Mircea Rusu

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Dosarul 631

Dosarul 631

May 13, 2022
Inspired by a true story, the film presents a TV reporter's journalistic investigation into alleged American "flying prisons" in Romania. Through a combination of circumstances, following a mysterious File 631, Dinu (Iosif Paștina) discovers a leak from a NATO base in Romania. The news event stirs, provokes, tempts various media, top politicians, services, both internal and external, causing both hilarious and absurd dramas in a black comedy. The journalistic endeavour of the "newly" turned investigative reporter is a tough, not easy, test to preserve his professional dignity, but also his character, noting the duplicity, the moral volatility, the lack of measure of a world that relentlessly continues its course.
Stare de fapt

Stare de fapt

Dec 08, 1995
A story of revolution, betrayal, corruption and wrongful imprisonment, as well as human character and strength while facing them.
Le Monde est à moi

Le Monde est à moi

Jun 05, 2015
Dans une petite ville, une ado têtue qui compte bien réaliser ses rêves craque sur le tombeur local et découvre combien il est dur de grandir.


Feb 07, 2009
A trilogy of stories: Besides her daily work, mother Doina tries to manage the renovation of the family's apartment. Her son Alex can hardly find any time for both the renovation and his girlfriend as the deadline for his Master's thesis comes close. His grandmother Flori insists on trying to help the family although her support is not always welcome.


Jan 08, 2016
Meda, a thirteen years old girl, was raised up in modest conditions but with love in a country family, under maternal assistance legal conditions. When the mother, owner of the maternal assistance certificate, dies, Meda has to return to the orphelinat, against here will. The widower, behaving more than a true loving father, fights with all around him, authorities and people, in order to keep Meda and take care of her.
Die letzten Tage der Ceausescus
The images of the condemnation and execution of dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife Elena on Christmas Day in 1989 are etched deeply in the collective unconscious of several generations of television viewers. Exactly 20 years after its occurrence, the famous show trial was re-enacted in a historically reproduced setting. The film interweaves the stage production with interviews conducted with eyewitnesses and archive material, and takes a look backstage in the Odeon Theatre in Bucharest.
Corps et âmes

Corps et âmes

Aug 20, 2003
Lisa va épouser Gilles et partage ses derniers instants de célibat avec Karen, sa meilleure amie, hôtesse de l'air comme elle. Quelques jours après le mariage, Lisa reprend son travail. Dans la vitrine d'un magasin de photo à La Rochelle, elle découvre un cliché de Gilles avec une femme blonde.
Un mois en Thailande

Un mois en Thailande

Sep 25, 2012
À Bucarest, le soir du Nouvel An, il largue sa copine un peu trop collante et passe la soirée à se convaincre que sa petite amie précédente était l'amour de sa vie.
Trop tard

Trop tard

May 01, 1996
Dumitru Costa, procureur stagiaire, se voit confier sa première enquête lors de la mort suspecte d’un mineur de la vallée du Jiu, en Roumanie. Il tombe amoureux d’Alina, jeune ingénieur topographe, qui l’aide dans ses recherches.


Feb 11, 1994
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime Minister. Focused around the August 23rd 1944 coup against Marshal Antonescu, the movie also tackles other topics from the same era such as the Iron Guard rebellion and the execution of political leaders by communists.
Cale liberă

Cale liberă

Jan 01, 1986
Love story between two engineers in the Bucharest subway system construction site.
Trei zile până la Crăciun
Historical Docudrama, which describes accurately - based on evidence, documents, reconstructions and archive footage - the last days of life spouses Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu. Main performers, Victoria Cocias (Elena Ceausescu) and Constantin Cojocaru (Nicolae Ceausescu).
Mănuși roșii

Mănuși roșii

Jun 01, 2010
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.
Kyra Kyralina

Kyra Kyralina

Sep 04, 2014
Ce drame inspiré du roman de Panaït Istrati qui se déroule peu avant la chute de l'Empire ottoman décrit les manœuvres sulfureuses et risquées d'une famille complexe.
Cine a ucis Craciunul?
A story based on a real event, the tragic case of a family from an isolated village, in the Danube grinds. Ana, who lives abroad, returns to her native village in the Danube Delta, in order to take part in her grandfather Dumitru's funeral. Everything takes a sudden turn when Ana discovers the tragic events that her grandparents had gone through, caused by the traditions and mentalities of an archaic world.