Kreeta Salminen

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Kulkuset kulkuset

Kulkuset kulkuset

Oct 28, 2022
Two diverse families meet for the first time over Christmas dinner. The evening goes off the rails right from the start when the male host couple reveal a closely guarded secret: there's also a hostess in the house, and she's very pregnant! Of course, the frantic group of relatives don't take the news lightly and demand the paternity to be confirmed - which is no simple task. A series of misunderstandings drives the Christmas guests to the brink of a nervous breakdown, and as the evening progresses, Santa Claus himself is forced to look in the mirror. Their Christmas together seems doomed to failure until, to everyone's surprise, the evening culminates in a heart-melting Christmas miracle.
Viestejä äidiltä

Viestejä äidiltä

Dec 31, 2023
A terminally ill mother starts filming herself, hoping that her 5-year-old daughter will be able to connect with her through these moments after she is gone.


Mar 08, 2019
A shopping trip gets an unexpected ending, when two utterly unknown men take their measure with social media videos rather than fists.
Body of Water

Body of Water

Oct 07, 2011
Julia est une jeune avocate en conflit avec son père depuis longtemps. Sa mère semble un peu folle et Julia pense qu'il est en partie responsable. Elle a également divorcé d'avec le père de son fils et tente d'échapper à toutes ses préoccupations en travaillant dur. Elle emménage dans une maison près du lac où elle a grandi pour aider un groupe d'écologistes à protéger sa beauté naturelle contre le projet industriel d'une compagnie d'électricité. Mais, ce faisant, elle doit se battre contre la cupidité des gens du pays...


Feb 06, 2019
Drug Crime Detective Oskari is the envy of his colleagues. His connections to underworld and informants is unrivaled. What they don't know is the mother of his child, Krista, is a drug addict who lives in that world. And now she's back in his life, shaking his home life on one hand, and offering new connections to knocking down the rise of drug imports. If only he could trust her.


Dec 19, 2021
Quelques mois à peine après avoir perdu un être cher, l'inspectrice Sofia Karppi enquête sur le meurtre d'une femme liée à une entreprise en bâtiment d'Helsinki.


Apr 19, 2024
Like good soldiers in a war-zone, hospital staff are expected to respect the chain of command when dealing with life and death situations. But what happens when smug doctors, arrogant surgeons, and out-of-touch administrators make that easier said than done? Nurses deals with the professional and personal lives of four female colleagues who cope in different ways with the challenges of life on the trauma ward. With determination, strength, and a dark sense of humor, they achieve the demanding and inspiring task of saving lives in a system that sometimes seems designed to do the opposite.
Kansan vihollinen

Kansan vihollinen

Jun 30, 2022
Journalist calls down the wrath of her readers by trying to uncover the connection between the murder of a local football hero and a cryptocurrency. Searching for the truth she risks not only her reputation, but her life.
Suden hetki

Suden hetki

May 29, 2019
After Janne suddenly disappears while taking out the trash, the police tell Heta there’s nothing they can do - a person has every right to go missing if there is no sign of a crime. Troubled, she begins searching for and finds only one clue: it seems Janne had undergone Koistinen’s radical divorce therapy for men.
Meurtres à Varjakka

Meurtres à Varjakka

Jan 15, 2023
L'inspecteur Lauri Räiha est envoyé pour mener l’enquête suite à la mort de deux piliers de la communauté ultra religieuse et conservatrice laestadienne de Varjakka, sa ville natale. Il est accompagné de Sanna Tervo, une officier de police confirmée, chargée de diriger l’enquête.
Ihan sama

Ihan sama

Apr 27, 2014
12-year-old Kasper is studying at the elite school Nerola. Kasper spends the day practicing and performs on stage in the evening, when the school students appear in their own television program. However, Kasper is not happy. He constantly dreams of Ida, a girl he has never met. Living in a foster family 13-year-old Ida wants to have the attention of the entire world, and especially of her biological mother.
Action & Adventure
L'homme de la chambre 301
Été 2007, Finlande. Alors que les Kurtti passent leurs vacances annuelles dans leurs cabanes, Tommi, 2 ans, est tué d’un coup de feu. Elias, un voisin de 12 ans, est tenu pour responsable de sa mort. Été 2019, Grèce. 12 ans plus tard, la famille reçoit une lettre anonyme menaçante. Dans la station grecque où ils séjournent, ils tombent sur un homme qui ressemble à Elias, dans la chambre 301. Est-ce vraiment lui ?


Apr 23, 2023
A man in his 40s hires a handyman to help out with his daily chores. Soon, he finds himself in competition for the love of his family.


Jul 18, 2009
Ihmebantu is a Finnish black humor sketch show.