Евгений Дятлов

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Jun 07, 2002
In this movie we follow fate not a person but car: first Soviet Lada. It starts with Brezhnev daughter and then gradually moves on parallel to last years of USSR into wild after-perestroika years with bandits and newly born oligarchs.


Feb 20, 2015
Russia, 1917, WWI. This is the story of the 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death, formed as part of an ill-conceived propaganda ploy by the Russian Provisional Government in late May of 1917.


Dec 27, 2007
Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel'sky Liceum.
Le dernier Chevalier

Le dernier Chevalier

Oct 19, 2017
Ivan est un jeune escroc vivant à Moscou qui se fait passer pour un grand magicien et est payé pour cela. Un jour, poursuivi par un client mécontent, il se retrouve catapulté par mégarde dans le monde fantastique de Bélogorié. Il se retrouve alors pris dans une véritable épopée, aux côtés de compagnons de voyage tous plus farfelus les uns que les autres. Il fait la rencontre de Liéchi, qui lui annonce qu'il est le fils caché du héros Ilya Mouromets.


Jun 07, 2002
In this movie we follow fate not a person but car: first Soviet Lada. It starts with Brezhnev daughter and then gradually moves on parallel to last years of USSR into wild after-perestroika years with bandits and newly born oligarchs.
Perm, Siberia, 1918. the central Siberian White guard corps under the command of a young general Anatoliy Pepelyaev have taken the city. the army is exhausted and running short on supplies. the General tasks the Permian merchants with collecting the money needed for the survival of the army much to their dismay. madame chagina, a rich widow answers the call and presents general with a massive diamond... only to have it mysteriously disappear the next day. recently sentenced to death red Army investigator Andrei murzin is brought in to nd the precious contribution. murzin must nd the diamond in exchange for a chance to save his life.
L'Araignée Noire

L'Araignée Noire

Nov 28, 2019
L’histoire vraie de l'emblématique gardien de but russe Lev Yachine. Largement considéré aujourd'hui comme le plus grand gardien de but de l'histoire du football, les aspirations de Yachine ont été considérées comme insensées, et comme rien de plus qu'un passe-temps chronophage. Malgré la pression de ses parents pour obtenir un emploi stable en tant qu'ouvrier d'usine, Yachine est accepté comme réserve pour l'équipe nationale russe, les Dynamos.
The Last Fortress : La dernière bataille
XVIII-ème siècle, l'Empereur de Russie Pierre le Grand doit lever des fonds pour mener une guerre contre les Suédois et mettre fin aux conflits sanglants qui ravagent son empire. Le jeune officier Russe Ivan Demarin est envoyé dans la lointaine forteresse de Tobolsk, au cœur de la Sibérie sauvage, avec pour mission de collecter et de ramener de l’or. Mais entre complot et trahison, plusieurs destins vont se croiser dans ce lieu damné, où le froid glacial est impitoyable. Ivan se retrouve à combattre un officier suédois expérimenté dans l'art de la guerre que les terribles mongols Dzungars ont capturé et obligé à se battre à leur côtés. Le sort d'Ivan semble scellé lorsque sa forteresse est assiégée et qu'aucune aide n'est attendue face à la cruauté et la détermination de ces ennemis...
Le Dernier Chevalier : La Racine du mal
La paix et la tranquillité se sont installées à Belogorie. Le mal a été vaincu et Ivan jouit désormais d'une gloire bien méritée. Il est entouré de sa famille, de ses amis et de petites merveilles du monde moderne qui l'aident à mener une vie confortable. Heureusement, il dispose de son épée magique qui lui permet de passer d'un monde à l'autre et de s'approvisionner assez régulièrement. Mais lorsqu'un ancien mal se réveille et que l'existence du monde magique est mise en danger, Ivan doit faire équipe avec ses anciens amis et ses nouveaux rivaux. Ils se lanceront dans un long voyage au-delà du monde connu pour trouver un moyen de vaincre les ennemis et de ramener la paix à Belogorie.
Оперативная разработка
He is a cold-blooded and dangerous criminal. He always works alone and never leaves a trace. The action takes place in St. Petersburg. Major Kuznetsov and his guys from the police taking the operational development of the Soloist, a dangerous fugitive who came to Peter in order to allegedly sell counterfeit money. Trying to stop the Soloist, killed friend and teammate Kuznetsov. For this reason, Kuznetsov is cooperating with the prosperous businessman Igor Samarin, who has his own accounts with the Soloist…
La Ligne de feu

