Ricardo Linhares

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Orgulho Além da Tela

Orgulho Além da Tela

Oct 11, 2021
From archive images and testimonials of Globo's talents and the public, the documentary traces the chronology of the representation of LGBTQIA+ characters in Brazilian soap operas.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Inspired on Jorge Amado's romance "Tieta do Agreste", the plot is set on the fictional city of Santana do Agreste, at Brazil's northwest, and has as main theme Tieta's life turnarounds. Twenty-five years after being chased out of town by her father Zé Esteves, she returns to her home town seeking revenge against everyone who mistreated her and laugh at her face in the past.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
A Indomada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Globo February 17 to October 11, 1997. Authored by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linares, with the collaboration of Maria Elisa Berredo, Mark Silver and Nadotti Nelson and directed by Marcos Paulo Roberto Naar and Luiz Henrique Reis, had the general direction and core Marcos Paulo. Featured actors Adriana Esteves, José Mayer, Eva Wilma and Ary Fontoura leading roles in the plot.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
A successful businesswoman in the music industry sees her life fall apart after a young and mysterious woman starts work as her secretary. The scheming girl is totally obsessed by the famous businesswoman and she tries to steal everything from her, including her career.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Meu Bem Querer is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Rede Globo. Written by Ricardo Linhares, with the collaboration of Leonor Bassères, Nelson Nadotti, Maria Elisa Berredo and Glória Barretoentre, monitoring text by Aguinaldo Silva, direction of Luís Henrique Rios, João Camargo and Alexandre Avancini, direction general of Roberto Naar and nucleus of Marcos Paulo and transmitted by August 24, 1998 and January 20, 1999, totaling 179 episodes.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Mini series about the 1960s in Rio de Janeiro, when a politically engaged student falls in love with a left wing journalist's daughter who doesn't care for politics. The romance follows 15 years of Brazilian history, since President João Goulart deposition by military reactionary forces, until the first signs of restoration of democracy, in the 1980s.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
The search for a successor provokes the beginning of a clash between two young and talented executives of his group: Daniel Bastos, a lad of simple origins and excellent character, who is not only handsome and charming, but also intelligent and skilled, and Olavo Novaes, an ambitious and unscrupulous man who is ready to fight for the position, at any cost. To fight against Olavo‘s treacherous plans, Daniel will have the help of the sweet and sensitive Paula, a young lady raised as an only child who founds, on the eve of her mother‘s death, that she is adopted and has a family. What Paula does not know is that she has an identical twin sister, the wicked Taís, who is as ambitious and unscrupulous as the man who becomes her main ally, Olavo Novaes. Antenor, for his part, decides on having an heir when he meets the headstrong and honest Lúcia, a woman who will make this cold businessman find true love is and a real reason to live.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Gui is a former rock star who struggles to reinvent himself in his professional and personal lives after another artist steals his fame and his wife. Imperfect, careless, but with a giant heart, he will be tested by fate while having the opportunity to change his life by finding out about a teenage son and facing a new and unexpected love affair. But in order to change his own story, he will have to make the right choices he did not make in the past.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Lurdes, Vitória et Thelma sont trois femmes de différentes classes sociales. Lurdes est blanchisseuse et mère de quatre enfants. Son petit dernier Domênico a été vendu à l'âge de 2 ans par son ex-mari à la trafiquante d'enfants Kátia.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
"Sparkling Girls" centers around three young and beautiful, hard-working housekeepers who reach stardom instantly when an online video clip of them singing, surprisingly becomes a hit. Their success provokes the wrath of a glamorously gaudy and outspoken famous singer who will do anything to ruin the girls' friendship and career. With humor, romance, over the top characters, and bright, glittery stage performances set to catchy tunes, "Sparkling Girls" delivers all of the expected delights and shows that dreams really do come true.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
