011
A feature film that tells the story of the director's grandfather who was forced to leave Crete in the 1920s during the Greek-Turkish population exchange.
Seni Seven Ölsün

Seni Seven Ölsün

Apr 08, 2016
A village in the Black Sea region is under the influence of a curse. A couple decides to stop the sad story of lovers who have not been able to meet for hundreds of years under the influence of the charm, even if they are the children of enemy families.


Nov 28, 2024
After losing her husband, Sultan, fearing loneliness, told her children she wanted to remarry immediately. Her son Nevzat, with a traditional mindset, opposed this, arguing it would be unacceptable in their small town, especially so soon after their father's death. Her daughter Reyhan respected her mother’s wishes but felt the decision was too hasty. Despite their objections, Sultan remained determined. Seeking a new husband, she also entered the business world, defying societal expectations. She turned her house into a boarding house, opened a market stall, and challenged male vendors. Sultan's bold actions inspired other women in the district to break free from traditional roles, leading them to work alongside her in the boarding house and market. Her efforts ultimately sparked a movement for female independence, as more women gained their own identities.
İlk ve Son

İlk ve Son

Nov 28, 2024
The ups and downs of Barış and Deniz, two very different people who meet in their mid-20s and fall in love with each other before their childhood traumas leave their traces, and a 10-year odyssey of psychological observation that is often sunny, cloudy, stormy, possible, and impossible.


Jun 21, 2012
L'histoire débute à Ildır, un village de la côte égéenne appartenant au district administratif de Çeşme, dans la province d'Izmir en Turquie. Fatmagül (Beren Saat) est une jeune femme orpheline, innocente et joyeuse, issue d'un milieu modeste, qui vit à Ildır avec son frère unique, déficient mental léger, sa femme et leur fils. Ils tiennent ensemble, une laiterie artisanale. Fatmagül s'apprête à épouser son fiancé et amour de jeunesse Mustafa (Fırat Çelik) pêcheur du village. Kerim (Engin Akyürek) lui, est un jeune homme, calme et amical qui travaille comme apprenti forgeron. Ayant perdu ses parents très jeune, c'est Meryem Aksoy, herboriste du village, célibataire et sans enfants, qui l'élève comme son propre fils. Au village, les fiançailles de Selim, fils de Reşat Yaşaran, le plus riche homme d'affaires de la région, à Meltem, fille du politicien Turaner Alagöz, constituent un grand évènement. A cette occasion, une grande fête est organisée durant laquelle Selim, son cousin Erdogan, son ami Vural et son ami d'enfance Kerim boivent de l'alcool en grande quantité et consomment de la drogue. Les trois hommes, Erdogan, Selim et Vural sont très riches et influents, tandis que Kerim vient d'un simple milieu modeste. Tous les quatre se retrouvent, plus tard dans la nuit après la fête, pour continuer à boire et à s'amuser dans une terre isolée en bord de mer. Ils poursuivent par hasard Fatmagül qui fait son chemin seule, vers son fiancé, qui s'apprête à voyager en mer pour la pêche. Erdogan, Selim et Vural, violent Fatmagül, à tour de rôle, avec une atrocité inouïe. Kerim n'y participe pas mais sous l'emprise d'alcool et de drogue, ne fait rien pour les en empêcher. Fatmagül, dans un état de choc profond, est découverte seule, le lendemain matin par Meryem Aksoy, mère adoptive de Kerim, alors qu'elle cueillait des herbes à cet endroit isolé. Elle alerte les secours. Après cet incident, Kerim est complètement effondré, n'arrivant pas à admettre son comportement. Mustafa et sa famille réagissent de façon haineuse envers Fatmagül, la jugeant responsable de la tragédie et considérant que son honneur a été sali. Vural est profondément perturbé par l'événement, ayant des cauchemars constants à propos de Fatmagül, tandis qu'Erdogan et Selim continuent leur vie, faisant comme si rien ne s'était passé, confiants du pouvoir de leurs familles à les protéger. Kerim, se sentant honteux et coupable, ne sait quoi faire et décide d'épouser Fatmagül, comme le veut l'arriviste belle-sœur de celle-ci par un accord financier avec les familles des violeurs. En conséquence, Fatmagül, Kerim et leurs familles vendent leurs propriétés à Ildır et déménagent à Istanbul pour commencer une nouvelle vie, dans une nouvelle maison, qui les réunit. Kerim tombe rapidement amoureux de la belle Fatmagül, mais celle-ci, le déteste.
Altın Kafes

Altın Kafes

Dec 24, 2023
Zeynep, a teacher at the Beyoğlu family school, saves Onur, the family heir, from an assassination attempt, leading to unexpected events. Despite Onur's reluctance, they marry. However, Zeynep holds undisclosed secrets about Onur's family. In a house bound by past pains, their love faces challenges, turning their home into a gilded cage.
Kırgın Çiçekler

Kırgın Çiçekler

Mar 12, 2018
"Eylül" is a 16 year old girl sexual harassment by her stepfather , and her mother did not believe her and she went with "Eylül" to the orphanage , and left her daughter there. Then Eylül become friends with the girls in the orphanage and every girl have a own story. The girls trying to divorce Eylül's mother and her husband many times. "Feride" is an assistent in the orphanage who is always helping the girls when they need her.


Apr 16, 2021
La série se concentrera sur le conflit entre les deux familles et un grand amour qui s'épanouira entre cette lutte.
Action & Adventure
Sevdam Alabora

Sevdam Alabora

Mar 08, 2015
The daughter of a wealthy and respected family in Anatolia runs away from home when she falls in love with someone the family does not approve. This escape turns into a big drama that will affect the whole family, the secrets to be kept for years, the sins to be committed and the generations.


Feb 26, 2025
The story of the efforts of six siblings, Azize, Cemo, Zeliha, Fidan, Samet and Balım, who lost their parents suddenly and in one night, to stay together and hold on to life despite the disasters that befell them. Although the story takes place in Istanbul, the tragedy that befell the siblings lies in the great love of their parents, Bala and Rıfat. This impossible love begins far from Istanbul, in a village in Mardin.
Zengin ve Yoksul

Zengin ve Yoksul

May 26, 2019
In the same neighborhood in Istanbul, two different houses in two different worlds. Berringiller, who was struggling with their livelihood at the foot of the slope, and their rich relatives are Erdemliler. Aysel no longer wants to take money from her rich relatives. She doesn't want to wear Aleyna's old ones.