Neal Adams

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Frank Miller: American Genius
Explore the near half-century career of the legendary comic book artist and writer. Made for his fans following a near death experience, the documentary delves into Miller's radical and defining influence on art, storytelling and culture. Following his small town beginnings in Vermont, to New York City, Hollywood, and beyond; this intimate documentary delves into his failures, successes, self-destruction and re-discovery.
De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros
De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros est un documentaire franco-canadien sur les Super-héros réalisé par Michel Viotte, sorti en 2001. Ce documentaire est consacré à l'histoire des super-héros américains depuis leur apparition dans les années 1930. Il présente de nombreux dessins issus des comics originaux, des extraits de leurs adaptations en films et dessins animés, ainsi que des entretiens avec des auteurs importants du genre. A travers d'innombrables dessins, extraits de longs métrages (Superman, Batman, X-Men, Spawn) et dessins animés; et grâce aux témoignages passionnants de multiples intervenants (scénaristes, dessinateurs, réalisateurs...) pour la première fois réunis dans un film, De Superman à Spiderman fait revivre de manière ludique et ambitieuse la grande aventure des super héros américains.
Jack Kirby: Story Teller
A documentary on the life of Jack Kirby, co-creator of Captain America, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, The Avengers, The Hulk, The X-Men and the New Gods, among other classic comic book superheroes.
Starz Inside: Comic Books Unbound
From superheroes to superstars, Hollywood has always turned to comic books for imagination and inspiration. In this Starz Inside documentary, discover the history of comics from page to screen through the evolution and revolutions that have changed entertainment forever. It's a hero's journey of hits, misses and unstoppable powers, featuring the Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman films (including The Dark Knight), Iron Man, Superman Returns, Hellboy II, Sin City, Incredible Hulk, American Splendor, Wanted, and beyond, plus revealing interviews with Guillermo del Toro, Stan Lee, Zak Penn, Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, Neal Adams, Roger Corman, Avi Arad, Mike Mignola, Paul Pope, Richard Donner, Jim Steranko, and many more.
COMIX: Beyond the Comic Book Pages
COMIX is a feature documentary on comic books, the comic book world, and the phenomenon surrounding them. It is told through the thoughts and images of some of the greatest talent in the comic book industry like Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Mark Waid, Marc Silvestri, and John Romita Jr., among many others. COMIX also has tons of interviews with the fans, many in full costumes, as they share their love for the art form, and who have made comics the phenomenon that it is today.
Heroes Manufactured

Heroes Manufactured

Mar 10, 2017
A documentary following Canadian artists and their ability to break into the comic book industry while dealing with fandom and the craze of comic book conventions in Canada.
Rude Dude

Rude Dude

Oct 07, 2014
Possessed of an incredible artistic talent, Steve Rude is "The Dude," an eccentric personality as colorful as his comic book art. Filmmaker Ian Fischer (Magritte Moment) presents Rude's rise through the comic book world and difficult transition from comic book shops to art gallery walls, made all the more challenging by Rude's battles with mental illness.
Joker: Put on a Happy Face
Featuring interviews with filmmakers and industry legends, discover the origins and evolution of The Joker, and learn why The Clown Prince of Crime is universally hailed as the greatest comic-book supervillain of all time.
Knight Immortal

Knight Immortal

Sep 03, 2019
Une célébration visuelle et viscérale des 80 ans de lutte contre le crime du Dark Knight, racontée par des conteurs du passé, du présent et du futur.
Behind the Mask: The Batman Dead End Story
Director and Writer Eric Dow ("Honor in the Valley of Tears") brings us his second documentary as he goes behind the scenes of the fan fiction short film, "Batman: Dead End." In the winter of 2003 commercial director Sandy Collora and some of his friends set out to make a low-budget short film for his demo reel. What they wound up actually doing was making one of the most elaborate, most watched, most talked about and most controversial short films ever made: Batman Dead End. Considering the amount of press and admiration Batman: Dead End garnered,
The Batman

The Batman

Mar 01, 2022
A Green Arrow fan film based on the DC comics story "Snowbirds Don't Fly".
Circuitry Man

Circuitry Man

May 01, 1990
A Green Arrow fan film based on the DC comics story "Snowbirds Don't Fly".
Science Fiction
Lego Batman, le film

Lego Batman, le film

Feb 08, 2017
When Jason and Zeea are left home alone with Dad’s priceless invention, they form the ‘Pee-Wee Squad’ to protect it.
Astonishing X-Men: Gifted
Cyclops and Emma Frost re-form the X-Men to "astonish" the world. But when breaking news regarding a cure to the mutant gene unexpectedly hits the airwaves, will it derail their new plans?
Comic Book Men

Comic Book Men

Apr 08, 2018
A show for Fanboys by Fanboys. Set in uber-geek Kevin Smith's iconic comic shop Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, the show explores every nook and cranny of Fanboy culture from A to Z. Endless circular debates about the technical accuracy of the USS Enterprise's warp-core schematics? Snarky comic aficionados with an encyclopedic knowledge of every Marvel back issue? You bet.
Super héros : l’éternel combat
L'univers fantastique des super-héros Marvel et DC Comics décortiqué par des spécialistes du genre. Entre bandes-dessinées, adaptations cinématographiques, jeux vidéo et autres produits dérivés, les hommes aux costumes moulants sont parvenus à dépasser les frontières de la culture de masse américaine. Michael Kantor revient sur ce mythe international.
Super héros : l’éternel combat
Les aventures de Kara Zor-El, la cousine de Superman. À 24 ans, après seulement quatre années passées sur Terre, la jeune femme se sent impuissante face à ses pouvoirs extraordinaires qu'on lui a appris à ne pas utiliser. Mais un désastre inattendu va la forcer à les révéler et c'est ainsi qu'elle commence à aider les habitants de sa ville, qui ne tardent pas à la surnommer Supergirl...
Super héros : l’éternel combat
Beaucoup de membres de la Ligue de justice, les plus grands Super héros de la terre, vivent des aventures en solo, et sont souvent accompagnés d'un jeune protégé. Un jour, les jeunes Partenaires (Robin, Aqualad...) sont tous invités à visiter le quartier général de la Ligue, le Hall de justice. A peine ont-ils commencé ladite visite qu'une menace oblige leurs mentors à quitter les lieux, leur interdisant de quitter le Hall de justice pour leur propre sécurité. Mais lorsque les jeunes héros découvrent une seconde menace, que leurs mentors n'ont pas remarquée en raison de la première qui les accapare, ils décident de prendre les choses en main...
Super héros : l’éternel combat
Jeune expert de la police scientifique de Central City, Barry Allen se retrouve doté d'une vitesse extraordinaire après avoir été frappé par la foudre. Sous le costume de Flash, il utilise ses nouveaux pouvoirs pour combattre le crime.
Super héros : l’éternel combat
The all-powerful Lightstar Crystal, which has protected the planet Luminaire from danger for eons, has been broken into two by the treacherous Baron Dark. "Rewarded" for his evil deed with a ghastly new form - that of a living skeleton - the Baron now has the power to turn others of evil heart into Skeleton Warriors! The Legion of Light is the last line of defense in this war of good and evil. Led by young Prince Lightstar, the true heir to the throne of Luminaire, the super-powered family of heroes confronts an epic challenge: control the Lightstar Crystal and save Luminaire or lose it and face the unthinkable!