Mark Andrews

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The Paranormal Diaries : Clophill
En mars 1963, dans les ruines de l’église de Clophill un groupe de sorcières a organisé une messe noire. Elles ont pillées des tombes, sacrifiées des animaux et se sont servies d’os humains. Pendant les années qui suivirent d’autres événements de ce genre ont eu lieu à Clophill et on a même retrouvé du bétail mutilé dans les environs. Il était evident que parmis ces ruines des activités paranormales avaient lieu. En 2010 une équipe de journalistes est venue enquêter pour essayer de découvrir ce qu’il s’était réellement passé. C’est ainsi qu’ils ont constaté que la legende de Clophill avait laissé des traces parmis les habitants. En faisant cette enquête ils ont fait un terrifiant un voyage dans l’inconnu.
Les Indestructibles

Les Indestructibles

Oct 27, 2004
Ayant raccroché leurs costumes quinze ans plus tôt, Bob, ex‐Mr. Indestructible et sa femme, Hélène, ex‐Elastigirl, sont rentrés dans le rang et s’efforcent de mener une vie normale avec leurs trois enfants. Mais l’occasion de repasser à l’action va se présenter pout Bob lorsqu’une mystérieuse convocation l’appelle sur une île lointaine pour une mission top‐secrète.


May 28, 2009
À 78 ans, Carl n'envisage plus qu'une chose : finir tranquillement sa vie dans la petite maison où il a passé toute une existence paisible auprès de son épouse Ellie. Veuf désormais, il reste, en effet, attaché à son passé en refusant les propositions mirobolantes d'un promoteur pour racheter son bien. Quand des circonstances exceptionnelles le contraignent d'intégrer une maison de retraite, il prend une ultime fois les choses en mains et, transformant sa demeure en dirigeable, s'envole pour l'aventure, vers la partie du monde où sa femme et lui s'étaient promis un jour de s'installer. Il ne se doute pas alors qu'il a emporté avec lui un jeune passager clandestin, Russell et que le voyage sera loin d'être de tout repos…
Distant Shadow

Distant Shadow

Oct 13, 2000
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
Osmosis Jones

Osmosis Jones

Aug 10, 2001
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold


Jun 21, 2007
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold


Jun 21, 2007
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
M. Indestructible et ses copains
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
Cars : Quatre roues

Cars : Quatre roues

Jun 08, 2006
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
Les Indestructibles 2

Les Indestructibles 2

Jun 14, 2018
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
Le Géant de fer

Le Géant de fer

Aug 06, 1999
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
Les Indestructibles

Les Indestructibles

Oct 27, 2004
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold


May 01, 2002
Michelle Wallace is a girl haunted by the demons of her past, having witnessed the brutal murder of her mother at the age of four. Sixteen years on she lives in a run-down boarding house looking forward to a future with her boyfriend away from the squalid life she has been leading. Michelle is befriended by her new neighbour, Charles Paskin, a mysterious middle-aged man. Unbeknown to Michelle, Charles is actually a British government assassin involved in a highly confidential operation. His mission is to retrieve government files about a top secret operation which has been stolen. He has been instructed to dispose anyone associated with these documents, but all is not as it seems. Through a bizarre turn of events, Michelle becomes embroiled in Charles's mission, and a fast-paced story of intrigue and suspense begins to unfold
Circle of Stone

Circle of Stone

Dec 07, 2020
During a routine patrol along winding forest road, Sheriff Dan comes across a young woman, disheveled and confused. After following her into the woods, Dan is attacked and killed by strange beings. With their chief suddenly missing, the rest of the rural sheriffs head out to search for him. They find themselves trapped in a supernatural world. Their only chance of escape is to fight their way out. Or can they be saved by Maddie, a little girl the Dark Fae stole sixty years ago.

May 20, 2017

Jack est un samouraï banni par Aku, une entité maléfique. Le samouraï n'ayant pu détruire Aku, son futur est tout entier sous la coupe du mal. Son objectif est dès lors de retourner dans le passé afin d'empêcher son funeste destin.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

May 20, 2017

Jack est un samouraï banni par Aku, une entité maléfique. Le samouraï n'ayant pu détruire Aku, son futur est tout entier sous la coupe du mal. Son objectif est dès lors de retourner dans le passé afin d'empêcher son funeste destin.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Dec 30, 2023

Une anthologie animée sur des réalités alternatives de l'univers Marvel...

Aug 04, 2022

Finies les chamailleries, place au combat ! Menés par leur brillante créatrice, les robots Shiny et Thunder vont devoir défendre la Terre contre les monstres de l'espace.

Aug 04, 2022

Finies les chamailleries, place au combat ! Menés par leur brillante créatrice, les robots Shiny et Thunder vont devoir défendre la Terre contre les monstres de l'espace.

Mar 25, 2005

La série suit les aventures de trois protagonistes nommées Belle, Bulle et Rebelle. Chacune est identifiée par une couleur qui lui est propre : le rose pour Belle, le bleu ciel pour Bulle, et le vert pour Rebelle. Chacune de ses petites filles possède des supers-pouvoirs qu'elles utilisent habituellement pour défendre leur ville face à la menace de divers monstres et antagonistes. Entre-temps, ces petites filles vivent le quotidien de tout enfant de leur âge incluant la rivalité entre sœurs, la perte des dents de lait, l'hygiène personnelle, la scolarité, les énurésies nocturnes, et autres passe-temps. Leurs exploits se déroulent habituellement dans la ville de Townsville, aux États-Unis, perçue comme une ville imposante dans la série avec de nombreux gratte-ciels.
Action & Adventure