Freda Dowie

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Distant Voices, Still Lives
Le deuxième film de la série autobiographique de Terence Davies (avec "Trilogy" et "The Long Day Closes") est une vision impressionniste d'une famille ouvrière dans le Liverpool des années 1940 et 1950, basée sur la propre famille du réalisateur. A travers une série de tableaux exquis, Davies crée un album photo profondément émouvant d'une famille troublée aux prises avec la complexité de l'amour.
Edna: The Inebriate Woman
A British play about homelessness by Jeremy Sandford, writer of "Cathy Come Home", first broadcast as a BBC Play For Today. It details the deterioration of Edna, a homeless alcoholic and was made at a time when vagrancy was still a criminal offence.
TV Movie
Black Eyes

Black Eyes

Oct 10, 1996
Josh and Jim want to know how Jack got his black eye. So the17 year old Jack explains over a couple of beers how their friend Lennie got him into this swanky party, on account of Jack's 'famous' brother, and how they ended up sitting round a swimming pool with a few lads passing around an enormous bag of cocaine......
Whistle and I'll Come to You
A university professor, confident that everything which occurs in life has a rational explanation, finds his beliefs severely challenged when, during a vacation to a remote coastal village in Norfolk, he blows through an ancient whistle discovered on a beach, awakening horrors beyond human understanding.
TV Movie
Butterfly Kiss

Butterfly Kiss

Aug 18, 1995
Deeply mentally unbalanced drifter Eunice roams grim northern Britain committing psychosexual serial murders of both men and women while ostensibly searching for an unknown woman named Judith. She spares the life of lonely but kind-hearted gas station cashier Miriam, who abandons her dismal life to follow her damaged new lover. While attempting to hide the evidence of her multiple crimes, Miriam tries to understand Eunice's bizarre quest.
La Malédiction

La Malédiction

Jun 25, 1976
Robert Thorn viens de devenir ambassadeur des États-Unis à Londres. Celui-ci va réaliser peu à peu que son fils de 5 ans, Damien, n'est autre que la réincarnation de l'Antéchrist.
Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

Dec 28, 1966
Alice in Wonderland (1966) is a BBC television play based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It was directed by Jonathan Miller, then most widely known for his appearance in the long-running satirical revue Beyond the Fringe.


Apr 20, 1992
A Gothic comedy, featuring a distinguished cast, and starring Leslie Phillips and Margaret Tyzack. Retired colonial army officer George Thacker has high hopes of recapturing his memories of an idyllic English village life after a lifetime of meting out justice in the Far East. But instead of peace and quiet, he is greeted by violence, voodoo and a distressed damsel, brandishing a shotgun. Worst of all, the ghost of his old flame, Edith, still haunts him, threatening both his marriage and his life.
The Monk

The Monk

Jan 17, 1990
In Madrid at the time of the Inquisition, the monk Ambrosio is renowned for his faith and his strength of will, a saint in the eyes of the populace. But when he discovers the beautiful Matilda hidden in his own monastery, all his repressed passions begin to show themselves, and he is soon using the girl, and her powers, in his lust for more innocent prey.


Feb 06, 1996
A la fin du XIXe siècle, en Angleterre. Jude Fawley, un petit paysan, prend conscience qu'une promotion sociale passe obligatoirement par l'université. La première étape l'attend à Christminster, la ville voisine. Mais, avant même d'entreprendre le voyage, Jude cède aux avances d'Arabella, la fille d'un éleveur de porcs. Arabella tombe enceinte et Jude l'épouse. Puis Arabella quitte Jude pour l'Australie et le jeune homme rallie finalement les bancs de Christminster. Tout en étudiant, il gagne son pain comme tailleur de pierres. Il rencontre Sue, sa cousine, et en tombe bientôt profondément amoureux. L'union illicite des deux amants ne tarde pas à faire scandale...
Cider with Rosie