La Ligne de feu

Nov 04, 2020
Après l’invasion de l’Union Soviétique en juin 1941 (Opération Barbossa), les blindés du IIIème Reich sont à 200km de Moscou début octobre et rien ne semble pouvoir les arrêter. Seule solution pour le haut commandement de l’Armée Rouge : envoyer les 3500 élèves-officiers de l’école militaire de Podolsk tenir coûte que coûte la ligne Ilyinsky jusqu’à l’arrivée des renforts.
Седьмая симфония
Leningrad, spring 1942. After the first winter of the siege, the conductor of the Grand Symphony Orchestra of the Radio Committee receives an important government task — to perform Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7 in the besieged city. It seems impossible — there are only a few musicians left of the orchestra: someone died of hunger, someone went to the front, and someone went missing. But the concert must take place and thunder all over the world, so that both friends and enemies can hear: "Leningrad is alive!" NKVD officer Anatoly Seregin was seconded to help the orchestra's leader Karl Eliasberg.
Mask Singer (Russie)

Mask Singer (Russie)

May 05, 2024
The Masked Singer (Russian: Маска, romanized: Maska, lit. 'Mask') is a Russian reality singing competition television series based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean version of the show King of Mask Singer. It premiered on NTV on 1 March 2020.
Тайны следствия
In the center of the plot is a senior investigator named Masha Shvetsova and her male colleagues. The plot is the most vital, but, like in “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” it is seasoned with a fair amount of humor - otherwise, how can the audience (and the heroes) endure countless morgues, identifications and other “cute” charms of the investigative routine?
Action & Adventure


Jun 14, 2022
Aleksandr Kulakov, aka Shark, and Victor Drozd are two experienced police officers, heroes of the Major Crime Unit. They are role models for the rookies. But in reality, they lead a double life. When not at work, they go racketeering on command of a businessman Shultz who has a dark criminal past. But the time is coming for Drozd to give up the crimes. Shark tries to talk him out of it, but his partner remains firm in his decision. A couple of hours later, Drozd is killed. Shark is the most obvious suspect. Shultz bails him out of trouble only to frame him later. He uses Shark to smuggle a drug batch into the city and then kills two guards with his service gun. Shark has to investigate his friend’s murder and revenge Shultz — all while hiding from his former colleagues.
Улицы разбитых фонарей
Russian detectives unwind the ball of the most intricate and cruel crimes. They are consummate professionals, the best cops in town. Even on the most dangerous missions, this quartet never loses their sense of humor. It is it that helps them find the most incredible ways out of any situation. They uphold the law and emerge victorious.
Чёрный ворон
Two women who bear the same name and born of the same father, but do not know each other and do not suspect their kinship. However, their meeting is predetermined...
Action & Adventure
Жизнь и судьба
The plot takes place in 1942-1943, during the defense of Stalingrad. The Jew Viktor Strum is a talented nuclear physicist working in one of the country's institutes on the creation of an atomic bomb. At this time, Strum's relatives die in Nazi camps and NKVD dungeons, and persecution begins against him. The inventor can only be saved by his scientific brainchild, which Stalin himself became interested in. The state needs such a powerful weapon as an atomic bomb. The scientist has to make a choice: to remain faithful to science and work for the "leader of the nation" or to abandon his vocation and be destroyed.
Красные горы
Vladivostok, 1920. To survive in the whirlwind of the civil war, boys from different worlds, a simple boy Ilya, raised by an officer of the Japanese garrison, and cadet Arkady, the son of a White Guard colonel, pose as brothers. But it is by no means a brotherly feeling that will help them find their way into the 1920s and 1930s, full of hopes, gains and disappointments. First, both will fall in love with Zhenya, the daughter of the red commander, and later, as once, they will find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades: Arkady will make a deal with the Nazis, and Ilya will fight the Germans, even being in a concentration camp…


Nov 18, 2005
MOORE's investigator, Colonel Alexander Khlystov, receives an old photograph in the mail: it shows Yesenin, who has just been taken out of the loop. According to the rules, the investigator must give the case a legal course.
Les Chroniques de Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes suit la piste de Jack l'Éventreur, qui a tailladé plusieurs femmes à Londres et laissé un message spécial pour le détective sur chacun des lieux des meurtres, ce qui conduit Sherlock dans l'Empire russe. La réputation de Holmes en tant qu'enquêteur talentueux n'a pas encore atteint Saint-Pétersbourg, de sorte que personne ne prend au sérieux le détective londonien ou ses déductions. Holmes loue une chambre chez le docteur Kartsev, qui finit par devenir son assistant. Ensemble, ils résolvent des crimes, même lorsque la police locale agit contre eux.
Крик совы

Крик совы

Nov 12, 2013
The film is set in 1957. The plot centers on mysterious crimes taking place in a small town, which are being investigated by policeman Balakhnin and KGB officer Mitin.