The synopsis was loosely inspired by an argument by Paulo José called Cidade das Formigas. It was based on what happened in the city of Formiga, in Minas Gerais, where women work for large clothing manufacturers in the country. In Formiga Real, women guarantee a large part of their families' livelihood with this work.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Inspired on Jorge Amado's romance "Tieta do Agreste", the plot is set on the fictional city of Santana do Agreste, at Brazil's northwest, and has as main theme Tieta's life turnarounds. Twenty-five years after being chased out of town by her father Zé Esteves, she returns to her home town seeking revenge against everyone who mistreated her and laugh at her face in the past.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Porto dos Milagres is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from 5 February to 29 September 2001, totaling 203 chapters. It was written by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linhares and loosely based on two works written by Jorge Amado - The Dead Sea and the discovery of America by the Turks. Had Philip collaboration Miguez, Maria Elisa Berredo, Nadotti Nelson and Gloria Baker, directed by Fabricio Mamberti and Luciano Sabino. Director general Mark and Robert Paul Naar, co-directed by Fabricio Mamberti and Luciano Sabino. Had the direction of core Marcos Paulo.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
A Indomada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Globo February 17 to October 11, 1997. Authored by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linares, with the collaboration of Maria Elisa Berredo, Mark Silver and Nadotti Nelson and directed by Marcos Paulo Roberto Naar and Luiz Henrique Reis, had the general direction and core Marcos Paulo. Featured actors Adriana Esteves, José Mayer, Eva Wilma and Ary Fontoura leading roles in the plot.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Meu Bem Querer is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Rede Globo. Written by Ricardo Linhares, with the collaboration of Leonor Bassères, Nelson Nadotti, Maria Elisa Berredo and Glória Barretoentre, monitoring text by Aguinaldo Silva, direction of Luís Henrique Rios, João Camargo and Alexandre Avancini, direction general of Roberto Naar and nucleus of Marcos Paulo and transmitted by August 24, 1998 and January 20, 1999, totaling 179 episodes.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
The synopsis was loosely inspired by an argument by Paulo José called Cidade das Formigas. It was based on what happened in the city of Formiga, in Minas Gerais, where women work for large clothing manufacturers in the country. In Formiga Real, women guarantee a large part of their families' livelihood with this work.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
In a quiet town, two boys find a woman's mutilated body. After becoming suspects at first and realizing there is a mystery behind that murder, they decide to investigate the case with the help of an enigmatic old man. When a vertiginous spiral of violence is triggered, conspiracy begins to emerge and the boys must discover the truth as soon as possible in order not to become the next victims.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
The search for a successor provokes the beginning of a clash between two young and talented executives of his group: Daniel Bastos, a lad of simple origins and excellent character, who is not only handsome and charming, but also intelligent and skilled, and Olavo Novaes, an ambitious and unscrupulous man who is ready to fight for the position, at any cost. To fight against Olavo‘s treacherous plans, Daniel will have the help of the sweet and sensitive Paula, a young lady raised as an only child who founds, on the eve of her mother‘s death, that she is adopted and has a family. What Paula does not know is that she has an identical twin sister, the wicked Taís, who is as ambitious and unscrupulous as the man who becomes her main ally, Olavo Novaes. Antenor, for his part, decides on having an heir when he meets the headstrong and honest Lúcia, a woman who will make this cold businessman find true love is and a real reason to live.
Gilberto Braga: Meu Nome é Novela
Leonardo Brandão, l'ainé d'une famille aisée de Florianópolis (Floripa), manipule ses proches par la flatterie. Il considère son père Raul comme un entrepreneur complaisant, sans ambition, et la modestie de son frère Pedro, un pilote d'avion, l'exaspère. Léo multiplie les escroqueries pour expliquer son indépendance financière. Pour avoir voulu dérober une cargaison transportée par son frère, il cause un accident. Pedro alors accusé de négligences sur l'avion qu'il pilotait est emprisonné et tenu responsable du décès de sa fiancée qui l'accompagnait. Léo séduit facilement une aide-soignante frustrée, Norma, pour voler son patron. Condamnée par la justice et obnubilée par cet homme, Norma décide de s'endurcir et jure de l'humilier à sa libération. Horácio Cortez est à la tête d'une grande banque de Rio de Janeiro. Veuf une première fois, le banquier a su se faire un carnet d'adresses et avoir une reconnaissance dans l'élite carioca grâce à sa deuxième épouse Clarice. Fraudeur en affaires et infidèle en amour, Cortez soigne hypocritement son image médiatique. Natalie Lamour, une candidate de télé-réalité aussi bien connue pour sa futilité que pour ses photos dénudées, exploite sa notoriété soudaine pour grimper socialement avec son frère et sa mère femme de ménage. Elle souhaite se marier le plus vite que possible à quelqu'un qui pourrait assouvir ses caprices. Vitória Drummond, une des femmes d'affaires les plus puissantes de Rio, n'apprécie pas beaucoup les mondanités. Elle craint de voir ses petites filles, dont elle s'est occupée, se faire approcher par des hommes intéressés par leur fortune. L'une d'elles, Marina suit ses traces au sein de son groupe. L'autre, Bibi, bien au contraire, une femme cougar, profite de son statut et aime se venter.