Chanon Somrit

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Nov 04, 2010
Mook a failli se noyer et souffre d'amnésie après avoir été renversée par Charlie, un urgentiste. Charlie prend soin de Mook, car elle affirme se sentir persécutée par des fantômes. Ils partent ensemble demander de l'aide à un gangster terriblement maladroit du fait qu'il est aveugle, afin de conjurer le sortilège...
Vow of Death

Vow of Death

Mar 14, 2007
Voulant réussir leurs examens de fin d’année, quelques amis se rendent au chevet d’un arbre particulier. Il renferme en lui l’esprit d’un démon qui exauce les souhaits si on lui offre des cadeaux…


Dec 25, 2008
Tom est grand, beau et se débrouille pas mal en danse, le seul problème c'est qu'il a une voix qui ne correspond pas du tout à son physique. Teung est petit et pas très beau, mais il a un talent inné pour la composition et le chant. Un jour, Tom poste sur le net une vidéo de lui et Teung (endormi) avec en fond musical, la chanson de ce dernier. Un véritable buzz se produit.
An unusual fantasy love story of Wan, a girl who's born with the supernatural ability to stay underwater. While visiting Butterfly Island, Wan discovers her special ability to dive and stay under deep sea. She also meets Tan, a photographer who always helps her when she has problems, and with whom she eventually falls in love. Wan soon realizes that her new-found powers come with a price; she's not a normal girl. Her body will be transferred into a kind of creature when she gets into the water. Once again, it's Tan who must help Wan figure out what's going on with her body without knowing that a mysterious secret awaits him under the sea.

Apr 06, 2012

The trials and tributes of Thai high society and the merits behind true friendship and love.

Jun 27, 2017

Cindy, the most popular trangender show girl of Plern Pimarn, is hated by everyone due to her being mean and arrogant. Especially by Koki, a junior show girl who needs to beat her. Praewa the owner of Plern Pimarn knows about Cindy but she doesn't do anything about her because Cindy can earn the most income. One day, she mysteriously dies during a performance. Everybody is shocked by this but no one can know that Cindy's spirit is still here for revenge against everyone who hurt her.