Beatrice Chien

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Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians

Aug 15, 2018
Née à New York, Rachel Chu n'est jamais allée en Asie. En accompagnant son fiancé Nick Young au mariage de son meilleur ami à Singapour, Rachel est donc enchantée de découvrir le continent de ses ancêtres…même si elle redoute un peu de rencontrer la famille de son fiancé. Il faut dire que Nick a omis quelques détails d'importance. Car il est non seulement l'héritier d'une des familles les plus riches du pays, mais aussi l'un de ses célibataires les plus recherchés. Rachel devient alors la cible de toutes les jeunes femmes de la bonne société singapourienne en mal de maris et, pire encore, de sa future belle-mère. Si l'amour ne s'achète pas, l'argent rend les situations parfois bien complexes…
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Helmed by three female directors, this omnibus features three films set in China, Thailand and Singapore respectively. Each story occurs at a specific mealtime, and seeks to interpret the frailties and complexities of love through different Asian perspectives. All three stories are tethered with the question, "Will you marry me?" Mirroring the repasts themselves, Breakfast and Dinner are heavier in tone, while Lunch is light with a sprinkle of humor.
La Saveur des rāmen

La Saveur des rāmen

Mar 29, 2018
Masato, jeune chef de rāmen au Japon, a toujours rêvé de partir à Singapour pour retrouver le goût des plats que lui cuisinait sa mère quand il était enfant. Alors qu'il entreprend le voyage culinaire d'une vie, il découvre des secrets familiaux profondément enfouis. Trouvera-t-il la recette pour réconcilier les souvenirs du passé ?
Sit With Me

Sit With Me

Sep 01, 2013
Alone in a foreign land, a down-on-his-luck Caucasian businessman finds his trust in humanity once more through the most unlikely of meetings.
Home Is Where The Heart Is
A young lawyer, Jane Liu, is assigned by her mentor to help Madam Wong, a 75 years old repeated shoplifter, as a pro bono defense counsel. What seems to be an easy open and shut case suddenly takes a weird turn when Jane discovers that Madam Wong's repeated petty crimes are intentional and deliberate.
Gone Case

Gone Case

Jan 01, 2014
Gone Case is a heartfelt, coming-of-age story that revolves around twelve-year-old Yong, who struggles to cope with the tumultuous events that take place in his life as he approaches his PSLE exams - the death of his grandmother, the decaying relationship of his parents, the rigorous demands of school, run-ins with a neighborhood gang, his first crush and taste of heartache, and the tensions between him and his dysfunctional best friend, Liang.