Damian Bradford

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Red Lined, Gun & Speed
Trafic de drogue, braquage, recel, assassinats sur commande... il n'existe pas d'activités criminelles dans laquelle ne trempe Peter Dasha, un ganster amateur de voitures rapides et de jolies filles. Insaisissable, puissant, cruel et fort d'un gang de fidèles, il nargue la police depuis des années. A tel point que ; exaspérés, quelques flics imaginent un plan audacieux pour le mettre hors d'état de nuire : lui lancer un gros appat et attendre qu'il y morde...


Nov 18, 2008
Fin des années 30. Lady Sarah Ashley, une aristocrate anglaise hautaine et renfermée, arrive au cœur des paysages sauvages du Nord de l'Australie pour y rejoindre son mari qu'elle soupçonne d'adultère, et qui tente - sans succès - de vendre l'immense domaine qu'ils possèdent sur place : Faraway Downs. Elle ne tarde pas à découvrir que l'exploitation est au bord de la ruine et menacée par son propre contremaître, Neil Fletcher, un homme sans scrupules de mèche avec un puissant éleveur, prêt à tout pour précipiter la chute du domaine et s'en emparer. Pour sauver Faraway Downs, Sarah n'a pas d'autre choix que de s'allier à un "cow-boy" local un peu rustre connu sous le seul nom de "Le Drover", et de parcourir avec lui des milliers de kilomètres à travers les terres aussi magnifiques qu'inhospitalières du pays afin de mener jusqu'à Darwin 1.500 têtes de bétail.
Strange Planet

Strange Planet

Oct 06, 1999
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?
Moulin Rouge !

Moulin Rouge !

May 18, 2001
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?


Oct 04, 2001
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?
Planète Rouge

Planète Rouge

Nov 10, 2000
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?


Jun 14, 2002
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?
Superman Returns

Superman Returns

Jun 28, 2006
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?
Science Fiction
Pacific homicide

Pacific homicide

Dec 22, 2003
White Collar Blue is an Australian television series made by Knapman Wyld Television for Network Ten from 2002 to 2003. Starring Peter O'Brien as Joe Hill and Freya Stafford as Harriet Walker, the series dealt with a division of the police force working in the city of Sydney and the personal and professional tensions affecting their work and lives. In the pilot episode, Harriet is introduced as the new face to Kingsway station, transferring from the "White Collar" federal police to the "Blue Collar" New South Wales Police. Throughout the series Harriet must deal not only with her husband's brutal murder and the revelation of his adultery, but with learning to adjust and fit into her new surroundings. Joe is Harriet's new partner, and isn't exactly welcoming to her as an addition to the team. With two daughters from previous marriages, Joe needs to juggle his homelife, his dedication to the job and his relationship with Nicole Brown, played by Jodie Dry. The other cops at the station are Ted Hudson, played by Richard Carter, Sophia Marinkovitch and Theo Rahme, and each have their own secrets and problems to deal with. The series was axed after two seasons, however it can be found on cable TV both in Australia and overseas.
All Saints

All Saints

Oct 27, 2009
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital.
All Saints

All Saints

Oct 27, 2009
Medical drama focusing on the working and personal lives of the doctors and nurses working on the front line of a busy inner city Emergency Department at All Saints Hospital.