Serge Bromberg

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Film: The Living Record of Our Memory
Pourquoi sommes-nous encore capables, aujourd'hui, de voir des images prises il y a plus de 125 ans ? A l'heure du numérique, le patrimoine audiovisuel apparaît comme une évidence. Cependant, une grande partie du cinéma et de notre histoire filmée a été perdue à jamais. Archivistes, techniciens et cinéastes de différentes parties du monde expliquent ce qu'est la préservation audiovisuelle et pourquoi elle est nécessaire. Le documentaire est un hommage à tous ces professionnels et à leur travail important.
Walt Disney, l'homme qui voulait changer le monde
Dans le monde entier, des millions d’enfants ont un point commun avec leurs parents, leurs grands-parents et leurs arrières grands-parents : ils ont tous regardé « Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains », « Bambi » ou « Peter Pan », et découvert le regard de Walt Disney sur la nature, la famille, l’amitié, le courage, la méchanceté ou la mort. Mais qui était cet homme qui affirmait que pour réaliser une chose extraordinaire, il faut commencer par la rêver ?
Romy : 40 ans après, ultimes confidences
Pour honorer le 40e anniversaire de sa mort, de multiples personnalités partagent leurs sentiments et réflexions sur la vie et la carrière de la fabuleuse et audacieuse actrice Romy Schneider. Parmi eux, Alain Delon, icône du cinéma français et premier grand amour de Romy, lui lit la lettre d'amour qu'il lui a écrite il y a quarante ans, le lendemain de sa mort.
Murnau, dans l'ombre de Nosferatu
Nosferatu le vampire sort à Berlin en 1922. Plus qu'un film, un chef d'oeuvre du cinéma d'horreur. Murnau, son réalisateur, se tue dans un accident de voiture à Hollywood, dix ans plus tar. Plus qu'un cinéaste, un génie incontesté du 7e art. Nosferatu et Murnau : deux destins imbriqués, deux aventures de vie flamboyantes et mortifères, entre ombres et lumière, lauriers de la gloire, malédictions en série et résurrection éternelle. Ce documentaire, à l'esprit baroque et fantastique, mène une enquête palpitante aux multiples rebondissements, investigue notamment à La Fondation Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau


Aug 15, 2024
The most transcendent and controversial event since the invention of the seventh art: the disappearance of photographic film. What for many people seems to be simply the result of technological evolution, brings with it paradoxes and contradictions that endanger photographic film heritage and accelerate its deterioration.
Amore tra le rovine

Amore tra le rovine

May 07, 2015
Love Among the Ruins is a spoof about the miraculous discovery and restoration of a long lost Italian silent film. The film connects a contemporary filmmaker with the genius of the Lumini brothers, two cinematic icons who have been almost overlooked in the history of cinema.
La La La

La La La

Nov 25, 2018
Lorsque le cinéma muet a appris à parler, le public a été surpris non seulement par les voix des acteurs et les effets sonores, mais aussi par un élément nouveau, la musique, qui, alliée à la danse et à une imagination sans préjugés, a donné lieu à un nouveau genre, aussi important pour le cinéma hollywoodien que l'était le western : la comédie musicale. Un voyage à travers l'histoire de ce genre, de ses débuts à nos jours.
Le Voyage extraordinaire
Six savants, membres du Club des Astronomes, entreprennent une expédition qui doit les conduire sur la lune. C’est le synopsis du premier film de science fiction de l’histoire, « Le Voyage dans la Lune » de Georges Méliès. Ce documentaire raconte l'incroyable aventure du siècle et le défi de la restauration la plus complexe de l'histoire du cinéma.
Hedy Lamarr : l'Invention d'une star
Elle fut surnommée « la plus belle fille du monde », suscita bien des désirs et tourna avec les plus grands, de King Vidor à Cecil B. DeMille, en passant par Victor Fleming ou Jacques Tourneur. Hedy Lamarr fit d’abord scandale en apparaissant entièrement nue, en 1933, dans Extase de Gustav Machaty. Pourtant, en 2000, elle décèdera dans un quasi anonymat. Retour sur le destin d’une femme et son statut d'icône qui se joua des clichés, actrice mais aussi productrice, et qui, parallèlement, inventa la wi-fi…
Paul Merton's Weird and Wonderful World of Early Cinema
Paul Merton goes in search of the origins of screen comedy in the forgotten world of silent cinema - not in Hollywood, but closer to home in pre-1914 Britain and France. Revealing the unknown stars and lost masterpieces, he brings to life the pioneering techniques and optical inventiveness of the virtuosos who mastered a new art form. With a playful eye and comic sense of timing, Merton combines the role of presenter and director to recreate the weird and wonderful world that is early European cinema in a series of cinematic experiments of his own.


