Dirty Martini

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Night of the Teese

Night of the Teese

Oct 01, 2021
"Night Of The Teese – A Cinematic Special" is a completely unique, multi-artist revue show created by and starring the world’s most renowned burlesque star, Dita Von Teese.
The Battle of Pussy Willow Creek
Ken Burns meets Spinal Tap in a subversive tour de force relaying the outrageous life stories of four forgotten Civil War heroes: an opium-addicted gay Colonel, an aging Chinese launderer, a nerdy escaped slave, and a one-armed teenage prostitute. Both wickedly satirical and deeply affectionate, The Battle of Pussy Willow Creek tells the "100% true" story of how these oddball outsiders saved the Union from a nefarious foreign plot, how the forces of bigotry expunged their stunning victory from the history books, and - most importantly - how meeting one's ex on the field of battle can be just the thing to re-spark a detoured romance.


Jun 30, 2010
Producteur de télévision parisien à succès, Joachim avait tout plaqué - enfants, amis, ennemis, amours et remords - pour repartir à zéro en Amérique à l’aube de ses quarante ans. Il revient avec une tournée de strip-teaseuses «New Burlesque» à qui il a fait fantasmer la France… Paris !De port en port, l’humour des numéros et les rondeurs des filles enthousiasment les hommes comme les femmes. Et malgré les hôtels impersonnels, leurs musiques d’ascenseurs et le manque d’argent, les showgirls inventent un monde extravagant de fantaisie, de chaleur et de fêtes. Mais leur rêve d’achever la tournée en apothéose à Paris vole en éclats : la trahison d’un vieil «ami» fait perdre à Joachim la salle qui leur était promise. Un bref aller et retour dans la capitale s’impose, qui rouvre violemment les plaies du passé...


Feb 07, 2013
Beth B takes us into the 21st century underground and reveals a secret world where cutting-edge performers are taking hold of a taboo art form, Burlesque, and driving it to extremes that most people have never seen. It's satire. It's parody. It's a populist blend of art and entertainment that gives new meaning to the word "transgression." Above all, it's a lot of fun, and it will blow your mind.
Miss Rosewood

Miss Rosewood

Mar 16, 2017
Skin diving with Miss Rosewood. Take a plunge into the dark side of uber-sophisticated New York with performance artist, Jon Cory, performing as Miss Rosewood. She strips to full she-male nudity and shares her passion for her art and shows you just how far she's willing to go to blow your mind. Raw. Intense, and without filters, you'll explore her explicit universe from the safe distance of your plush theatre seat.
Glittering Misfits

Glittering Misfits

Sep 22, 2019
Dirty Martini and Tigger!, stars of the New York underground scene, reveal some of the secrets of their provocative and remonstrative forms of artistic expression in New York’s Off-Off-Broadway. Meanwhile, they will help us to understand from their everyday intimacy the reasons, the struggles and the keys that keep them in their place as the figures and references of the burlesque revival, more than 20 years after the phenomenon exploded in the New York of the 90s.


Oct 04, 2006
Shortbus suit plusieurs personnages new-yorkais dont les aventures tragi-comiques naviguent entre sexualité et sentiments. Tous fréquentent un club underground moderne, Shortbus, où s'expriment toutes les sexualités. Sofia est sexologue et n'a jamais connu l'orgasme. Avec son mari Rob, elle simule le plaisir depuis des années. Sofia croise Severin, une maîtresse dominatrice qui tente de l'aider. Parmi les patients de Sofia, James et Jamie sont un couple gay qui tente d'ouvrir ses relations sexuelles à un troisième partenaire. James propose une relation avec Ceth, mais Jamie reste sur ses gardes. James semble avoir un projet secret. Il est suivi par un mystérieux observateur, Caleb…
Dirty Martini

Dirty Martini

Jan 01, 2009
Burlesque is the new punk-rock, according to Dirty Martini, who will reveal some of the secrets of his art in night-clubs and cabarets of New York's off-off Broadway, from where the revitalization of burlesque as a form of popular mass entertainment is exported to the rest of the world.
She's Living for This

She's Living for This

Aug 08, 2013
She’s Living for This is an American television comedy and variety series created by Keith Levy and Josh Rosenzweig. The show currently airs on LGBT cable network here!. The series stars drag performer Sherry Vine. The series premiered on February 24, 2012. here! produced six episodes for season one. The network announced a second season of the show to begin production in the summer 2012 for a fall 2012 premiere. In 2012 it was announced that episodes of She's Living for This would be made available on online video service Hulu.