Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.

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La santé dans l'assiette
Le film "La santé dans l'assiette" examine l'hypothèse selon laquelle le renoncement aux produits d'origine animale et industriellement transformés permettrait de soigner - voire guérir, la quasi totalité des “maladies de société" qui frappent tous les pays occidentaux. Aujourd'hui en France 15% de la population adulte est obèse. 60% de la population française a passé le seuil à partir duquel il ne faut pas grossir pour éviter l'obésité et les autres maladies de société. Au cours des 15 dernières années, l'obésité a augmenté de 75%. (obEpi-Roche 2009) Les maladies cardiovasculaires, quant à elles, représentent la 2e cause de mortalité dans l'hexagone. Et chaque année plus de 15 000 pontages coronariens sont exécutés... Le film suit, en guise de fil directeur, l'itinéraire personnel du Dr. Colin Campbell, biochimiste nutritionnel à l'Université Cornell, et du Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, ancien chirurgien de renom à la célèbre Cleveland Clinic.
What the Health

What the Health

Mar 16, 2017
Le cinéaste Kip Andersen découvre le secret pour prévenir et même inverser les maladies chroniques, et il enquête sur les raisons pour lesquelles les principales organisations de santé du pays ne veulent pas que les gens le sachent.
Dying To Have Known

Dying To Have Known

May 05, 2006
A documentary filmmaker goes on a 52-day journey to find evidence supporting the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy -- a long-suppressed natural cancer cure. His travels take him from Alaska to Mexico with stops in San Diego, New York, Japan, Holland and Spain. In the end, he presents the testimonies of patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the therapy s efficacy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases, and presents the hard scientific proof to back up their claims. Testimonies include: a Japanese medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 15 years ago, a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as terminal over 50 years ago as well as from noted critics of this world-renowned healing method who dismiss it out of hand as pure quackery. So the question that remains is, Why is this powerful curative therapy still suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure degenerative diseases?
Foods That Cure Disease
Over 4 hours of crucial video. Diagnosed with high cholesterol, Craig McMahon took control of his health and beat his genetic fate by consuming a whole plant-based diet inspired by Doctors Campbell, Esselstyn, Greger and McDougall. Certified by Cornell in plant nutrition, Craig asks experts hard science questions and creates delicious healthy meals in his kitchen based from years of research.