Oct 01, 2009
Paul achète l'Hôtel du Lac, épouse la ravissante Nelly et, bientôt à la tête d'une petite famille et d'une affaire prospère, donne tous les signes de la réussite. Pourtant, quelque chose ne va pas. Une étrange nervosité s'empare de Paul. Il dort mal. Il se sent oppressé et se met à surveiller attentivement le comportement de sa femme. N'est-elle pas trop jolie ? N'aime-t-elle pas trop plaire ? Et pourquoi toutes ces jolies robes ? Pour qui ? Bientôt, Paul, férocement jaloux, surprend Nelly et l'un de ses clients, Martineau, sur une île. Il fait à son épouse une première scène tonitruante. Au fil des mois, il perd pied et sombre dans la folie...
Le Mystère Méliès

Le Mystère Méliès

Jan 02, 2021
Fils d'un fabricant de chaussures, Georges Méliès décide de se consacrer à la magie. En 1888, il emploie sa part d'héritage pour racheter le Théâtre Robert-Houdin, boulevard des Italiens, où ses spectacles féeriques attirent les foules. Sept ans plus tard, ébloui par l'image animée des frères Lumière, il se lance dans un art naissant, le cinéma. Sa soif de féeries l'amène à inventer les effets spéciaux. Mais l'évolution du goût du public et le passage du cinéma à l'ère industrielle escamote sa machine à rêves. Oublié, il finira par tenir un magasin de jouets dans la gare Montparnasse. En 1923, dans un accès de désespoir, il détruit les négatifs de ses films. Depuis, les cinéphiles du monde entier ont retrouvé et restauré des bobines.
Chaplin Today: 'City Lights'
In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, we see how Chaplin became the king of slapstick comedy and the superstar of the movies.
Les Premiers pas du cinéma : un rêve en couleur
In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, we see how Chaplin became the king of slapstick comedy and the superstar of the movies.
La naissance de Charlot
In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, we see how Chaplin became the king of slapstick comedy and the superstar of the movies.
Henri Dès - Le Père Noël était en avance
In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, we see how Chaplin became the king of slapstick comedy and the superstar of the movies.
The Artist

The Artist

Oct 12, 2011
In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, we see how Chaplin became the king of slapstick comedy and the superstar of the movies.
Les premiers pas du cinéma - A la recherche du son
In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit, we see how Chaplin became the king of slapstick comedy and the superstar of the movies.
Cinema Finds Its Voice
The story of how sound was paired with images in early years of cinema; offering an in-depth look at the people behind-the-scenes and the technological innovations that culminated in Warner Brothers' ground breaking film, "The Jazz Singer" (1927).
Cinema Finds Its Voice
The story of how sound was paired with images in early years of cinema; offering an in-depth look at the people behind-the-scenes and the technological innovations that culminated in Warner Brothers' ground breaking film, "The Jazz Singer" (1927).
Le Voyage extraordinaire
The story of how sound was paired with images in early years of cinema; offering an in-depth look at the people behind-the-scenes and the technological innovations that culminated in Warner Brothers' ground breaking film, "The Jazz Singer" (1927).
Le Voyage extraordinaire
The story of how sound was paired with images in early years of cinema; offering an in-depth look at the people behind-the-scenes and the technological innovations that culminated in Warner Brothers' ground breaking film, "The Jazz Singer" (1927).
Le Voyage extraordinaire
The story of how sound was paired with images in early years of cinema; offering an in-depth look at the people behind-the-scenes and the technological innovations that culminated in Warner Brothers' ground breaking film, "The Jazz Singer" (1927).


Jan 01, 1991
A short film, shot in a long take, interpreted, drawn and directed by Jean-Louis Bompoint, with the precious collaboration of Hélène Bromberg; but especially Henri Alekan, who was the Director of Photography of the film.
La naissance de Charlot
A short film, shot in a long take, interpreted, drawn and directed by Jean-Louis Bompoint, with the precious collaboration of Hélène Bromberg; but especially Henri Alekan, who was the Director of Photography of the film.
Fred Astaire donne le 'la'
A short film, shot in a long take, interpreted, drawn and directed by Jean-Louis Bompoint, with the precious collaboration of Hélène Bromberg; but especially Henri Alekan, who was the Director of Photography of the film.
Ils ont vu l’Enfer...
A wonderful documentary that sheds additional light on the fascinating project ‘Inferno’ was, as well as how those who were involved with it reacted to it during the shooting process. A riveting adjunct to the main feature, offering a glut of interviews with various people associated with the production, and presenting quite a bit more production data, as well as some unseen footage from Clouzot's shoot.
Les premiers pas du cinéma - A la recherche du son
A wonderful documentary that sheds additional light on the fascinating project ‘Inferno’ was, as well as how those who were involved with it reacted to it during the shooting process. A riveting adjunct to the main feature, offering a glut of interviews with various people associated with the production, and presenting quite a bit more production data, as well as some unseen footage from Clouzot's shoot.
Butterfly Dances

Butterfly Dances

Jun 01, 2007
Selection of hand-painted films made from serpentine dance performances between 1895 and 1907, with original music by Carol Robinson. Produced for ARTE / Lobster Films.
Le Mystère Méliès

Le Mystère Méliès

Jan 02, 2021
Selection of hand-painted films made from serpentine dance performances between 1895 and 1907, with original music by Carol Robinson. Produced for ARTE / Lobster Films.