Hollis McCarthy

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Across Five Aprils

Across Five Aprils

Jan 01, 1990
Jethro Creighton (Todd Duffey) is a young man of nine years from Southern Illinois who is growing up during the outbreak of the American Civil War. Helping his father farm is all he really knows. This makes things difficult when his kin fights for the Union Army, as well as the Rebel cause. He doesn't know who what to do. Should he fight for the Yankees, the Rebs, or just continue working on the farm? He has a cousin who is a deserter which he helps with food and a blanket; this is a crime not taken lightly. He writes Abraham Lincoln for advice on the matter. The president responds in a letter which guides him some, but more or less provides him with comfort; when a nine year old is in the midst of war, what is more important?


Mar 24, 2022
A woman locks herself away from the world as she fights the demons within her. The very monster she is trying to hide starts slowly ripping her apart from the inside.
Un singulier divorce

Un singulier divorce

Jan 09, 1993
Humiliée, insultée et frappée durant des années par son mari, Robert, Linda Edelman décide un jour de prendre son courage à deux mains et de demander le divorce. Mais Robert, un puissant entrepreneur de Dallas, cherche à se venger en la poursuivant en justice pour obtenir la garde de leurs enfants. Exaspéré par la tactique habile employé par l'avocat de Linda, Robert jure de prendre sa revanche en contactant un tueur à gages. Mais il ne se doute pas que le FBI sait déjà tout du plan qu'il trame. Linda décide de coopérer avec le FBI pour sauver sa vie et faire inculper Robert.
Love from Ground Zero

Love from Ground Zero

Sep 30, 1998
Love From Ground Zero follows three strangers across the back roads of America with the ashes of a mutual friend. Using a series of old postcards as a map, the threesome drive from New York to Montana retracing their friend’s journey “out west” years before. As they try to make sense of the untimely death, they are forced to face the realities in their own lives that have brought them down this unpredictable road.
More Than Puppy Love

More Than Puppy Love

Feb 25, 2000
This is the story of a girl, her dog, and a man who needs to regain his self-reliance. Curtis Peterson, a strong, vital man in his late twenties, and his wife Marie want to start a family. Tragedy strikes when Curtis is paralyzed in a construction accident. Meanwhile, another family welcomes an addition to its household. Teenager Steve Barnett adopts an 8 week old puppy to train as part of a church project. The Barnett family is to house-train Banner for a year. Then the dog would be returned to the Kansas Specialty Dog Service, where it will be trained to assist the disabled and visually impaired. Steve's sister, 8 year old Emily, ends up taking care of Banner, and falls in love with the dog. Her happiness is offset by the tragic circumstances affecting Curtis and Marie. When Marie takes a job as a waitress to support the family, Curtis is left to sit at home alone, wallowing in self pity.
Behind the Waterfall

Behind the Waterfall

Jan 01, 1995
After the death of their father, brother and sister Tommy (Luke Baird) and Becky (Gena Gale Burghoff) are sent to live with their aunt for the summer. The siblings' grief lightens when they meet kindly old Irishman Mr. Connors (M*A*S*H's Radar, Gary Burghoff), who reignites their capacity for joy and wonder.
Marions-nous !

Marions-nous !

Jul 31, 2015
Jenny subit les pressions de sa famille qui ne souhaite qu'une chose : que celle-ci trouve un mari. La jeune femme va alors annoncer à ses parents qu'elle souhaite se marier avec sa compagne Kitty. Toute la famille tombe alors des nues en apprenant son homosexualité.
I Can Make You Love Me
A beautiful young computer technician starting off her career in Silicon Valley during the Eighties, is stalked and harassed by a nerdy, dangerous and mentally-unstable colleague with a twisted obsession.
House of Cards

House of Cards

Nov 02, 2018
Le membre du Congrès américain Frank Underwood ne recule devant rien pour tout conquérir : pouvoir, sexe, corruption, manipulation et avidité.