Sophie Stockinger

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Sep 13, 2013
Fourteen-year-old Jasmin longs to be near her biological mother, Eva. Following her mother’s release from prison, an excursion into the country together becomes a first test for the fledgling mother-daughter relationship. They smoke, dance and stroll together – the mood is promising. But time and again, it is revealed that their needs and expectations are light years apart. For the moment, neither Eva nor Jasmin seem up to the task of fulfilling each other’s need for identity and support. (Talea is Italian for scion, a detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting.)


Mar 15, 2018
In southern Burgenland, Austria, 18-year-old Renate is found dead in a wooded area. Investigator Elfriede Jandrasits, who is known for her tenacity at the Eisenstadt Criminal Police Office, takes on the case. She is under a lot of time pressure because her husband's retirement party is imminent.
Die Kinder der Villa Emma
According to true events, the moving drama "The Children of Villa Emma" tells of a dangerous escape that took place during the Second World War. In 1942/1943, the Italian village of Nonantola was indeed a refuge for 73 Jewish children who wanted to escape the merciless access of the National Socialists on their way to the "Promised Land" of Palestine. Director Nikolaus Leytner describes the dangerous journey as an exciting test, presented by a talented young cast.
Die Stille danach

Die Stille danach

Jul 31, 2016
Paula Rom and her family live in the suburb of a small city - happily and approved by society. Their average and inconspicuous life changes totally, when her 15 years old son shoots ten of his classmates and kills himself afterwards. From that day nothing is how it used to be. The whole family has to struggle with the anger and sorrow of the people around them. They need to deal with the assassination and the circumstances, how it could come to the disaster out of nowhere.


Mar 16, 2018
Mati, dure à cuire, s’apprête à passer son bac, mais préfère traîner avec sa clique de mecs plutôt que de réviser. Sur leurs motos, les adolescents sèment le trouble dans la région et rendent la vie dure aux filles. Lorsque Mati fait la connaissance de Carla, une fille pleine d’assurance bien différente d’elle, l’équilibre de ce microcosme se met à chanceler: Sebastian, le meilleur ami de Mati, en veut soudain plus, et un secret bien gardé entre Gabriele et Paul refait parallèlement surface.
Deux hommes en costume
Dans la Bavière des années 1980, un père et son fils confrontent leur regard respectif sur un passé familial lourd de rancoeurs et de non-dits.
Meurtres en eaux troubles
Depuis la mort de ses parents dans un accident de voilier, Hannah Zeiler ne se remet pas de la tragédie. Elle est devenue froide, mutique et concentrée, l'opposé absolu de son nouveau coéquipier, Micha Oberländer, qui est bavard et désorganisé. Ces deux professionnels aux tempéraments peu conciliables vont, malgré leurs différences, s’épauler pour résoudre les crimes les plus divers.
Les Carnets de Max Liebermann
Max Liebermann, élève de Sigmund Freud, aide le détective Rheinhardt à enquêter sur une série de meurtres inquiétants perpétrés aux alentours des grands cafés et des opéras de Vienne des années 1900.