King George VI of the United Kingdom

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The Guns of August

The Guns of August

Dec 24, 1964
Traces the origins and actions of World War I, from the funeral of Britain's King Edward VII to the Versailles Treaty.
Royal Wives at War

Royal Wives at War

Jan 08, 2016
The Queen Mother and Wallis Simpson look back at the dramatic events of 1936, which led to King Edward Vlll giving up the throne for the woman he loved.
The Debate Continues

The Debate Continues

Oct 28, 1950
This historic film documents the restoration of the House of Commons, which was severely damaged by a bombing raid in May 1941. It also commemorates the secret location, in nearby Church House, where MPs met following the destruction of the Commons chamber. The film features Sir Winston Churchill giving a lighthearted commemorative speech to mark the occasion of the reopening of the restored House of Commons. There is also rare footage of King George VI delivering an address to both House of Parliament in Westminster Hall - the only monarch to have done so since Charles I. Many of the skills employed to restore the chamber to its original condition are also featured in sequences showing the craftsmen at work.
Forgotten Treasure

Forgotten Treasure

Jul 24, 1943
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short highlights the film preservation efforts of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Several scenes from early newsreels are shown.
Elizabeth par elle-même
Ce documentaire suit des moments privés rares de la vie de la reine Elizabeth II du Royaume-Uni, notamment ses fiançailles à Balmoral et des images des coulisses de sa première tournée à l'étranger avec sa famille. Le réalisateur a été autorisé à visionner 400 films privés de la Reine et a ainsi dépeint ses premières années, de sa prime enfance jusqu'à son couronnement en 1953.
A Web of War

A Web of War

Jan 01, 1996
The stories of the battles that brought together a Polish cavalry officer, a Canadian captain, and a Polish underground member are told by the very same Canadians who survived them.
The King Who Fooled Hitler
In a tale of double agents and decoys, this documentary reveals, for the first time, the story of King George VI's elaborate ruse to divert German attention away from the Normandy landings in 1944.
Backstage at the White House
This unique glimpse into the private lives of our Presidents and their families showcases some of the most significant personal moments they have experienced. These instances have not only resonated with our emotions but have also elicited joy, creating lasting memories that highlight the humanity of these influential leaders.
Over the Seas to Belfast
This Traveltalk series short begins aboard the RMS Scythia as it exits Halifax Harbor. The Scythia is a cruise ship that was converted to a troop transport during World War II; in 1940 it carried children from Liverpool to New York as part of an evacuation program set up by the Children's Overseas Reception Board. The present voyage is among the first to carry civilian passengers from North America to the British Isles following the end of the war. Among the passengers are 150 child evacuees, who have spent several years growing up in Canada or the USA.
The Royal Visit

The Royal Visit

Nov 18, 1939
This feature documentary offers a complete record of the 1939 Royal Tour of Canada by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. The film opens as the royal couple makes a stop in Québec city, where Premier Duplessis greets them. They then visit Montréal and meet mayor Camilien Houde. A visit to Ottawa brings them to Parliament, where Prime Minister MacKenzie King is present. The visit continues throughout Ontario, the prairies, and western Canada. The Royal couple also makes a brief stop in Washington and meets President Franklin Roosevelt. They then stop in on the Maritime provinces before boarding a Royal yacht for the journey back to England.
Τραγωδία του Αιγαίου
Documentary on the Greek history of the first half of the 20th century, from the Balkan wars until December events, with a special emphasis on the Asia Minor Catastrophe and its aftermath, through filmed documents by Joseph Hep, George Prokopiou, Achilleas Mandras, Philopimenas Finos, Gabriel Loggos and Kyriakos Kourbetis.
Elizabeth & Philip: Love and Duty
Kirsty Young celebrates the 70th wedding anniversary of the Queen and Prince Philip by examining the longest royal marriage in British history through key moments. She looks at how every step of their life together has been played out in the glare of publicity and in service of the nation, while steering it through decades of change.
Elizabeth II, histoire d'un couronnement
Le 2 juin 1953, Elizabeth est couronnée reine du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne. Elle n'a alors que 27 ans. Depuis le palais de Buckingham, Elizabeth II commente, 65 ans plus tard, cet événement. Elle détaille les préparatifs qui furent orchestrés par le duc de Norfolk et le duc d'Edimbourg durant 16 mois. Huit kilomètres de procession ont été aménagés dans la capitale. Les façades de l'abbaye de Westminster ont été nettoyées. Quatre jours avant la cérémonie, une répétition a été organisée - en l'absence de la reine. Le rituel du couronnement a été scrupuleusement respecté, selon une tradition plus que millénaire. L'événement fut retransmis devant plusieurs millions de téléspectateurs à travers le monde. Avec une retenue teintée d'humour, Elizabeth II évoque ses souvenirs.
Drôle de guerre

Drôle de guerre

Aug 27, 2019
Le 3 septembre 1939, à la suite de l’invasion de la Pologne par la Wehrmacht, la France et le Royaume-Uni déclarent la guerre à l’Allemagne nazie. Les mobilisés tricolores rejoignent leurs unités, tandis que les premières troupes britanniques débarquent dans l’Hexagone pour protéger la frontière avec la Belgique. Entre évacuations, distributions de masques à gaz et constructions d’abris, les mesures de protection des populations contre les bombardements (ou « défense passive ») se mettent rapidement en place. Convaincus que le temps jouera en leur faveur, les Alliés se retranchent derrière la ligne Maginot et tentent d’asphyxier le Reich par un blocus maritime.
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
L'homme qui a vu demain est un film de style documentaire de 1981 sur les prédictions de l'astrologue et médecin français Michel de Notredame. L'Homme qui vit demain est raconté par Orson Welles.
The Corporation

The Corporation

Sep 10, 2003
Ce documentaire montre l'évolution des "Sociétés Anonymes" (appelées Corporations en anglais) aux USA, reprenant leur histoire depuis leur apparition avec la Révolution industrielle, où elles étaient conçues pour répondre au bien public mais furent détournées de cet objectif par la recherche du profit.
The Real King's Speech
The true story of King George VI's struggle to overcome his stammer, and the parts played in his battle with his disability by his speech therapist, brother, father and wife.
The Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding

Nov 19, 1947
This amazing film of the Royal Wedding was shot by the late Jack Cardiff, a pioneer cameraman working with the then new Technicolor process in the 1940s. It contains never-before-seen footage in full colour of the processions at Westminster Abbey and afterwards at Buckingham Palace of the wedding of HRH Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten in autumn of 1947.
The Royal House of Windsor
Cette série utilise de nouveaux éléments pour décrire comment la famille royale britannique a survécu à un siècle d'impitoyables jeux de pouvoir, de politique et d'amour.