Widower Paul always delayed talking to his daughter about sex. But when workers on a nearby construction site are falling down their scaffold because 16 years old "Herzblatt" is tanning naked, he feels he has to take action. In the hope she'll learn herself what consequences the difference between boys and girls has, he tries to get her a boyfriend.
Otto runs a hotel for tourists in Tyrol but has troubles both with the economy and with his wife Olga. After a trip to Stockholm he imports three Swedish blondes who eventually save Otto from disaster, both marital and financial.
The daughter of a poor mountain farmer becomes pregnant by a young nobleman. Because he does not want to marry her, she commits suicide. Her brother Ferdl then wants to confront the count. A brawl ensues. Ferdl has to flee into the mountains, where he falls into a ravine and is presumed dead.
Malheureuse et frustrée dans son couple, Sylvia se passionne pour la lecture d’un roman érotique, La joie de voler. Sa rencontre avec un séduisant homme d’affaires lui offre l’occasion d’imiter l’héroïne émancipée de son livre.
The great Franz Liszt helps a struggling, unworldly piano tutor advance to a position in Munich, and ward off a villainous foreign competitor for his lady love.
Ursula and Hanne Brandner are bright twin sisters who couldn't be more different. Hanne is content to drive the family tractor and tend the fields, but Ursula wants to dance in the big city, which leads headlong towards tragedy.
In 1828 a man called Kaspar Hauser appears in Nuremberg, barely able to speak and walk. He is admitted to the house of a professor, who among other things explores Kaspar's unusual characteristics and deals with his education.
Lors d'une kermesse, la famille Gutzkow remporte le premier prix de la tombola : un joli cochon de lait qu'ils appellent Rudi. Commence alors une course poursuite contre ce gentil petit cochon qui sème la zizanie partout où il passe et qui grossit tous les jours un peu plus.
Charlie, a very gifted, young acrobat, cannot find employment. A dancer and colleague, whom he trained, has gotten him a job as a stagehand at a vaudeville theatre. After a number of chaotic events and some highs and lows - none of which ever discourage him - his hour arrives: an act can't go on and "Akrobat schööön" can finally make his grand entrance.
Der Fahnder is a German television krimi series which was aired between 1984 and 2005.
In the Netherlands the series was broadcast by the VARA from 3 October 1985.
Cette série policière met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur Stefan Derrick et de son adjoint Harry Klein dans la ville de Munich. Divers types d'enquêtes y sont entrepris, notamment des cas de mort par assassinat ou encore de complot. Chaque épisode est construit sur un scénario qui s'intéresse à la psychologie des personnes appartenant à l'entourage de la victime. Très souvent, la réponse à l'intrigue posée par le scénario est obtenue à la fin de l'épisode. C'est donc à chaque fois un travail minutieux d'accumulation de déductions et d'étude approfondie de la psychologie des personnages qui est réalisé.