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Jan 24, 2020
While bickering with her boss at a tailor shop, Feride makes a life-altering bet that propels her toward her dream of making it big in high fashion.


Dec 01, 2016
Quand sa sœur trop possessive complote pour lui faire rompre ses fiançailles, un jeune homme s'efforce désespérément de protéger sa promise en déjouant ce plan sournois.
Yol Arkadasim

Yol Arkadasim

Oct 27, 2017
Onur, un représentant pharmaceutique raté, a trois buts à accomplir trois jours avant l'Aïd al-Adha : faire la connaissance des parents de sa compagne à Ayvalik, se faire réembaucher au boulot d'où il s'est fait virer et réussir les deux premiers buts malgré son compagnon de route un peu boulet, Seref. Le voyage plein d'aventures et de rigolade des deux compagnons - qui se sont connus à travers une application téléphonique et dont le seul point commun est leur destination - leur fera se poser de nombreuses questions sur la différence entre la vie dont ils rêvent et la vie qu'ils vivent.
Deli Dumrul

Deli Dumrul

Sep 01, 2017
Deli Dumrul is an epic character in Turkish literature. Dumrul fell in love with "Guncicek", one day Dumrul heard the Reaper took her soul. Dumrul wondered, who is the Reaper, then he challenged The Reaper.
Deliha 2

Deliha 2

Jan 12, 2018
Rêvant de devenir chef, Zeliha mijote des ennuis en cuisine avec l'entrain, l'excentricité et l'innocence dont elle est la seule à connaître la recette.
Kocan Kadar Konus

Kocan Kadar Konus

Mar 20, 2015
Une jeune trentenaire à la recherche du grand amour accepte de suivre les conseils de son entourage dans l'espoir de séduire un vieil ami de lycée.
Mask Singer (Turquie)

Mask Singer (Turquie)

Feb 12, 2022
Famous celebrities with different costumes and masks fight to keep their identities a secret on-and-off the stage. They sing with their own voices while competing with each other in the form of duo or trio duels. The audience and the jury try to guess who the competitor is, with clue packages given in prepared videos prepared as well asking questions to the masks. The contestant who gets the least votes from the audience with their performance at the end of their match gets sent to risk. Finally, the contestant who gets the fewest votes among the masks at risk is eliminated from the contest and must remove his or her mask.


Feb 21, 2025
This chat show is very different from what you have seen in the past. Every person has a different story, every story has a different side. Hasan Can Kaya first chooses the speakers and then the fun increases with interesting questions.
Yasak Elma

Yasak Elma

May 29, 2023
Three things in life can not be hidden "love, smoke and lack of money". The social society and the events behind the business world are told.
Beni Böyle Sev

Beni Böyle Sev

Jun 01, 2015
After wealthy college boy Ömer and lower class college girl Aysem fall in love and quickly marry, they learn that love and life aren't always perfect.
Adını Feriha Koydum

Adını Feriha Koydum

Nov 30, 2013
Adını Feriha Koydum is a Turkish television drama series produced by Med Yapım. The series broadcast on Show TV and it is written by duo Melis Civelek and Sırma Yanık.