Stéphane Aubier

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Panique au village

Panique au village

Jun 17, 2009
Coboy et Indien veulent souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire à Cheval. Le cadeau ? Un barbecue à faire soi-même ! Belle idée, sauf que la commande de briques dérape et qu'ils en reçoivent... un milliard ! Ce n'est plus un anniversaire, c'est un raz de marée !
Les grandes vacances de Coboy et Indien
Programme de courts-métrages d'animation contenant "La foire agricole" et "Les grandes vacances". Coboy et Indien, accompagnés de personnages loufoques et extravagants, vivent une vie pleine de rebondissements. Avec cette joyeuse équipe, l’inattendu peut survenir à chaque instant ! Ainsi, se rendre à une foire agricole ou partir en vacances devient une drôle d’aventure, complètement rocambolesque à laquelle Coboy et Indien (et Cheval) vous invitent !
Panique tous courts

Panique tous courts

Mar 01, 2017
Indien et Cowboy sont sur le départ pour une magnifique croisière sur un paquebot de luxe, mais ils se sont emmêlés les pinceaux. Ils ont complètement oublié qu’aujourd’hui, c’est la rentrée des classes! Adieu les îles exotiques, nos amis se retrouvent désespérés sur les bancs de l’école à subir la monotonie des cours. Pour dynamiser ce début d’année et accueillir le nouveau professeur de géographie, la directrice propose un grand concours. Les lauréats accompagneront M. Youri pour une journée sur la Lune. Indien et Cowboy sont évidement prêts à tout pour gagner le concours.
Mad in Belgium

Mad in Belgium

Jun 29, 2022
Un cadavre exquis cinématographique, dont les entrailles révèlent la nature d’un (in)certain cinéma belge. Des auteurs et des acteurs qui ont prouvé que l’imposture pouvait être un acte de création. Convaincus que toute production cinématographique dite "nouvelle" n’étant qu’une reprise de ce qui avait déjà été fait, ces corsaires des images se sont faufilés en faussaires, menteurs, baratineurs, usurpateurs, … Des hors la loi du cinéma qui en ont falsifié la forme. De l’imposture filmée de "C’est arrivé près de chez vous" au biopic fabulateur de Jan Bucquoy, tout participe du dynamitage, par le simulacre et l’absurde, du langage institutionnel. Ce voyage libre dans la ciné-belgitude a pour vocation d’approcher ces merveilleux excentriques adeptes d’un situationnisme survolté et décapant.
Panique au village : La Bûche de Noël
Les fêtes approchent. Noël, le sapin, le réveillon. Indien et Cowboy attendent avec impatience leurs cadeaux. Surexcités par les préparatifs de la fête, ils se disputent et détruisent malencontreusement la bûche à laquelle Cheval mettait la dernière touche. Furieux, Cheval décommande les cadeaux auprès du Père Noël. Comment regagner les faveurs de Cheval et du Vieux Barbu ? Comment récupérer les cadeaux ? Pour Indien et Cowboy commence une longue, très longue nuit de Noël.
Panique au village : La Rentrée des classes
Indien et Cowboy sont sur le départ pour une magnifique croisière sur un paquebot de luxe, mais ils se sont emmêlés les pinceaux. Ils ont complètement oublié qu’aujourd’hui, c’est la rentrée des classes ! Adieu les îles exotiques, nos amis se retrouvent désespérés sur les bancs de l’école à subir la monotonie des cours.
Panique au village : La Foire agricole
A force de travail et d’abnégation, Indien et Cowboy ont brillamment réussi leurs examens scolaires. En récompense, Cheval leur a acheté des tickets VIP pour la Grande Foire Agricole. Alors qu’il sort du salon pour aller chercher les billets, Cheval glisse sur un skateboard qui traînait là et tombe lourdement sur la tête. Résultat, Cheval se retrouve amnésique à l’hôpital et ne se souvient plus du tout où il a caché les tickets. Pour Indien et Cowboy commence une course contre la montre pour essayer de mettre la main sur les précieux sésames…
A Town Called Panic: Double Fun
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Pic-Pic, André et leurs amis
Les aventures de Picpic et André nous sont racontées au travers de sept courts métrages déjantés. Pic Pic est un cochon magique et serviable, tandis qu'André est un mauvais cheval. Coboy est son meilleur ennemi. Pic Pic André Shoow The First (1995) Saint-Nicolas chez les Baltus (1993) Babyroussa, The Babiroussa (1994) Pic Pic André Shoow Le Deuxième (1997) Les Baltus au cirque (1998) Pic Pic André Show -4-1 (1999) L'ours, la femme et le chasseur (2000)


Jun 03, 2000
an Animated Short Film by Stéphane Aubier and Vincent Patar
A Town Called Panic: Double Fun
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Les grandes vacances de Coboy et Indien
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique tous courts

Panique tous courts

Mar 01, 2017
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique tous courts

Panique tous courts

Mar 01, 2017
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique tous courts

Panique tous courts

Mar 01, 2017
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
A Town Called Panic: Double Fun
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Pic Pic André shoow - Le deuxième
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Pic Pic André shoow - Le deuxième
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Pic Pic André shoow - 4-1
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
A Town Called Panic: Double Fun
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Pic-Pic, André et leurs amis
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.


Dec 28, 2016
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Les P'tits futés

Les P'tits futés

Aug 01, 2018
With disarming wit and hilarious visuals, A Town Called Panic: Double Fun revels in the simple setup of three plastic toys sent on increasingly surreal and freewheeling adventures. Cowboy and Indian are always up to some harebrained scheme, with Horse left to clean up the mess. In Christmas Panic, their out-of-control antics lead Horse to call Santa and cancel the presents. But the boys figure they can still save Christmas… if they break into their neighbor's house to steal his yule log! In Back to School Panic, a class assignment yields a special prize, but only Pig knows the answer. Cowboy and Indian use a special shrinking potion to sneak into Pig's brain, where they discover a sodium-packed world of pig cops riding in bacon cars and sausage cycles.
Panique au village

Panique au village

Jan 11, 2003
Le soleil se lève sur le village. Coq chante. Indien, Cowboy, Cheval, Fermier, Robin, Gendarme sont prêts pour une nouvelle journée. Imaginez les jouets en plastique de notre enfance dont deux auteurs-animateurs à l’univers faussement enfantin s’emparent pour conter les plus folles aventures.
Panique au village

Panique au village

Jan 11, 2003
Le soleil se lève sur le village. Coq chante. Indien, Cowboy, Cheval, Fermier, Robin, Gendarme sont prêts pour une nouvelle journée. Imaginez les jouets en plastique de notre enfance dont deux auteurs-animateurs à l’univers faussement enfantin s’emparent pour conter les plus folles aventures.