Cider with Rosie

Dec 26, 1998
Made by Carlton Television for ITV (UK) , this adaptation of Laurie Lee's autobiographical novel follows a young man's maturation in the country town of Gloucestershire near the end of World War I. As young Laurie (Dashiell Reece) comes of age under the protective eye of his mother (Juliet Stevenson), he learns to live with an eccentric collection of friends, neighbours, and relatives. As he enters his teenage years, Laurie (now played by Joe Roberts) discovers women, specifically Rosie Burdock (Lia Barrow). Veteran screenwriter John Mortimer adapted Lee's book, with Lee narrating.
Cider with Rosie

Cider with Rosie

Dec 25, 1971
An enchanting tale of childhood in a sleepy Cotswold village during and immediately after the First World War.
TV Movie


Oct 14, 2005
Une jeune infirmière décroche un travail dans un hôpital pour enfant totalement délabré sur le point de fermer ses portes. En effet, les autorités ont détecté une étrange détérioration de la structure du bâtiment. Les derniers patients ont trois semaines pour être transférés vers des hôpitaux Londonien. Mais le processus est plus long que prévu et une série d'orages empêche les hélicoptères d'opérer le transport. Peu à peu, d'étranges événements surviennent au sein de ce bâtiment vieux de plus d'un siècle. Pire, les enfants commencent à être victimes d'accidents inexplicables, comme des fractures apparues sans raison. La jeune femme devra lutter contre une chose invisible, pleine de haine, pour protéger les enfants...
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Crown Court

Crown Court

Feb 02, 1984
Crown Court is an afternoon television courtroom drama produced by Granada Television for the ITV network that ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984.
Moi, Claude empereur

Moi, Claude empereur

Dec 06, 1976
Claude raconte sa vie dans une énorme autobiographie qui devrait, selon la Sibylle, être découverte dans 2000 ans. Il commence par le règne d'Auguste et par les manigances criminelles de l'impératrice Livia, prête à tout pour que son fils Tibère hérite de l'Empire. Puis, c'est au tour de l'empereur Tibère, qui laisse Séjanus, ambitieux sans scrupules, gouverner à sa place. Caligula, un fou sanguinaire qui se prend pour un dieu, lui succède. Enfin, Claude raconte son règne personnel, caractérisé par les débauches de sa femme Messaline et les intrigues de sa dernière épouse, Agrippine la Jeune.


Dec 04, 1994
The adventures of the eponymous Lovejoy, a likeable but roguish antiques dealer based in East Anglia. Within the trade, he has a reputation as a “divvie”, a person with an almost supernatural powers for recognising exceptional items as well as distinguishing genuine antique from clever fakes or forgeries.


Dec 16, 1999
Doomwatch is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC, which ran on BBC 1 between 1970 and 1972. The series was set in the then present-day, and dealt with a scientific government agency led by Doctor Spencer Quist, responsible for investigating and combating various ecological and technological dangers. The series was followed by a film adaptation produced by Tigon British Film Productions and released in 1972, and a revival TV film was broadcast on Channel 5 in 1999.
The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Apr 05, 1975
After surviving a series of attempts on his life, successful businessman Lew Burnett decides to remain "dead" after the most recent one so he can go undercover and find out which of his close friends and business associates want him dead.
Dr. Finlay's Casebook

Dr. Finlay's Casebook

Jan 03, 1971
Dr Finlay's Casebook is a television series that was broadcast on the BBC from 1962 until 1971. Based on A. J. Cronin's novella ‘Country Doctor’, the storylines centred on a general medical practice in the fictional Scottish town of Tannochbrae during the late 1920s. Cronin was the primary writer for the show between 1962 and 1964.


Dec 17, 1978
The Rise and Fall of a Professional Beauty. It was the affair that shook Victorian society to its core. He was the Prince of Wales, the future monarch; she was a professional beauty, who became a royal bedmate. Follow the fascinating life of the Dean of Jersey's daughter from her modest childhood to her emergence as one of the most celebrated beauties of her time. Lillie's liaison with the heir to the throne marked only the beginning of a remarkable, scandalous and daring series of adventures in open defiance of accepted morality imposed by Victorian and Edwardian society.


