Lyubomir Neikov

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War, Inc.

War, Inc.

Apr 28, 2008
Brand Hauser, tueur à gages sans scrupule, est engagé par le président d'un groupe américain implanté au Turaqistan pour liquider un magnat du pétrole. Pour approcher sa cible, il se fait embaucher pour surveiller le mariage de son neveu avec la star locale.
La Princesse

La Princesse

Jun 16, 2022
Lorsqu’une jolie princesse au caractère bien trempé refuse d’épouser le cruel sociopathe auquel elle est fiancée, son père, fou de rage, la fait enlever et enfermer dans une tour isolée du château. Face à un prétendant vindicatif et méprisé qui n’a de cesse de chercher à usurper le trône paternel, elle va devoir trouver des solutions radicales pour non seulement protéger sa famille et elle-même, mais aussi sauver tout le royaume.


Mar 31, 2023
Stories of love, murder, mystery and control interconnect in lock-down inside the confines of a Sofia apartment during the pandemic.


Oct 09, 2014
2044. L’humanité est au bord du gouffre. La planète terre est devenue un gigantesque désert aride inhabitable. Pourtant des humains survivent encore, réfugiés dans des cités fortifiées high tech. Pour les travaux extérieurs et assurer les approvisionnements, les hommes s’appuient sur l’aide d’une armée de robots. Mais lorsqu’un de ces robots outrepasse un protocole interne conçu pour protéger la race humaine, c’est l’inquiétude chez le constructeur ROC Robotics. Un enquêteur est alors assigné afin de localiser la source de la manipulation.


May 11, 2016
Hristo is a homeless boy. He would do anything to get a normal living. But still there's something he wouldn't do. The price of 'normal' life, for him is too high.
A boy starts an affair with his famous dad's young new wife - an instinctive way of victory of a confused soul over his parent's inadequacy. Ever haunting dreams about his real mother start overwhelming the boy more and more often. Unsuspecting a thing, the father keeps trying to carry out his own views on beauty upon their joint living. In vain - faith intends differently.
Клас ‘90

Клас ‘90

Jan 24, 2025
Schoolmates who graduated in 1989 in Bulgaria gather at a small hotel in the Rhodope mountain to celebrate their 30th high school anniversary. What is supposed to be a festive event turns into painful experience as old secrets and trauma still haunt them. The sum of their life experiences, their unfulfilled dreams and current goals reflect the upheavals of the post-communist society during the 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall.
Мисия Лондон
L'ambassade de Londres organise un concert pour fêter l'adhésion de la Bulgarie à l'Union européenne. VARADIN, le nouvel ambassadeur, doit s'assurer de la présence de la reine. Mais avec un personnel corrompu, des gangs criminels opérant depuis la cuisine, tombant amoureux d'une strip-teaseuse et un petit malentendu avec une société de relations publiques qui fournit des royalties de sosies - sa simple tâche se transforme en un cauchemar chaotique.
Mask Singer (Bulgarie)
The Masked Singer is a Bulgarian reality singing competition television series based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean version of the show King of Mask Singer. It premiered on Nova on 14 September 2019 to 4 December 2021 All episodes of the series are broadcast live.
Mask Singer (Bulgarie)
Комиците е българско седмично комедийно телевизионно шоу. Предаването се излъчва от 27 януари 2007, всеки петък от 21:00 часа, като се снима в зала 11 на НДК предварително и записите се провеждат във вторник от 18:00 и от 20:00 часа. Точните дати се обявяват допълнително. На 24 юни 2011 година е излъчено 200-тото предаване. Предаването е едно от най-гледаните в българския телевизионен ефир. Според класациите на ТОП 50 ТВ предавания за определен месец, то винаги е измежду първите 5 най-гледани ТВ програми като привлича средно от около 1 милион до 1,5 милиона души пред екрана. От 12 октомври 2012 се излъчва в 16:9 HD качество на картината.