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Nov 01, 2019
Sōra is a high school student who is basically invisible at school. He is friends with Chūya, who is an unpredictable character that often surprises those around him. Sōra and Chūya both have feelings for the same classmate, Kio Machida. The Machida girl refuses to come to class, because she doesn't want to dye her naturally brown hair black. Their school has unreasonable school rules, especially about uniforms, which include requiring all students to have black hair. Sōra and Chūya decide to stand up to change their school's black school rules so that Machida won’t have to repeat a year of school from missing too many classes.
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
La deuxième branche de Cattleya va fusionner pendant un mois avec la première branche de Cattleya, où ne se trouvent que des filles de bonne famille. Les filles de la deuxième branche vont donc retrouver leur lycée, alors que les garçons vont devoir partir momentanément de Bakada. Shingyoji Fumie se retrouve confrontée à Kunesono Yuka, qui est la présidente des étudiants dans la première branche de Cattleya. Mais Fumie a un autre souci en tête puisqu'elle va bientôt partir et ne sait pas comment l'annoncer à ses amis. En parallèle, le lycée Kiku, avec à sa tête Mashima Kaito, cherche à défier le lycée Bakada (la deuxième branche de Cattleya). Kaito veut en fait battre Sakuragi Tatsuya, le frère du rival de son propre frère...
映画 少年たち

映画 少年たち

Mar 29, 2019
The 50 years old long-running legendary stageplay comes to big screen in 29 March 2019. Produced by Johnny Kitagawa himself, starring future stars Jesse, Kyomoto Taiga, Kouchi Yugo, Matsumura Hokuto, Morimoto Shintaro, Tanaka Juri (of group SixTONES), and more than hundred of Johnny's Juniors.


Mar 14, 2025
Senagaki Isaku will be a first-year high school student starting in spring. Her grandfather is the third head of the Senagaki group, a yakuza organization, so she is feared by those around her. However, starting from spring, she hopes to make normal friends and normally fall in love. She is admitted into a high school further from her hometown, however, the overprotective young head of the Senagaki group, Utou Keiya, (26 years old) falsifies his age and enters the school with her through a backdoor admission…?! Keiya proclaims that love is too early for her although Isaku is perfectly ready. In truth, she has held an unrequited love for Keiya for quite some time.


Dec 22, 2021
MC Kazuya Kamenashi and a member with top-class motor skills at Johnny's office will face off with a medalist who impressed all over Japan this summer!
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
Alors que tout oppose les élèves de l’école pour garçons, le lycée yankee Bakada et les élèves de l’école pour filles, la prestigieuse académie Cattleya, une fusion s'opère entre les deux lycées. Bakada devient alors une antenne mixte de Cattleya, la deuxième branche de Cattleya. Ce qui est loin de plaire au leader du lycée yankee, Sakuragi Tatsuya, ainsi qu’à ses amis. Il devra alors faire son maximum afin son lycée Bakada garde son honneur tout en côtoyant ses nouveaux camarades de classe, dont la fameuse Shingyoji Fumie, la présidente des étudiants du lycée Cattleya.


Nov 26, 2019
Sōra is a 2nd-grade high school student, but he is virtually invisible at school. He is friends with Chūya. Chūya's personality is completely different from Sōra. Chūya does unpredictable things and that surprises those around him. Sōra and Chūya both have feelings for the same girl at their school. The girl refuses to attend school, because she doesn't want to change her brown hair to black. Their school has unreasonable rules, including requiring all students to have black hair. For the girl that Sōra and Chūya like, they stand up to change their school's black school rules.


Dec 09, 2023
Shun Sakuragi works as a salesman for a company in Tokyo. Outside of his work, he enjoys his days with his wife and daughter. Suddenly, Shun Sakuragi is transferred to work in Kagoshima. He is familiar with the city, because he lived there when he was in junior high school. After his transfer, Shun Sakuragi lives alone in Kagoshima and his wife and daughter remain in Tokyo. One day, Shun Sakuragi meets his first love Hana Takeda for the first time in 17 years. She works as a middle school teacher in Kagoshima and her husband works works as first mate on a boat. Because of her husband's job, she is usually lives by herself. Shun Sakuragi and Hana Takeda share happy and bitter memories of their teenage days together. Things become heated, when Hana Takeda decides to visit him late at night. She also hides a secret.
Old Rookie

Old Rookie

Sep 04, 2022
Abattu depuis qu'il a été contraint de prendre sa retraite anticipée, un joueur de football professionnel se reconvertit et intègre une agence de management sportif.


Sep 22, 2012
Miku est tombée malade à l'école. Un élève l'a emmenée à l'infirmerie de l'école. Miku en est tombée amoureuse, même si elle n'a jamais vu son visage. La seule chose dont Miku se souvienne, c'est le contact de sa main. Miku croit que ce garçon fait partie de son destin.


Jun 09, 2024
It is said that if you collect 99 devil's keys, you can have ‍everything in the world. Driven by desire, players risk their lives in the deadly ACMA:GAME. Desperate to trace down who killed his father, Teruasa must put his brains to the ultimate test as the psychological warfare begins.