Richard Oldham

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Jul 03, 2007
"KAPITAL" is a Gothic and uncompromising look at the darker crevasses of human nature and society. Following a cross section of characters lives, inter weaved in a mosaic form over the turbulent course of one day, as they all deal with the demons and angels that haunt their harsh realities. An apocalyptic vision of modern day existence.
SSDD: Same Shit Different Day
Lee (Samuel Anoyke) has been out of prison for only four months and is already cracking under the pressure of looking after his mum and raising his daughter while coping with the death of his baby brother Darren. His only relief from the stress and nightmares is workmate Phil (Richard Oldham) who during their night shift job enlightens him with tales of the good old days of the Poll Tax riots and copious cups of tea.
Le vent se lève

Le vent se lève

Jun 23, 2006
Irlande, 1920. Des paysans s'unissent pour former une armée de volontaires contre les redoutables Black and Tans, troupes anglaises envoyées par bateaux entiers pour mater les velléités d'indépendance du peuple irlandais.Par sens du devoir et amour de son pays, Damien abandonne sa jeune carrière de médecin et rejoint son frère Teddy dans le dangereux combat pour la liberté...


Dec 05, 2008
Shaun and Daz are vibrant kids, wasted by their experience of education. All they have is friendship and Shaun's first love Katy. From the moment Shaun steps into our world he is bound to lose. Labeled as a violent bully he destroys himself and Daz with him. Shaun has twelve years to reflect on an intense summer of love, sex and loyalty. But Daz's imminent death forces Shaun to confront his past.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.