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Tills solen går upp

Tills solen går upp

Dec 25, 2021
Peder runs into his ex-girlfriend Hanna one day. They´re happily married with new partners but although many years has passed Peder and Hanna are still attracted to each other. However, they don´t want to jeopardize their marriages or cheat. One day they come across an antique book about dreams. With the help of the book, they manage to enter a dream world where they can live together in a life where anything is possible, while living their normal lives during the day. But soon enough it becomes hard to separate the dream world from reality.
Magnus är sexist

Magnus är sexist

Oct 13, 2021
Johan is the newly appointed chairman of the gender equality group at the theatre. In his first meeting with the actors, he acknowledges his racist and sexist prejudices in order to create a starting point for discussion in the group. It starts a chain reaction that cannot be stopped.
En underbar jävla jul
A comedy about the new alternative family and how different family situations and relationships come to a head during the premier family weekend.
Göta Kanal 2 - kanalkampen
Andersson's boatyard remains after 25 years, still chased by the same stringent, but misfortuned debt collector. TV producer Vonna Jigert wants Andersson to compete against an Italian company and their boat Fortuna in a race on Göta Kanal – live on TV. The race is broadcasted as a reality show. Same gangly canoer like 25 years ago also has a canoeing vacation on the canal when the race starts.
Arne Dahl - Himmelsöga
Through a christmas decorated Stockholm staggers a half naked and beaten woman. The tracks lead police to a warehouse with illegal medical preparations that can be linked to international smuggling organization Maximus. According to Interpol is the organization's principal is likely in Sweden and the A-group assignment is to find him. The investigation is lined with a number bisara findings in a series of women found beaten and murdered. The victims have in common is that they are found with white pillowcases over their heads.
Trahison d'état

Trahison d'état

Jan 18, 2018
Le jeune et idéaliste Michael Sullivan intègre la prestigieuse institution de l'ONU où il pense pouvoir aider les plus défavorisés. Chargé de la coordination du programme Pétrole contre Nourriture en Irak il découvre que de nombreux intermédiaires bénéficient de pots de vin. Se tournant vers sa hiérarchie, le jeune homme est prêt à dénoncer une conspiration au plus haut niveau.
Samma som du

Samma som du

Jan 25, 2015
The day has arrived - the big operation! What will life be like with only one arm? Can you continue your life as usual and still be accepted for who you are? Tanja runs away from the hospital in a panic, tying her arm to her body with a belt and hiding it under the shirt. She needs to be convinced that nothing will change.
Här slutar Sverige

Här slutar Sverige

Nov 26, 2011
Sofie wants to make the world better. She has been taught to help the weak. She knows that violence doesn't solve anything. But then she meets Foad and ends up in a situation where she's forced to re-evaluate her sense of right and wrong.
Till slut

Till slut

Jan 24, 2007
About the events in Gothenburg, Sweden, when a disco caught fire. We follow a mother who is waiting in vain for her daughter to come home from night out.
Maria Wern

Maria Wern

Sep 20, 2023
Veuve et mère de deux enfants, l'inspectrice Maria Wern mène l'enquête sur les terres hostiles de l'île de Gotland.


Nov 24, 2023
The series is named after a small part of Saltsjöbaden called Solsidan. It revolves around Alex and Anna who are expecting their first child and have just moved to Alex's childhood home in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm County. Alex tries to get Anna to enjoy herself, and at the same time spend time with his childhood friend Fredde.
Arne Dahl

Arne Dahl

Apr 19, 2015
An elite, seven-member team is tasked with solving the most complex crimes in Sweden, from murder and drug trafficking to espionage.


Apr 13, 2020
When single mom Ella creates a profile on a dating site opens the door to a new world of romance, adventure, occasional disappointment, but also a lot of wonderful passion. But what is it really Ella wants? Dejta is a warm Swedish drama comedy about daring to live life to the fullest.
Jana - Märkta för livet
During an investigation into the murder of a high-ranking official at the Swedish Migration Agency, the main suspect is also found dead, and Jana immediately recognizes something on his scarred body.


Mar 06, 2023
When a Nordic Airlines flight to the USA is hijacked, a team of Swedish investigators must race against time to unmask the mysterious hijackers before they bring the airplane down or the US military shoot it out of the sky.
Commandant Bäckström
Vedette de la télévision suédoise, le commandant Evert Bäckström est un enquêteur brillant, autant admiré pour son esprit analytique que détesté pour son arrogance et son manque de scrupules. Lorsque son jeune voisin découvre un crâne humain percé par une balle sur une île déserte de l’archipel de Stockholm, Bäckström se retrouve face à l’enquête la plus complexe de sa carrière. En parallèle, une enquête très médiatisée sur le braquage d’un convoi de fonds et des querelles internes au commissariat viennent lui mettre des bâtons dans les roues…