Sean Connolly

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N.F.A. (No Fixed Abode)
NFA is a psychological drama feature length film about a regular guy, married, kid, job, who wakes up one morning to find himself alone in a hostel for homeless people and no idea how he got there.
Shaun le Mouton, le film
Shaun est un petit mouton futé qui travaille, avec son troupeau, pour un fermier myope à la ferme Mossy Bottom, sous l’autorité de Bitzer, chien de berger dirigiste mais bienveillant et inefficace. La vie est belle, globalement, mais un matin, en se réveillant, Shaun se dit que sa vie n’est que contraintes. Il décide de prendre un jour de congé, avec pour cela un plan qui consiste à endormir le fermier. Mais son plan fonctionne un peu trop bien et il perd rapidement le contrôle de la situation. Une chose en entraînant une autre, tout le troupeau se retrouve pour la première fois bien loin de la ferme et plus précisément : dans la grande ville. Mais comment un mouton peut‐il survivre en ville ?
Kiss kiss (Bang Bang)

Kiss kiss (Bang Bang)

Nov 07, 2001
A Londres, Félix, un tueur à gages à l'approche de la cinquantaine, a décidé de raccrocher. Seulement, la profession n'apprécie pas outre mesure cette retraite précoce et Félix devient rapidement la cible de ses anciens collègues, une horde d'assassins déjantés. De plus, sa petite amie est enceinte, or Felix déteste les enfants. Afin de s'acquitter de ses nombreuses dettes, ce dernier doit s'occuper de Bubba qui, à l'âge de 33 ans, n'a jamais quitté sa chambre. L'ancien tueur à gages lui fait alors découvrir les plaisirs liés à l'alcool, à la musique et aux femmes. Mais Felix est bientôt forcé de reprendre du service malgré lui.
The Quiet One

The Quiet One

Jun 17, 2018
The Quiet One (2017) Lenny Parker, a mysterious stranger becomes the landlord of a local pub. A ruthless gang who work for local businessman Ray Gleeson decide they want to take over the pub, spurred on by the fact that Lenny's barmaid Terri is the ex of Ray's psychotic son Dominic Gleeson. Dominic is out for revenge after being neglected by Terri, Lenny is the only obstacle standing in his way as Terri and her daughter Peewee find themselves drawn to Lenny. When Dominic and the gang go too far and attack Terri, Lenny is forced to face his darkest fears and go back to his old ways to protect his pub and newfound family - but how far will he go?
Shaun le mouton : Les lamas du fermier
Le fermier et Bitzer se rendent à une foire agricole. Shaun se retrouve embarqué dans l'aventure un peu par hasard. Il croise la route de Fernando, Hector et Raul, des lamas aussi exotiques que rusés. Après un embrouillamini provoqué par le mouton, le fermier se voit contraint d'acquérir les trois animaux. L'arrivée des lamas, qui devait égayer le quotidien de la ferme, tourne au cauchemar...
TV Movie
Resnick: Rough Treatment
A kilo of cocaine. Hardly what two small-time crooks were expecting to find when they broke into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion. But nor was Harold's frustrated wife expecting to fall in love with one of the intruders. Now she's going to make a deal with him - for both her husband and the drugs. But the precious powder belongs to someone else. And he wants it back. So if he feels he's been double-crossed, there's no telling what might happen. Detective Inspector Resnick has a hunch that there's more to this story than meets the eye. And as his investigations lead him down the mean streets of the TV industry and an inner-city drugs ring, it's obvious that more than one person is dancing on thin ice.
The Marker

The Marker

Jun 25, 2017
Après une condamnation pour homicide involontaire, Marley sort de prison. Dévoré par la culpabilité, il cherche à retrouver Cristina, la fille de la femme qu’il a tuée. Mais Cristina, désormais adolescente, s’est mise dans une situation délicate en côtoyant les mauvaises personnes.
The Big Game

The Big Game

Jun 28, 1995
Jimmy Harper (Gary Webster) loves to gamble and enjoys enough success to bring him to the attention of a group of men who play for big money. Soon Jimmy decides to change his name to James Harper, to reflect his increased importance, and seeks a way out of his job in a factory. However, as the stakes in the games increase, Jimmy/James may begin to wonder whether he is in over his head and has risked too much...
Jim's Gift

Jim's Gift

Jan 01, 1996
A mysterious stranger presents a boy with a VCR that can "play" the past...and the future. How it affects the boy and his struggling middle-class family is the central story.
Stay Quiet

Stay Quiet

Jun 21, 2024
"Stay Quiet" follows Olivia Davies, a dedicated NHS GP returning home after a grueling night shift. Her mother's warning of a missing person nearby goes unheeded. Yet, as seemingly ordinary noises intensify while she makes dinner, Olivia's world unravels into a spine-chilling nightmare. Olivia's resilience is tested as she confronts the sinister truth hidden within her home.