Dec 22, 1983
Angels is a BBC medical soap-opera which launched on 1st September 1975 and was the blue print for such medical soaps as Casualty, Holby City, plus daytime soap, Doctors. The medical soap focuses on different departments within Heath Green Hospital and was a highly successful continuing drama.
Within These Walls

Within These Walls

Apr 15, 1978
Within These Walls is a British television drama programme made by London Weekend Television for ITV and shown between 1974 and 1978. It portrayed life in HMP Stone Park, a fictional women's prison. Unlike the later women-in-prison TV series Prisoner and Bad Girls, Within These Walls tended to centre its storylines around the prison staff rather than the inmates. The lead character was the well-groomed, genteel governor Faye Boswell, and episodes revolved around her attempts to liberalise the prison regime while managing her personal life at home. Another prominent character was her Chief Officer, Mrs. Armitage. Googie Withers left after three series; in Series Four her character was replaced as governor by Helen Forrester, who in turn left to be replaced in the final Series Five by Susan Marshall. The creator and writer of the programme, David Butler, played the prison chaplain, the Rev Henry Prentice, in some episodes. As of November 2011 Network DVD have released all five series in the UK, with the exception of "Nowhere for the Kids", an episode from Series Two which appears to have been wiped from the archives.
Jason et les Argonautes
L'une des aventures les plus mythiques de toute la mythologie est amené à la vie dans Jason et les Argonautes, une saga épique du bien et du mal. Comme un garçon simple Jason, l'héritier du royaume de la Grèce antique, témoin du meurtre de son père aux mains de son oncle impitoyable, Pélias. Après avoir échappé de peu à la mort, Jason fuit sa maison et revient vingt ans plus tard pour récupérer le trône. En apprenant son retour, Pélias lui condamnations à mort. Pour sauver sa vie, Jason promet d'offrir le cadeau le plus transformé des dieux à son oncle - la Toison d'Or. Rejoint par les Argonautes, une équipe d'intrépides marins, il se lance dans un périlleux voyage pour capter la Toison et accomplir sa destinée.
Father Brown

Father Brown

Dec 19, 1974
Father Brown was a Catholic priest who doubled as an amateur detective in order to solve mysteries.
The Old Curiosity Shop
The Old Curiosity Shop is a 1979 BBC miniseries based on the novel by Charles Dickens. It was directed by Julian Amyes, and adapted by William Trevor.
Maîtres et Valets

Maîtres et Valets

Dec 21, 1975
A l'étage : les riches et aristocratiques Bellamys. En bas : leurs fidèles et vifs serviteurs. Pendant près de 30 ans, ils partagent une maison de ville à la mode au 165 Eaton Place dans le quartier chic de Belgravia à Londres, survivant aux changements sociaux, aux bouleversements politiques, aux scandales et aux horreurs de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Hercule Poirot

Hercule Poirot

Nov 13, 2013
Hercule Poirot, policier belge retraité, à la moustache parfaite dont il est si fier. Il s'est exilé en Angleterre suite aux ravages de la Première Guerre mondiale. Désormais, il vit à Londres et exerce en tant que détective privé. Sa réputation d'enquêteur hors pair est internationale et de nombreuses personnes font appel à lui pour percer des mystères que la police ne pourra pas résoudre ou n'a pas su résoudre.
The Royal

The Royal

Jul 31, 2011
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles.


Mar 04, 2025
La vie quotidienne des habitants de la classe ouvrière de la place Albert, une traditionnelle place victorienne de maisons mitoyennes entourant un parc dans le quartier de Walford, à l'est de Londres.
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Apr 11, 1994
Cette série met en scène les exploits du célèbre détective Sherlock Holmes, adaptés des romans et nouvelles de sir Arthur Conan Doyle.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Play for Today

Play for Today

Aug 28, 1984
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
Crown Court

Crown Court

Feb 02, 1984
Crown Court is an afternoon television courtroom drama produced by Granada Television for the ITV network that ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984.
A Ghost Story for Christmas
A strand of annual British short television adaptations of classic ghost stories, referencing the oral tradition of telling supernatural tales at Christmas. First broadcast on BBC One from 1971 to 1978, and revived in 2005 on BBC Four.